To see a commentary note click on a blue square. To see the Latin text, click on a green square.    


March 24 Queen Elizabeth died between 2 and 3 A. M. The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, together with her former Privy Councellors, forming a provisional government, proclaimed James King.
25 They sent Charles Percy and Thomas Lord Somerset to the King with letters in which they signified these things and requested him to come into England as quickly as possible.
28 George Carew and Thomas Lake were sent to inform the King of the current state of affairs.
April 6 The King entered Berwick.
8 Disturbances in the Border country, and at Waterford and elsewhere in Ireland.
The King arrived at York.
10 Southampton and other prisoners were fr
15 Cecil the Secretary, summoned to York, began his journey thither.
28 Elizabeth’s funeral service was performed.
May *** Henry Howard, Thomas Howard, and Baron Montjoy were taken onto the Privy Council at Theobalds.
7 Setting forth from Theobalds, the king was first received by Sheriff Swinnerton, whose orator rather severely criticized the administration of the realm under Elizabeth for His Majesty’s benefit. Afterwards he was received by the Lord Mayor and the citizenry, and led off to the Carthusian hall, where he created eighty knights in a bunch.
Proclamation against monopolies.
13 Robert Cecil, Robert Sidney, William Knollys, and Edward Wotton were created Barons in the Tower of London.
16 Proclamation for the preservation of deer.
19 And one for the suppression of disturbances in the Border country.
June 4 Valentine Thomas, who confessed to having conspired against the life of the Queen, was condemned and punished.
Ambassadors arrive from a number of princes to offer congratulations.
21 The Earl of Rutland is sent to the King of Denmark, to take up his son at his
baptism, and to invest him with the Garter.
The plague is raging at London.
July 2 The festival of St. George is celebrated, where Prince Henry, the Duke of Lennox, the Earl of Southampton, the Earl of Marr, and the Earl of Pembroke are invested in the Order [of the Garter].
Anthony Copley, Griffin Markham, William Watson, and William Clark, priests, Baron Cobham, his brother George, Baron Grey, and Walter Raleigh are arrested on suspicion of treason.
21 The Earl of Southampton is created and restored.
Thomas Howard is created the Earl of Suffolk, Lord Montjoy the Earl of Devonshire, Thomas Egerton the Baron of Ellesmere, and William Russell, Henry Grey, John Petrie, John Harington, Henry Danvers, Thomas Gerard, and Robert Spencer are created Barons at Hampton Court.
Thomas Edmonds is sent Ambassador to the Archduke [of Austria].
23 Sixty-one knights of the Bath are created.
24 The King and Queen are crowned, though the weather is most foul and the plague exceedingly savage. For this week 1103 have died.
August 8 It is decreed that this day is to be observed as holiday on account of the King’s rescue from the Gowrie Plot, and that throughout the kingdom a fast is to be observed on Wednesdays.
November 9 Baron Cobham, Baron Grey, Walter Raleigh, Griffin Markham, George Brook, Anthony Copley, William Watson, and William Clark are condemned of treason at Winchester, of whom George Brook and the two priests suffer the penalty of death.
From December 1602 to December 22, 1603, 34,244 have perished at London, of whom 30,578 died of the plague.


February 29 When the King began to pay attention to the received liturgy, and decided that some things in it must be altered, Archbishop John Whitgift died of chagrin.
March 13 By the same letters patent Howard is created Baron of Marnhill and Earl of Northampton, and Baron Buckhurst the Earl of Dorset.
15 With great pomp the King and Queen pass through the city from the Tower to Westminster.
19 Parliament is held until July 7.
Edward Denny is called to this by a summons and admitted on July 7.
Thomas Smith, a merchant of London, is sent Ambassador to Boris Feodorich Czar of Russia.
The Duke of Lennox is sent Ambassador to France, in front of whom the King complains of Henry Wotton in the presence of the Venetian Ambassador.
August 5 Peace between the King of Spain and the King of England is struck and published.
20 Robert Cecil
Baron of Essenden is created Viscount Cranborne, the foremost of all the Viscounts, with a coronet.
October *** Ostend is captured.
*** The imposts upon exported and imported merchandise are increased.
24 The King is proclaimed King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and the name of England is abolished.
December 10 Richard Bancroft, Bishop of London, was translated to the Archbishopric of Canterbury.
24 Richard Vaughan, Bishop of Chester, was translated to the See of London.
The French are complaining of depredations made by Englishmen.


January 4 Philip Herbert, brother of the Earl of Pembroke, marries Susanna, daughter of Edward, Earl of Oxford.
February 6 Charles, the King’s second-born son, is created Duke of York.
Proclamation that Jesuits and seminarians must straightway depart the kingdom.
March 4 A synod of the Church of England is held, and the liturgy confirmed by proclamation.
28 The Admiral of England was sent to Spain to confirm the peace, and with him Charles Cornwallis to be Ambassador Ordinary.
29 Philip, Prince of Spain, is born.
April *** The chronicler John Stow died.
19 Edward Earl of Hertford is sent to the Archduke [of Austria] for confirming the peace.
24 Ulrich Duke of Holstein and the Earl of Northampton are taken into the Order of the Garter.
May 4 Robert Cecil is created the Earl of Salisbury, Thomas Cecil Baron Burghley the Earl of Exeter, Philip Herbert the Earl of Montgomery, and Baron Sidney the Viscount de l’Isle.
Likewise John Stanhope, George Carew, Thomas Arundel, and William Cavendish are created Barons at Greenwich.
June 15 The Scotsman Thomas Douglas is hanged, having forged the King’s signature and seal.
July *** Spaniards land at Dover, and are forbidden to depart Holland.
5 Georg Ludwig, Landgrave of Lettenberg, arrives as Ambassador from the Emperor Rudolf.
8 Proclamation against pirates.
August 1 Edmund Anderson, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, died, and is succeeded by Francis Gawdy.
11 Proclamation against interfering with Ambassadors’ pious exercises.
17 The King and Queen visit the University of Oxford.
31. Henricus Ramelius is installed at Windsor, standing proxy for Christian IV King of Denmark.
November 5 The Gunpowder Plot is revealed.
9 Parliament begins.


January 5 The Earl of Essex wed Frances, daughter of the Earl of Suffolk.
17 Those guilty of the Gunpowder Plot are condemned, and executed on the 30th.
19 Baron Knollys wed Elizabeth, firstborn daughter of the same Earl.
George Carew is sent Ambassador Ordinary to France.
March 22 An idle rumor of the murder of the King.
30 Great shipwrecks and floods.
April 24 Juan de Mendoza Marquess St. Jermayne arrives as Ambassador to the King from the King of Spain.
May 3 Henry Garnet, Provincial of the Jesuits, is executed.
20 Robert Earl of Salisbury and Viscount Bindon are installed at Windsor.
June 2 Henry Baron Mordaunt and Edward Baron Sturton are fined in the Star Chamber.
10 Proclamation for eradicating the Jesuits and seminarians from the kingdom.
22 The King’s daughter Sophie was born, and died the next day.
27 Henry Earl of Northumberland is fined £30,000 and imprisoned for life.
Niccolo Molino the Venetian Ambassador returned home, and in his place arrives Georgio Giustiniano.
Edward Coke was made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
Queen Elizabeth’s monument is set up at
July 17 Christian King of Denmark
unexpectedly arrives in England.
31 With the King of Denmark, the King passes through the city with magnific
ent pomp.
August 14 The King of Denmark departs.
September 23 François Prince de Vaundemont arrives in England, son of Charles Duc de Lorraine.
Moorfield is transformed into a pleasant park, and churches are decorated throughout the city.


January 6 Lord James Hay married Honora, daughter and sole heir of Lord Edward Denny.
20 Great floods in the Severn estuary.
March 31 The King addresses both Houses of Parliament about the union of the kingdoms.
April 2 Great floods in Kent, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk.
Mary 9 Prince Joinville, brother of the Duc de Guise, arrives in England.
15 Rustics are rioting in the County of Northampton about the enclosure of pasture land, and pulling down fences.
June 1 Thomas Ravis, Bishop of Gloucester, was translated to the See of London.
12 John Watts, Lord Mayor of London, entertains the King with a banquet.
July 3 The King pays the citizens of London £60,000 which Elizabeth owed.
4 Delegates from the Houses of Parliament.
Thomas Knyvett is called to Parliament under the name of Baron Knyvett of Escrick.
5 Julius Caesar Aldemar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, was taken onto the Privy Council.
16 The Merchant Tailors’ Company entertained the King with a banquet in their hall.
17 The King took up from the baptismal font James, firstborn son of Thomas Earl of Arundel by Aletheia, third daughter of Gilbert Earl of Salisbury.
September *** The Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell and other guilty parties fled from Ireland.
16 The King’s daughter Mary died.
October 12 Proclamation against new buildings in the city and near to the city.
A new banqueting hall is built at Whitehall.
December 12 John Fortescue, lately Chancellor of the Exchequer, died.


February 9 Viscount Haddington wed Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Earl of Sussex.
Aldgate it built anew.
April 11 At Bury St. Edmunds 160 structures burned down.
17 James Montagu is consecrated as Bishop of Bath and Wells.
19 Thomas Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England, died suddenly, and Queen Anne attended his funeral.
29 The Oath of Allegiance proclaimed by edict.
Henry, Earl of Northampton, becomes Keeper of the Privy Seal.
May 6 Robert Earl of Salisbury was made Treasurer of England.
20 The Earl of Dunbar and the Earl of Montgomery are installed at Windsor.
October 9 Richard Neile was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.
December 1 William, son of the Earl of Salisbury, married Catherine, third daughter of the Earl of Suffolk.
Proclamation against pirates.


February 19 The Thames flowed twice within an hour.
23 Robert, Earl of Dorset died.
25 Richard Earl of Dorset wed Anne, sole daughter of George Earl of Cumberland.
March *** Twelve years’ truce between Philip III King of Spain, the Archduke [of Austria], and the United Provinces.
*** Mulb
erries are planted in England for the making of silk.
*** A new Exchange is erected, which the King names the British.
June *** The King hears the case of prohibitions and complaints against officers of the royal Fleet.
The King repays £63,000 which he had borrowed from the Londoners.
Alum manufactured in England.
A subsidy paid for the knighting of Prince Henry.


January 6 Prince Henry’s first military service.
31 Viscount Fenton taken onto the Privy Council.
March 26 Proclamation against Dr. Cowell’s book, entitled The Interpreter.
May 3 Henri IV, King of France, is assassinated.
The privileges of the East India Company are enlarged.
Jesuits and seminarians are eradicated, and the Oath of Allegiance is put to all men.
The great ship named the Henry is built.
The treaty between England and France is renewed.
October 20 Three Scots Bishops, John Spotswood of Glasgow, Gawin Hamilton of Galway, and Andreas Lambe of Brechin, are consecrated at Lambeth according to the rite of the Church of England.
Christian, Prince of Anhalt, arrives in England.
December 31 Parliament is dissolved.


February 11 Henry Montagu, Recorder of the City of London, becomes a Sergeant at Law, and soon a King’s Sergeant.
April 9 Robert Car becomes Viscount Rochester.
George Abbot, Bishop of London, is translated to the bishopric of Canterbury.
May 18 Proclamation about enhancing the value of gold coinage.
13 Charles Duke of York, Thomas Earl of Arundel, and Robert Car Viscount Rochester are installed at Windsor.
June 9 Thomson the Dean of Windsor is consecrated Bishop of Gloucester, and *** Buckridge is consecrated Bishop of Rochester.
23. The Archbishop of Canterbury is taken onto the Privy Council.
Otto, son and heir of Maurice Landgrave of Hess, arrives in England.
September 8 John King, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, is consecrated Bishop of London.
29 William Earl of Pembroke is taken onto the Privy Council.


March 18 Bartholomew Legat, convicted of heretical depravity, is burnt.
April 12 Thomas Overbury is imprisoned.
22 Viscount Rochester becomes a Privy Councellor.
May 6 William Wade is removed from office as Governor of the Tower, and Gervase Elwes replaces him.
24 Robert Earl of Salisbury died.
June 15 Robert Chreighton, Baron Zaucher, having been convicted of murder, is executed.
26 Roger Earl of Rutland died childless, and his brother Francis succeeded him.
The body of Mary Queen of Scots is brought from Peterborough to Westminster.
Robert Shirley arrives in England as Ambassador from the Sultan of Persia.
29 Lottery for the Virginia plantation.
September 15 Thomas Overbury dies from a poisoned clyster.
October 15 Count Fredrick V, the Palatine Elector, lands in England.
November 6 Prince Henry died.
December 29 The Palatine Elector and Maurice of Nassau are elected into the Order of the Garter.

THE YEAR 1613 .

February 7 The Palatine is installed, and Lodowic of Nassau on behalf of his brother Maurice.
14 Marriage celebrated between the King’s daughter Elizabeth and the Palatine Elector.
April 10 The Palatine Elector returned to Germany.
July *** The Londoners send a colony to Derry and Colrayne in Ulster.
August 6 Dorchester burned by an accidental fire.
John, the elder Baron Harington, died in Germany.
October 25 Edward Coke, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, was created Chief Justice of the Royal Bench.
November 4 Viscount Rochester is created Earl of Somerset, and on the same day Edward Coke was sworn in as a member of the Privy Council.
December 26 The Earl of Somerset inauspiciously marries Francis, daughter of the Earl of Suffolk.


January 1 On the first hour before noon a son was born to Frederick, Palatine Elector and Elizabeth daughter of James, King of England, who on March 24 was baptized and named Henry Frederick.
February 2 Marriage of Robert Car Lord Roxborough and Dromund, a lady-in-waiting to the Queen.
John, the younger Baron Harington, died without issue, whose father, Baron Harington of Exton, died at Worms in August of last year while returning from the Palatinate.
March 29 Ralph Winwood was made Secretary to the King, and Thomas Lake taken onto the Privy Council.
Walter Ralegh published his universal history.
April 5 Parliament was begun on a day very foul with wind and rain.
Tobie [Matthew] Archbishop of York preached the sermon. The Duke of Lennox filled the Marshal’s place, and the Earl of Somerset that of the Master of Horse in the absence of the Earl of Worcester.
7 Ralph Crew, Speaker of the Lower House, delivered an oration in the royal presence.
17 The assembly of Parliament partook of the Eucharist at St. Mary’s, Westminster, for the purpose of detecting those with inclinations to the Roman religion, but nobody refused Communion.
May 4 I purchased the books of Lord Lancaster (who died on 19 November 1613) for £90.
17 Parliament is abruptly dissolved, and its nullity proclaimed.
*** Chute, *** Neville, son of Baron Abergavenny, Wentworth, and John Hoskins, who conducted themselves in a disorderly manner during the session, were committed to in the Tower of London.
13 Sir Charles Cornwallis and Leonard Sharpe, Doctor of Theology, were committed to the Tower of London.
15 Isaac Casaubon, a learned man, died at London, and buried at Westminster next to Chaucer.
July 6 Thomas Baron Grey of Wilton died in the Tower of London, without issue, and in him the title of the Barons of Grey of Wilton expired.
10. Thomas Howard Earl of Suffolk and royal Chamberlain was made Treasurer of England.
At the same time Robert Car Earl of Somerset (his son-in-law) was made royal Chamberlain.
13 The new Treasurer came to Westminster Hall with splendid pomp, in this order: 1. Officials of the Customs; 2. students of Grey’s Inn; 3. servants of noblemen; 4. two Sergeants at Arms on foot, the Chancellor and the Treasurer himself, wearing a cloak, Earls, Viscounts, Barons, Privy Councellors, Knights, and gentlemen on horseback. When Robert Cecil Earl of
Salisbury had been created Treasurer (May 6, 1608) he came in another order, namely the Marshals of Westminster with halbardiers, servants of the Treasurer, he himself, begowned, between the Chancellor and the Keeper of the Privy Seal, Earls, Barons, Knights, servants of the Exchequer on horseback. Afterwards a confused throng of servants and carriages.
21 Contrary to every expectation, Christian king of Denmark arrived at London.
23 The King returned to London to see him.
26 Baron Grey of Groby died at Broadgate in the County of Leicester.
31 Walter Cope, Master of the Wards, died, whose elder brother had died a little earlier.
Honora, sole daughter of Edward Baron Denny, the wife of the Scots Lord James Hay, Keeper of the Queen’s Wardrobe, died, leaving behind a young son and daughter.
September 7 Rumors of a Spanish fleet in the British Sea.
11. Edward Philips, Master of the Rolls, died at London.
13 Julius Caesar Aldemar substituted in his place. Edward Earl of Lincoln died.
October 11 William Baron Knollys was made Master of Wards, and Sir Fulke Greville was made Chancellor of the Exchequer in place of Julius Caesar.
Military review throughout England.
Lucy Marquise of Winchester died, and was buried at Westminster without funeral pomp. She was the eldest daughter of Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter.
Sergeants of the Law appointed.
Diego de Sarmiento Ambassador for the King of Spain.
November *** The Earl of Arundel returned to Italy with his wife.
*** The wife of Thomas Edmonds, Ordinary Ambassador in France, died at Paris. She was daughter and sole heir of Sir John Wood, Clerk of the Signet.
Thomas Earl of Ormond died after bestowing his daughter on the Scottish Preston Lord Dingwell.
December *** Three daughters of Baron Sheffeld were drowned while crossing the Humber estuary.


January *** Henry Earl of Kent died intestate. His brother Charles Grey succeeded him, a man of failing years. He was buried Mary 14.
February *** Intense cold and abundant snow, especially on the 12th and 14th, nor did the ice melt before the 26th.
25 Sir Arthur Ingram sworn into the office of Treasurer of the Royal Household after the resignation of Sir Robert Vernon, though the Court officials grumbled.
Rudd, Bishop of Meath died. Dominus Melbourne, Dean of Rochester, succeeded him.
7 The King visited the University of Cambridge, where academic degrees have been prostituted by the admission of unlearned men.
13 Elizabeth’s Annales have beg
un to be printed.
25 Baroness St. John of Bletsoe buried at Westminster in the evening.
April *** Proclamations barring the exportation of gold and silver, the sending of boys to seminars, and about the conservation of deer.
24 Viscount Fenton and William Baron Knollys admitted to the Order of the Garter.
Priests deported at Wisbech.
George Villiers appointed a Gentleman of the King’s Bedchamber and knighted.
25 The Queen betook herself to Greenwich.
*** Oliver St. John fined £5000 in the Star Chamber.
*** Cotton, Bishop of Salisbury, and *** Neville, Dean of Canterbury, died.
May 17 Owens, from that family of Godstow in the County of Oxfordshire, was condemned for treason, because of his opinion that princes excommunicated by the Pope could legitimately be killed.
Thomas Parry, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster died. John Dacombe succeeded him.
June 8 The Annales are published.
Charles Cornwall, Lord Sharpe, and John Hoskins freed from the Tower.
14 Oliver St. John made his submission in the Star Chamber.
29 James Hay, upon whom the King conferred the name and title of Lord Hay, so that he would be next in rank to the Barons of England (though without place and vote in the English Parliament), and this at the suggestion of Henry Earl of Northampton, now, by the handing over of letters patent under the great seal of England in the presence of witnesses in the private chamber of Greenwich at nine o’ clock at night, without any outward show of ceremony, is elevated to the state, rank, and dignity and honor of Baron Hay of Sawley in the County of York, for him and the heirs masculine of his body. And the legalists advised that the manner of creating a Baron without investiture and the other ceremonies is sufficient, while the letters patents are themselves the essence of the creation.
30 On the following day Sir Robert Dormer of Wing is formally created Baron Dormer of Wing, introduced in scarlet surplice trimmed with ermine, girt with a sword, between Barons Sheffield and Compton in their parliamentary robes, and with Baron Carew likewise clad bearing his robe before him, and Garter King of Arms carrying the letters patent and handing them to the Chamberlain. And receiving these from him, Secretary Winwood on bent knee read them and at the word we place upon you the King placed the robe on the new Baron. When the letters had been read aloud, the King handed them to Baron Dormer, who humbly gave his thanks as trumpets were blown and drums beaten. Baron Sheffield was irritated at Garter King of Arms, because he said that the collar of St. George was not to be used in this ceremony, albeit he belonged to the Order of St. George, inasmuch as on this day the other members of the Order did not wear collars. [But in the creation of the Earls of Hertford And Southampton in the ***th year of Henry VIII the Earls who participated in the induction wore collars.] The style of the Baron was not proclaimed since
there was no banquet, the King removing to Westminster.
July *** Henry Neville of Billingbere in the County of Berkshire died.
Jane Sibyl, widow of Arthur Baron Grey of Wilton, daughter of Richard Morison, died.
9 A question about the sword borne before the King by Lord Roos, and whether he is Baron Roos, which title the King supports, since he acknowledged him as Baron Roos in connection with his embassy to the Emperor Matthias and at other times.
10 Baron Zouche was made Warden of the Cinque Ports.
A great hostility is brewing up at Court against the Earl of Somerset.
Dominus Milborn is consecrated Bishop of Meith.
21 The King begins his progress.
Arthur Ingram has been ejected from the office of the Treasurer.
A great drought everywhere through the entire preceding month, and even until the 30th day of this one.
31 A quite rainy day.
August *** Marquis Bonnivet arrives in England.
George Lloyd, Bishop of Chester, died. Likewise *** Robinson Bishop of Carlysle is gravely ill.
21 Arthur Agard, a scribe under the Chancellor of the Exchequer and distinguished antiquarian, died and was buried in the Westminster close.
Thomas Bilson, Bishop of Winchester, is added to the Privy Council at Farnham Castle.
September *** Inquest on the death of Sir Thomas Overbury, who died in the Tower of London in 1613, not without suspicion of poisoning.
Sampson Lennard, the father of Henry Baron Dacre, died.
27 Arabella Stuart, daughter of Charles Earl of Lennox, the full brother of Henry Darnley, King James’ father, died in the Tower of London, and was buried at night at Westminster without funeral ceremony in the same tomb in which repose Mary Queen of Scots and Prince Henry. [A dictum of Charles the Fair at Papir. Mas p. 387, Those who die in a royal prison justly go without ceremony, lest they be thought to have been wrongly imprisoned.]
On St. Michael’s Day the King departed Greenwich.
The Earl of Lincoln died.
Cecily Countess of Dorchester died.
October 8 The Earl of Somerset is committed to the custody of the Dean of Westminster.
19 Weston is brought to trial for administering poison to Thomas Overbury, and stands mute.
23 He is produced in court again on the Monday and, acknowledging his deed, is condemned.
25 He is hanged, and after his dinner Somerset is examined at York House in the presence of the Chancellor, the Duke of Lennox, Zouche, and the Chief Justice of England.
28 On Simon and Jude’s Day, he examined again by the same men.
29 Robert Cotton, Baronet, is dismissed after examination.
Lumsden, a Scotsman, is imprisoned. Likewise Thomas Monson, as party to the poisoning, and Gervase Elwes, Governor of the Tower of London, is repeatedly examined.
Edward Sackville, John Wentworth, Bannaret, and Sir John Lidcott are imprisoned, and afterwards Sir John Hollis, on account of questions placed to Weston while on the gallows.
Savery, addicted to magical follies, is imprisoned.
November 1 The Duke of Lennox was made Seneschal of the Royal Household.
Thomas Howard is committed to the Fleet. His mother, the Countess of Suffolk, is confined to her chamber at home.
2 The Seal is taken from Somerset. By means of Wotton he is commanded to yield the staff, insignia of the royal Chamberlain, and to present himself before the Delegates, by whom he is committed to custody in the Tower of London, with George Moore appointed Governor of the Tower.
7 The King quits London for Royston.
9 Anne Norton, widow of Turner, Doctor of Medicine, is condemned at Westminster for poisoning and magical impieties, which accusations she denied.
10 Sir John Holles, Sir John Wentworth, Bannaret, and Lumsden the Scotsman were fined in the Star Chamber, the one for £2000 because of his judgement against Westo
n, insolently written to the King, them £1000 apiece because of the questions put to Weston on the gallows, a false accusation against public justice.
11 Anne Turner of Witting, persuaded by a minister of the Word, confessed each thing she had denied at the bar, and more.
At this time Edward Earl of Lincoln died.
14 Anne Turner, genuinely penitent, is hanged at Tyburne.
18 Sir Gervase Elwes, Govern
or of the Tower of London, is condemned, and on the following Monday, the 20th of the month, hanged by the neck hard by the Tower.
Robert Cotton surrendered to the Justice bundled letters of Overbury.
27 For the same reasons the poisoner Franklin is condemned at Westminster Hall, and hanged some days afterward.
30 Sir Thomas Monson, about to be brought to trial at London City Hall, is dismissed because of the size of the crowd of spectators.
December 3 Robert Abbot, brother of the Archbishop of Canterbury, is consecrated Bishop of Salisbury at Lambeth.
4 Thomas Monson is again brought to trial and, the accusation having been read out, is sent to the Tower of London contrary to everybody’s expectation, bound over for treason.
9 The Countess of Somerset gave birth to a daughter, baptized at St. Martins-by-Ludgate with the Christian name Anne, on the 15th of the month.
14 The Chancellor, the Duke of Lennox, and the Chief Justice of England held conversation with Somerset in the Tower. They removed his servants Comminger and Andrews and imprisoned them.
18 Baron Knollys and Baron Hay were sent to Somerset by the King.
23 The King returned to Westminster, and appointed the Earl of Pembroke Chamberlain, the staff handed over.
25 On Christmas Day the King, tortured by the gout, was unable to attend service, but heard a sermon in private and partook of the Eucharist.
29 Robert Cotton was placed in the custody of Barkham, an Alderman of London.


January 2 The Earl of Worcester was made Keeper of the Privy Seal, when on the preceding day he had handed over to the King the office of Master of Horse.
3 Thomas Lake was sworn in as one of the Principal Secretaries.
Cottington was sent to Spain to recall John Digby, the Ordinary Ambassador.
4 George Villiers sworn in as Master of Horse in the place of the Earl of Worcester.
11 The case of the prerogative of place between *** Baron Keragh or Kerrey, or Lixnow, and the Baron of Slane was determined by delegates acting on behalf of the Earl Marshal, namely the Earl of Worcester, Keeper of the Privy Seal, the Earl of Suffolk, Treasurer, the Admiral of England, the Duke of Lennox, and the Earl of Pembroke, that the prerogative of place should fall to Baron Keragh until Slane produces clearer arguments for himself.
On the same day there arose a question whether the title of Baron Roos, which came to him on his mother’s side from the Manners family, later elevated to Earls of Rutland, should thus be incorporated to the Earldom of Rutland that it is inseparable, or whether by his mother’s lineage it should be handed down to William Cecil alone, who is commonly called Lord Roos, and has thus been named by the King in letters. But this case was postponed to the 25th of this month.
13 William Monson, Thomas’ brother, is brought to the Tower of London at night. On which day Simon Digby arrived from Spain with letters.
14 Robert Cotton is is brought in a carriage from the Justice of the Royal Bench to his own Cotton House, whence, after he had handed over certain documents to the Justice, he was remanded to Barkham for custody.
15 The Earl of Somerset and his wife were indicted for felony, and a True Bill found by a Grand Jury.
The King departed London towards Royston.
February 1 The case of Baron Roos’ title is first heard before the delegates acting on behalf of the Marshall, namely the Earl of Suffolk,
Treasurer, the Earl of Worcester, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and the Duke of Lennox, and a new commission is appointed, onto which the Earl of Pembroke and the Earl of Shrewsbury are coopted.
*** The Chancellor began to grow ill.
12. William Cecil Lord Roos wed A***, firstborn daughter of Thomas Lake, a Royal Secretary.
On the same day John Tindall was killed by Bertram Moore.
The Sergeant of the Law and the Chancellor were summoned to judgement according to the law of 17 Edward III, chapter 1, that under penalty of praemunire nobody should impeach judgement given in the King’s Court.
Flooding at Newmarket.
March 2 George, Thomas, and Charles Neville, sons of Edward Neville Baron Abergavenny, were drowned in the Thames.
10 Sir Henry Fanshaw, the King’s Remembrancer of the Exchequer, died of apoplexy at the Hertfordshire Assizes.
16 The King returns to London.
Sir Jerome Bowes dies.
19 The Scots Baron Benning is taken onto the Privy Council.
20 John Digby, former Ambassador, has returned from Spain.
Walter Raleigh is freed from prison.
22 The Countess of Suffolk returns to London.
23 Henry St. George is created Richmond Herald, and in his place Samson Lennard is substituted as Bluemantle. Augustine Vincent is made Pursuivant at Arms in the name of Rouge Rose. William Persons, Lancaster Herald, because he refused to surrender the letters patent for the position of Chester Herald, as he had promised, is committed to Marshalsea prison.
A joust in honor of King James’ birthday, to be celebrated on the 24th, which day is a Sunday, is put off to Monday.
27 The Countess of Somerset is sent from William Smith’s custody to the Tower of London.
Richard Foster, Doctor of Medicine and outstanding mathematician, died.
April 2 The son of Esmé [Stuart] d’Aubergny is baptized in the Chapel Royal at Westminster, and is named Henry by the Queen his godmother.
3 John Digby, who had returned from Spain in the preceding month, is taken onto the Privy Council, and appointed Vice-chamberlain of the Royal Household in the place of Baron Stanhope, who was persuaded by royal letters to yield his place.
On the same day the King withdrew to Newmarket, after he had appointed Oliver St. John Viceroy of Ireland.
23 Robert Car of Ancram and Gibbs are examined by the Chancellor, and freed the following day.
24 Francis Earl of Rutland and George Villiers are taken into the Order of the Garter.
After dinner the King departed Westminister.
27 The Peers are summoned by letter to Somerset’s trial.
May 8 Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury died.
9. Together with the Bishop of Ely, I was taken ill after dinner.
14 After the Peers had been convened and stands erected in Westminster Hall for the trial of the Countess of Somerset and her husband, which had been appointed for the 15th of this month, it was postponed until the 23
rd of this month, because, as it they say, she is in poor health.
22 The trial is postponed again until the 24th, and the Peers are summoned anew.
24 The Countess of Somerset is brought in to Westminster Hall slightly before nine o’ clock, the axe not borne before her.
The Chancellor of England, appointed Seneschal of England for this occasion, came a little before on horseback, with his servants and other noblemen preceeding him, six Sergeants at Arms, the Crown Clerk of Chancery bearing letters patent for the Seneschal, Richard Coningsby bearing a white wand, and the bearer of the Seal. There followed on horseback Barons Norris and Russell, and two others of the knightly Order. Having confessed herself guilty, she is condemned to hang. She took refuge in the mercy of God and the King, beseeching the Peers to intercede for her life, with many bystanders taking pity on her.
25 The Earl of Somerset is brought to Westminster Hall a little before ten o’clock, wearing a robe with the George and the Garter, the axe not born before him. Soon the Chancellor arrived, and Coningsby on a horse bearing his staff. He is condemned of felony and the court broken up at 9 p. m.
The Countess of Cumberland, widow of George Earl of Cumberland, dies.
26 Robert Sidney Viscount de l’Isle is granted the Garter.
27 George Barbadico, Venetian Ambassador in England, died.
31 Thomas Parry, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, departed his life, buried at night at Wesminster. John Dacumb succeeds to his place.
Flushing and Breda, towns in pawn, are handed over to the United Provinces by their governors Viscount de l’Isle and Horatio Vere.
June 3 Authority is delegated to the Archbishop of Canterbury and others to inquire who were responsible for calling the the Chancellor in question over praemunire.
5 The judges of the kingdom are taxed by the King, as if they had transgressed upon his prerogative in conferring benefices of rents upon bishoprics, with patrons excluded from their rights.
8 The King dines with the London Alderman Cockaine, who he has knighted.
9 Francis Bacon, the King’s Attorney, is taken onto the Privy Council at Greenwich.
10 Robert Cotton, Whitaker, Horn, Coppinger, Ferguson, and others summoned for questioning on behalf of Somerset are set free from custody.
15 The firstborn son of William Earl of Salisbury, named William, born on this day the 15th, was taken up from the holy font by the King, the Treasurer, and Mistress Walden at Bishops Hatfield, with the Bishop of Lincoln performing the baptism.
18 Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester died at Westminster, and was buried there at night.
20 The King was present with the Prince at the Star Chamber. The Peers and judges received him at Kings Bridge. He delivered a most elegant speech (which is expected to be published), in which he asserted that the Chancellor’s authority was as his own, and he pleasantly chided the judges etc.
30 Edward Coke is in great disgrace with the King because of the praemunire aimed at the Chancellor, secret letters written to Somerset, and the legacy of the younger Christopher Hatton and Lord Rich intercepted by Coke’s wife under the pretext of paying money owed the King. By the Privy Council he is removed from his office of Justice of the Peace (save in the County of Norfolk) and his position of Justice of the Assizes, with Sir Ranulph Carew substituted in his place.
Robinson, Bishop of Carlysle, and *** Roland, Bishop of Bangor, died.
July 6 James Montagu is translated to the bishopric of Winchester.
The King decreed that the insignia of the Earl of Somerset, even if he is condemned of felony, are not to be removed from Windsor Chapel, because felony is not enumerated among the faults warranting expulsion from the Order of St. George, and because this lacks an example.
7 Francis Earl of Rutland, George Villiers, Master of the Horse, and Robert Sidney Viscount de l’Isle are installed at Windsor in the presence of the King. But no sermon is delivered, although it is a Sunday.
This day Morton, Dean of Winchester, is consecrated Bishop of Chester.
At Lambeth Marquess Huntley partook of the holy Eucharist.
9 The King returned to Westminster in the evening, and created John Holles Baron Houghton of Houghton, and John Roper Baron Tenham of Tenham, for himself and the heirs masculine of his body.
12 James Hay Baron Hay of Sawley is sent as Ambassador to France.
13 Sealed pardon for the Countess of Somerset, as an accessory before the fact.
16 Thomas Earl of Arundel is taken onto the Privy Council at Westminster.
17 Francis Leigh arives at Chesilhurst.
19 Baron Carew is taken onto the Privy Council.
Prerogative of place belongs to the Primate of Ireland before the Chancellor, and to Arthur Savage, Treasurer of Revenues, before Docwra, Treasurer of the Army, and Baron Chichester is appointed Treasurer of the Kingdom, which is now nothing but an honorary title.
A leaden coffer was excavated at Radcliff, and a couple of urns with a silver coin inscribed IMP. PUPIENUS MAXIMUS P. F. AUG., and on the other side clasped hands with PATRES SENATUS.
Roger Wilbraham, Master of Requests, died, and William Bower, Master of Accounts.
A little daughter is born to the Earl of Exeter, now 72 years old, and was taken up from at baptism by the Queen with no second godmother.
August 10 Henry Lennard, Baron Dacre of the South, son of Sampson Leonard by ***, sister and heiress of Gregory Fiennes Baron Dacre, died, leaving behind children born of Chrysogona Baker; his son and hear is twenty years, eight months.
The Earl of Shrewsbury, who died May 8, was buried at Sheffield.
14 I visited Crayford, Darent, Sutton, Frank, Farningham, and Ainsford, where there are the remains of walls of ancient camps.
A son was born to the Earl of Montgomery.
27 At Woodstock in the evening George Villiers, Master of the Horse, was first created Baron of Whaddon in the County of Buckinghamshire (which was the possession of Baron Grey, lately proscribed), introduced by Barons Compton and Norris, with Baron Carew carrying the robe before. And then he was created Viscount Villiers, inducted by the Earl of Suffolk and Viscount de l’Isle, wearing a waistcoat of scarlet silk, with Norris carrying before a robe of the same silk and Compton a coronet, the King sitting on his throne, and the Queen and Prince being present.
September *** Baron Audley is created Earl of Castlehaven in Ireland, so that he, an ancient English Baron, might have a position superior to the Irish Barons, he who has now established a prosperous manor in Ireland.
21 A son was born to John Egerton, son of Thomas Egerton Baron of Ellesmere, Chancellor of England, by ***, one of the daughters and heiresses of Fernando Earl of Derby, baptized October 2, the King acting as godfather.
Henry Howard, who had married Elizabeth, the daughter and sole heiress of William Basset of Blore, died suddenly at Pipe in the house of *** Henningham.
28 Richard St. George, Norroy King of Arms, is knighted.
At this time Chr
yogona Baroness Dacre, the relict of Henry Lennard, Baron Dacre, who had died at the beginning of August, died at London.
October 3 Edward Coke, Justice of the Royal Bench, summoned before the Chancellor, was warned not to come to City Hall, and that he should answer to certain excerpts from his records.
5 and 7 Delegates convened for the creation of the King’s son Charles as Prince of Wales, and the nomination of Knights of the Bath, namely the Treasurer, the Duke of Lennox, the Chamberlain, and the Earl of Arundel.
James, the son and heir of William Earl of Salisbury, died in infancy.
Lady Abergavenny, Lennard’s daughter, died.
November 3 Twenty-six Knights of the bath are created.
4 The King’s son Charles, Duke of Cornwall, is created Prince of Wales.
7 Thomas Egerton Baron of Ellesmere, the Chancellor of England, a steady and vigorous champion of the rights of the Crown, is created Viscount Brackley.
William Baron Knollys is created Viscount Wallingford, even if the honor of Wallingford pertains to the Duchy of Cornwall.
And Philip Stanhope is created Baron Stanhope of Shelford in the evening at Westminster.
Henry Parry, Bishop of Worcester, died.
9 William Segar, Garter King of Arms, is knighted.
10 The King quitted London after pronouncing sentence of removal of office for Edward Coke, Chief Justice of the Royal Bench.
12 John Bertram, a grave gentleman of more than seventy years, with a spotless reputation among all men, irritated by what he regarded as the libelous slander of Sir John Tindall, Master in Chancery, shot him in Lincoln’s Inn.
15 Francis Tate died.
November 17 The murderer John Bertram hanged himself in prison.
Thomas Coventry elected Recorder of the City of London.
18 Sir Henry Montagu, King’s Sergeant at Law, is sworn in to replace Edward Coke, and formally installed by the Chancellor as Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, which place his grandfather Sir Edward Montagu occupied in the reign of Henry VIII.
19 This Henry Montagu is honorably escorted to Westminster Hall in his order: younger gentlemen of the Inner Temple went before, then barristers in order of seniority, then officials of the King’s Bench, them on foot, he on horseback, with the Earl of Huntingdon on his right and Baron Willoughby of Eresby on his left, and a band of about fifty gentlemen bringing up the rear.
At this time Robert Dormer, Baron Dormer of Wing, succumbed to destiny; his son and heir had died a month ago, and his young son was left in his minority.
20 Sir Lionel Cransfield, lately a merchant of London, is made Master of Requests, to the astonishment of many, since nobody save those learned in civil or municipal law have been appointed to this position.
11 Richard Hackluyt, Prebend of Westminster, died.
December 8 Passfield, resident Prebend of St. Pauls, died at the beginning of the month.
At Lambeth Arthur Lake is consecrated Bishop of Bath, and Lewis Bailiff Bishop of Bangor.
John Thornbury, Bishop of Bristol, is translated to Worcester.
16 Mark Anthony de Dominis Archbishop of Spalato in Dalmatia, hating the abuses of the Catholics, came to England, and at the King’s command was entertained in the household of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Parry, Bishop of Worchester, dies.
21 The King returned to Westminster, and bestowed upon Thomas Edmonds, returned from service as Ambassador to France, the staff of Controller of the Royal Household, with Baron Wotton made Treasurer of the Household, and on the following Sunday this man was sworn in and took a place at the table of the Privy Council above the Vice-chancellor.
On this same day the Archbishop of Spalato visited the King, to attend divine service with him.
25 On Christmas Day, Thomas Earl of Arundel, who had been brought up in the Catholic religion since his earliest years and lately had been touring Italy, detesting the abuses of the Catholic religion and embracing that of the Protestants, partook of the Eucharist in the Chapel Royal at Westminster.
27 William Segar King of Arms is accused of having bestowed upon George Brandon, a London butcher, the arms of Aragon quartered with the arms of Brabant, at which the King was most indignant, but it was found that this was done by the wicked malice of Ralph Brooksmouth, a Herald, who having bribed a subordinate, had drawn up these arms to look not unlike those of Aragon quartered with Brabant, and, taking advantage of Garter’s gullibilty and ignorance, had obtained their confirmation at the price of 22 pieces of gold, and took care that they be shown the King.
30 Garter King of Arms, York Herald himself, and the rest of the Heralds were called before delegates acting on behalf of the Earl Marshall, but the King thought that an example of justice should be made of York for his malicious bribery, and of Garter for his gullibility, ignorance, and acceptance of such a small fee. Therefore both were handed over to custody in Marshalsea Prison.
31 Consultations about the King’s departure for Scotland.

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