A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page
Mi - My
TITLE Micah: see Theobald Billican
TITLE Micah: see Jean Calvin
TITLE Micah: see Benjamin Frosterus
TITLE Micah: see Francois Lambert
TITLE Micah: see Wilhelm Leyser
TITLE Micah: see Albert Grawer
TITLE Micah: see Paulus Constantinus Phrygio
TITLE Micah: see Rupertus Tuitiensis
AUTHOR Micalon Lituanus
TITLE De moribus Tartarorum, Lituanorum et Moschorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/241-quod-4/start.htm
SUBJECT Ethnography
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Basel edition
AUTHOR Michael
TITLE De pietatis notione, quam Plato in Euthyphrone tractat
URL http://www.archive.org/details/476727
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1874 Zittau edition
AUTHOR Michael Apostolius
TITLE Paroemiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034806/images/
SUBJECT Proverbs
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Basel edition
AUTHOR Michael, Bishop of Merseburg
TITLE Catechismus Catholicus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036667/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Bononia
TITLE De conceptione b. Mariae virginis
URL http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=11000149
SITE Bibliotheca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliographico
SUBJECT Religion
AUTHOR Michael de Carcano
TITLE Quadragesimale
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tpNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Basel edition
AUTHOR Michael de Dalen
TITLE Casus summarii Decretalium Sexti et Clementinarum
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1476 Cologne edition (a dpr of the 1485 Strassburg edition is available here)
AUTHOR Michael of Ephesus: see Conrad Gesner
AUTHOR Michael of Ephesus: see Domenico Montesauro
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Evagatorium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Xyb1jHRIM38C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Evagatorium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=d7tbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Paris edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Penuarium Christianae vitae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=U7pRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Quadragesimale bige salutis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c3tSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Sermones de sanctis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-m1lAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Sermones predicabiles
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e-mXsmcQ990C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Hungaria
TITLE Sermones tredecim universales
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00043375/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1496 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Michael de Massa
TITLE Vita Christi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039904/images/
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of an undated Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Michael Glycas: see Johannes Leunclavius
AUTHOR Michael, Bishop of Merseburg
TITLE Sacri canonis missae paraphrastica explicatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022720/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition (second copy)
AUTHOR Michael, N.
TITLE Argumenta communia ad inferendum sophistice
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052411
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 (?) edition (a dpr of a second copy is also available)
AUTHOR Michael Angelus Calmet
TITLE De adventu sancti spiritus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BbpKn02oKqAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Rome dition
UTHOR Michael Angelus Calmet
TITLE Ep;istola pastoralis ad clerum et populum Ripanum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZmJpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1816 Rome dition
AUTHOR Michael Angelus Florentinus
TITLE Ad Cassandram Fidelem
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf667160
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Michael, Heinrich
TITLE De hepatis inflammatione theses
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/49632
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Basel edition
AUTHOR Michael, Heinrich
TITLE De hepatis obstructione theses
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/41924
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Basel edition
AUTHOR Michael, Hugo
TITLE De Ammiani Marcellini studiis Ciceronianis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deammianimarcel00michgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Breslau edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Carl Theodor
TITLE De Plutarchi codice manuscripto Marciano 386
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deplutarchicodi00michgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, codicology
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Carl Theodor
TITLE De Plutarchi codice manuscripto Matritensi
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deplutarchicodi01michgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, codicology
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Carl Theodor
TITLE De ordine vitarum parallelarum Plutarchi
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deordinevitarum00michgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1875 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Catalogus bibliothecae Gundingianae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Dn1XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Commemoratio conatum H. G. Ludolfi circa ecclesiae orientalis salutem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=d75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Commentatio exegetica in locum Esa. liii.8.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=blVW1mbLiIEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Comparatio inter adscenscionem Eliae et Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TxYS24eJpmoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De antiquissima Iudaeorum historia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FWhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De antiquitatibus oeconimiae patriarchalis
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=wE9SAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De Christo filio hominis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PSBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De dexteritate seu aptitudine et sinceritate apostolorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=D0JNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De historia linguae Arabicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KLZgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De Jeremia et vatricinio eius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=q2ZOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De iudiciis poenisque capitalibus in sacra scriptura commemoratis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ab5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De locorum differentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wE9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, topography, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De medicin
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GftQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De muhammedismi laxitate morali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VdhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De nominibus Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ajdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De obiecto Pauli sermonis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QiBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De paronomasia sacra
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Vr5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De primaeva linguae Hebraeae antiquitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2w1QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Prolegomena in Jeremiam prophetam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=te4k-iKUPgIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De proverbiis Salomonis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N3VOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De punctorum Hebraeicorum antiquitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wE9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Writing systems, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De Salomonis ad laetitiam exhortatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VSBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De spiritu sancto teste adoptionis fidelium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BjJQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition0
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De studio partium a sacrarum litterarum interpretatione removendo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eJpPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De variis lectionibus novi testamenti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wE9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De vaticinio Amosi prophetae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_q9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Dissertatio qua soloecismums casuum ab Ebraismo sacri codicis depellitur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wYFLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, l nguage studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE De vocum seminibus ac litterarum significatione hieroglyphica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hAlJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Diss. philol. inaug. qua soloecismus casuum ab Ebraismo Sacri Codicis depellitur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031284/images/
SITE Google books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Diss. philol. qua lumina Syriaca pro illustrando Ebraismo sacro exhibentur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8StNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Epistola de herba borith
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TSFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Ferias pentecostes religiose custodiendas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Xn9nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Grammatica Syriaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GQSstor1vY8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Rome edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Hebraea et adfinibus orientis a Graeca derivandis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hU9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies , hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Rome edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Meditatio exegetica in Esa ix,5
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=13mORmoV44AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Naturalia quaedam et artificialia codicis sacri ex Alcorano illustrans
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=szRFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Nomina quaedam propria personalia codicis sacri
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e1tKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Notiones superi et inferi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SiBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, topography. hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Oratio solemnis de Daniele
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n9lGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Philologemata medica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9ytNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Prolegomena in Ieremiam prophetam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=te4k-iKUPgIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Ritualia quaedam codicis sacri ex Alcorano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TzJBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Syriasmus (the same as the preceding?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IxbgAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Christian Benedict
TITLE Uberiorum adnotationum philological-exegeticarum in hagiographos v. t. libros
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=HFE_AAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=llA_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 - 51 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Gustav
TITLE De lineis brevissimis in datis superficiebus, imprimis de linea geodaetica
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Gustav A.
TITLE De induratione telae cellulosae recens natorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=miBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Anatomy or medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Hendrik Carel (b. 1818)
TITLE Dissertatio literaria inauguralis continens L. Annaei Senecae Consolationem ad Marciam
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737360
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Loosjes edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann
TITLE Rector academiae Lipsiensis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:151701A_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Argumenta immortalitatis animorum humanorum et futuri seculi ex Mose collecta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=i_NPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Bibliotheca Ludewgiana
URL vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=QflkAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=UflkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Catalogus praestantissimi thesauri librorum typis vulgatorum et manuscriptorum J. P. de Ludewig
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0LFFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Halle edition
AUTHORS Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780) and Johann Christian Karl Dopke
TITLE Chrestomathia Syriaca
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JZRFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Commentatio de battologia ad Matth. vi,7
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=D3xLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1745 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Commentationes duae ad leges divinas de poena homicidii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2UVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Compendium theologiae dogmaticae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=PmEA2wiAec4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Commentationes in societate regia scientiarum Goettingensi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fjYHAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Bremen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Curae in versionem Syriacum Actuum Apostolicorum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sMYOAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De Cherubis, equis tonantibus
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0001
SITE Religion
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 1 (1751) 157 - 184
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De Jehova ab Aegyptiis culto ac pro Cnuphi seu Demiurgo, numine Aegyptiorum, habito
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0001
SITE Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 1 (1751) 267 - 290
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De legibus quibusdam a Mose eo fine latis, ut Israelitis Aegypti cupidis Palaestinam caram faceret
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0004
SITE Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1753) 97 - 119
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De pretiis rerum apud Hebraeos ante exilium Babylonicum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0003
SITE Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1753) 145 - 195
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De siclo ante exilium Babylonicum commentationes duae
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0002
SITE Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 2 (1752) 36 - 113
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE De prisca Hierosolyma
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=uP5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David
TITLE Disputatio de Judaeis Salomonis tempore architecturae parum peritis
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0001
SITE Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 1 (1771) 1 - 9
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Dissertatio Philologica Diivdicans Sensvm Commatis Kā-arî yāday we-raglāy
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=epsNAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, poetry, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johannes David
TITLE Epistolae de LXX hebdomadibus Danielis
URL http://rarebooks.dts.edu/pubDates.aspx?century=17
SITE Dallas Theological Seminary
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1773 London edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE In Roberti Lowth praelectiones de sacra poesi Hebraeorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=epsNAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, poetry, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Grammatica Chaldaiaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-26MSsmAOkoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Grammatica Syriaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6yRoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Oratio de defectibus historiae naturalis ac philologiae, itinere in Palaestinam arabiamque suscepto sarciendis
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0003
SITE Natural history , philology, travel
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1753) 5 - 40
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Oratio de ea Germaniae dilalecto qua in sacris faciundis atque in scribendis utimur
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Oratio de felicibus connubiis aliarum scientiaerum cum philologia orientali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9bxYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Oratio de magnitudine eius quod nunc geritur belli
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JL5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics (and religion?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Oratio habita die IX novembris anni MDCCLIIII
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0004
SITE Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1753) 2ff.
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Paralipomena contra polygamiam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9bxYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Familiy life
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Sloanii vita
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352829796_0004
SITE Biography
NOTES Dpr of Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1753) 503ff.
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Spicilegium geographiae Hebraeorum exterae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sWqqWqheN1kC0
vol. 2 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=C1zGHO9fUtsC
vols. 3 and 4
SITE Google Books, Digitale Bibliothek Braunschweig
SUBJECT Geography, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1769 - 1780 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Supplementa ad lexica hebraica
URL vol 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=kKwPAAAAQAAJ
vol.s 2, 5, 6
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=ujNHAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=sRY_27CFxkYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 - 92 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Supplementum tomi duodecimi bibliothecae orientalis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GK5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies? Library science?
NOTES Dpr of the 1778 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Syntagma commentationum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UYpOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology?
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Virtutes historicorum antiquorum et recentium comparans
URL hhttps://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ruZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann David (1717 - 1780)
TITLE Vota a Christo redivivo Deo patri solvenda
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=5eNOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Halle edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Dissertatione Philologica Nvm Devs Dicatvr ELohim Inito Foedere Cvm Popvlo Israelitico Vt Imperator Bellicvs Contra Fr. Fortvnatvm Scacchvm
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-135882
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann Georg
TITLE De crustulis pontificis maximi quotidianis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Groningen edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann Georg
TITLE Exercitatio de Christo ὅντι ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fOVJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Michaelis, Johann Martin
TITLE Museum Spenerianum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HL5jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Michael de Dalen
TITLE Casus summarii decretalium, Sexti et Clementinarum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/79-2-jur-2f-3/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1485 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Michaux, André (1746-1802)
TITLE Flora Boreali-Americana
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097879 (1820 edition available here)
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097880 (1820 edition available here)
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 Paris edition (also available here and here)
AUTHOR Michel de Hongrie
TITLE Sermones tredecim universales
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053276
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 edition
AUTHOR Michelet, Jules (1798 - 1874)
TITLE Les procès des Templiers
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-208189
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Diplomacy
NOTES Introduction in French, text in Latin; dpr of the 1841 - 51 Paris edition
AUTHOR Micheletti, Andreas
TITLE: De pastore animarum
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080021460/1080021460.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Freibergi. B. edition
AUTHOR Micheli, Francesco
TITLE De quorundam astrologorum parvipendendis iudiciis pariter et de incantatoribus ac divinatoribus nullo modo ferendis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00010075/images/
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of Bayerischer Staadtsbibliothek ms. Clm 23593
AUTHOR Micheli, Francesco
TITLE Oratio de pacis praestantia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_Tq5iZ76JpYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Venice edition
AUTHOR Micheli, Pier Antonio (1679 - 1739)
TITLE Catalogus plantarum horti Caesarei Florentini
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rC9XmADV-mMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Florence edition
AUTHOR Micheli, Pier Antonio (1679 - 1739)
TITLE Nova plantarum genera iuxta Tournedortii methodum disposita
URL http://docvirt.no-ip.com/fionovpla.ica
SITE Projeto Overmeer
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Florence edition
AUTHOR Michell, Richard Brooke
TITLE Dantis exsilium: carmen latinum in Theatro Sheldoniano recitatum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/dantisexsiliumc00michgoog
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Michelotti, Giovanni (1812-1898)
TITLE De solariis in supracretaceis Italiae stratis repertis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RDm5iuc38W4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Zoology (paleontology?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Michelotti, Giovanni (1812-1898)
TITLE Specimen zoophytologiae diluvianae
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11568
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
SUBJECT Zoology (paleontology?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Turin edition
AUTHOR Michelottus, Petrus Antonius
TITLE Epistola specimen complectens mechano-medicae scientiae universalis morborum sanguinis ductuum, et observationum de ingenti sanguinis vmitu perquam gelidissimis brumali tempore portionibus curatio, ad Franciscum Marium Zanottum
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=3891&format=jpg&seqnum=428
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 418ff.; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Michelsen, Alexander (1802-1895)
TITLE De Pauli ad Romanos Epistulae duobus primis capitibus commentatio
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41485ucmf_4
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Lübeck edition
AUTHOR Michelspacher, Stephan
TITLE Cabala, speculum artis et naturae, in alchymia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/46-phys-2s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Michelspacher, Stephan
TITLE Pinax microcosmographicus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=NUhcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 edition
AUTHOR Michelspacher, Stephan
TITLE Quid lapis sophorum antiquissimus rei sit
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/46-phys-2s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Exegema quarundam in B. Lutheri versione S. Codicis Germanica obviarum vocum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031289/images/
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Anthologia ritualis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JtZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Darmstadt edition0
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Exegema quarundam in b. Lutheri verfsione s. Codicis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=O6H6Jq20OaMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Gelotologia physico-moralis occasione Salomonaei de risu
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LdZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Iurantium extra ecclesiam ritus et formulas recenset
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=6i1HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Iurantium intra ecclesiam ritus et formulas recenset
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=6S1HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Logomachiae in phlosophia naturali obviae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=P95JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Orchesiologia moralis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LtZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Orchesiologian prosequitur
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=L9ZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickel, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Periergia in amuletis conspicua
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=MNZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Darmstadt edition
AUTHOR Mickwitz, Theodor
TITLE De trunci anonymi ligatura
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/1595
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1886 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Arithmetica et Manuductio ad Globi Coelestis et Terrestris, Tabularumque geographicarum usum
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=64625&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Mathematics, astronomy, geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Stettin edition ; downloadable DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Ad exequias viri amplissimi et prudentissimi dn.Nicolai Tonnenbinderii
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=c6ZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Antiquitates Pomeraniae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=5X5cAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Stettin-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Arithmetica et manuducatio ad globi coelestis et terrestris...usum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=jagoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematcs
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Diatribe de...Erhardi...Truchsess de Wetzhausen
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=vJdLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Drama Oratorium Apologeticum Michael adversus Beliadem
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=9PpXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Funus feminae patritiae Elisabethae Schaumiae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gaZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Funus venerandi sui praeceptoris
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=e6ZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leipzig -Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Historia ecclesiastica
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4MqHiIzRa2wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leipzig -Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE In celebrandis ultimis honoribus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=g6ZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Iudicii Kediana contra Micraelium iniquitas
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=j_lcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Alt Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Lexicon philosophicorum terminorum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/201-29-quod/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Stettin edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Matronae Pientissimae Catharinae Mietenwaldes...Ultimos Honores
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN615884407
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Memoria matronae pientissimae Elisabethae Marsiliae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=eqZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Meteorologia, Seu Disputatio Physica, De Corporibus Imperfecte Mixtis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN591488191
SUBJECT Philosophy, physics
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Griefswald edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Regla politici scientia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DTU9AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Political science
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Syntagma historiarum ecclesiae omnium
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=6LwAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Syntagma historiarum mundi omnium
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=u-QGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1633 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Tabellae historicae
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00001594-0
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Ut luctum quem ex acerbo funere ingenui et ingeniosi pueri Constantini
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=eqZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Stettin edition
AUTHOR Micraelius, Johannes (1597 - 1658)
TITLE Vieo amplissimo, virtute, prudentia, experientia, literis...
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=bqZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 edition
AUTHOR Micronicus, Marten
TITLE Apologeticum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035626/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Emden edition
AUTHOR Miculci, Johann Benjamin
TITLE Dissertationum Philologicarum Prima
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00006225-2
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miculci, Johann Benjamin
TITLE Dissertationum Philologicarum Secunda
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=KE1OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Miculci, Johann Benjamin and Georg Daniel Ulrich
TITLE Thaumatoperigraphiae humani corporis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X2efpDu-sdoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE Arithmeticae logisticae libri duo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032935/images/
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Basel edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE De re metrica libri tres
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_5_212/Z_5_212_fich_1.html
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE Icones imperatorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018186/images
SUBJECT History, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE In adventum eiusdem (i. e. imperatoris Caroli V) urbis Frankfurdii gratulatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kiZeAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE Luciani Samosatensis Opera, que quidem extant omnia / e Graeco sermone in latinum, partim iamolim diuersis autoribus, partim nunc demum per Iacobum Micyllum ... translata ; cum argumentis et annotationibus eiusdem, passim adiectis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B21312771
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Frankfurt edition
AUTHORS Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558) et al.
TITLE Publii Ovidii Nasonis Opera omnia : IV. voluminibus comprehensa cum integris Jacobi Micylli, Herculis Ciofani, et Danielis Heinsii, notis et Nicolai Heinsii
URL http://www.archive.org/details/publiiovidiinaso03ovid
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Copy formerly owned by John Adams; dpr of the 1727 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE Ratio examinando versuum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sv9GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Jacobus (1503-1558)
TITLE Sylvarum libri quinque. Quibus acc. Apelles Aegyptius, seu calumnia.
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/micy1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the Frankfurt a. M. 1564 edition
AUTHOR Micyllus, Julius
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_9.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Middelburg, Paulus von
TITLE Compendium correctionis calendarii pro recta Pasche celebratione
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=zsVZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 edition
AUTHOR Middelburg, Paulus von,
TITLE De numero atomorum totius universi contra usurarios
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=6NZgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 edition
AUTHOR Middelburg, Paulus von
TITLE Invectiva in superstitiosum quendam astrologum
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db//0001/bsb00017536/images/
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Middelburg, Paulus von
TITLE Prognosticon
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db//0001/bsb00017537/images//
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Middleton, Frances Willoughby de
TITLE Ornithologiae libri tres
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN367579030
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 London edition
AUTHOR Middendorp, Jacob
TITLE Academiarum orbis Christiani libri duo
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=5zA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Middendorp, Jacob
TITLE De celebrioribus universi terrarum orbis Academiis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027978/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Middendorp, Jacob
TITLE Historia monastica
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-RFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Middendorp, Jacob
TITLE Officiorum scholasticorum libri duo
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=av9bAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Middendorp, Jacob
TITLE Quaestiones theologicae et politicae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JTeLrkpoovEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, poli tics
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Midtskogen, Steinar (contemporary)
TITLE Fabulae Poemataque
URL http://latinitas.org/fabulae.html
SITE Private site
SUBJECT Literature, poetry
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Miechowita, Maciej
TITLE Chronica Polonorum
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=1994&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Cracow edition; downloadable DjVu format (browser plugin available here)
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Considerato exegetica vaticinii Bileamici de stella
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CbBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De bap;tismo Johannis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ALBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De dono linguarum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JeVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De exilio animarum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=q75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De fundamento fidei iustificantis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qr5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De gloria Dei
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AbBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De mechanismo in causa religionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ajRAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De paeriete intergerino inter Judaeos et gentes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pNRPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De religione in communi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=o75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De sacramento iridis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=or5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De stella a magis conspecta
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=m75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De stemmate Christi Davidico
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=mr5QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De unctione sacerdotali et regali in Vet. Test.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=l75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Disputatio theologica ordinaria
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:189736C_001,800,600
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Exercitatio hist. pol. de electione imperatoris
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=oK1SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boioks
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Worms edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Laudatio funebris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PKhEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Mannheim edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Positiones theol. de mendacio officioso
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=oK1SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boioks
SUBJECT History, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Worms edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Positiones theol. de servo arbitrio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n75QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Carolus Ludovicus elector quondam Palatinus Salomo Germaniae cognominatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pUREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 edition
AUTHOR Mieg, Johann Friedrich
TITLE Epitaphia Palatino-electoralia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pUREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric?
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 edition
AUTHORS Miethke, Jürgen and Heiner Lutzmann
TITLE Acta Universitatis Heidelbergensis: Die Rektorbücher der Universität Heidelberg
URL vol. 1 http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/miethke1986/
vol. 2 http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/miethke2001/
SITE Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1986 - 2001 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mignault, Claude
TITLE Theoretical Writings on the Emblem
URL http://www.emblems.arts.gla.ac.uk/Mignault_intro.html
SITE Glasgow Emblem Website
SUBJECT Iconography
CONTRIBUTOR Denis Drysdall
NOTES Latin and English translation; html format
AUTHOR Migne, Jacques Paul (1800-1875)
TITLE Scripturae sacrae cursus completus
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080014708_C/1080014708_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 - 66 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mignot, Jean-Marie
TITLE Mignotydea de peste et humanum alterantibus corpus necessario omnibus sanitatem affectantibus utilissima
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060392
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Milan edition
AUTHOR Miguel de San José O. SS. T.
TITLE Bibliographia critica, sacra et prophana
URL vol. 1 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/733,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&736,736,,007639,-1
vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/733,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&737,737,,007640,-1
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/733,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&739,739,,007642,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Miguel de San José O. SS. T.
TITLE Crisis de critices arte
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cOLYP5snOq8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Miguel y Blasco, Luis
TITLE Sententia lata in Curia Ecclesiastica Valentina in causa beneficii institutiin Parochiali Sancti Andree[e amb virgulilla]vacantis obitu Don Michaelis Pasqual. In favorem Ludovici Miquel et Blasco... Contra D. Michaelem Ferragut et Sanguino
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Blasco)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Blasco)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Blasco%29/1,9,9,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Blasco)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&8,8,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Mijakowski, Jacek Marcin O. P.
TITLE Responsio ad libellum fratrum. Lituanorum a Provinciae Poloniae in Ordine Praedicatorum divisionem attentantium, et erectionem novae Provinciae praetendentium
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=55892&dirids=4
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Venice edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Mikan, Johann Christian
TITLE Monographia bombyliorum Bohemiae iconibus illustrata
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN578840022
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Prague edition
AUTHOR Miklós, Istvánffy
TITLE Historiarum de rebus Ungaricis
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch26s01.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtáratl
NOTES Partial text; html format
AUTHOR Miklós, Oláh
TITLE Catholicae ac Christianae religionis praecipua quaedam capita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N7WIOIjcwSMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Miklós, Oláh
TITLE Hungaria
URL http://www.hik.hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b151/ch17s01.html
SITE Kempelen Farkas Digitális Tankönyvtáratl
NOTES Partial text; html format
AUTHOR Miklós, Oláh
TITLE Hungaria et Atila
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4ZVcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Miklós, Oláh
TITLE Ordo et ritus sanctae metropolitane ecclesie Strigoniensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UOxlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Miklosich, Franz Ritter von and Joseph Muller (1825 - 1895)
TITLE Acta et diplomata Graeca medii aevi sacra et profana
URL http://anemi.lib.uoc.gr/metadata/8/f/7/metadata-01-0001342.tkl
SITE The Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 18540 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Miklosich, Franz Ritter von
TITLE Chrestomathia palaeoslovenica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QD4-AAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Miklosich, Franz Ritter von
TITLE Lexicon linguae Slovenicae veteris dialecti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Mqo4AQAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1850Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miklosich, Franz Ritter von
TITLE Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graco-latinum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5xQTAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1850Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miklosich, Franz Ritter von
TITLE Radices linguae Slovenicae veteris dialecti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SahfAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1862-5 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miksa császár, I.
TITLE Ad Leonem, papam decimum ... responsio
URL http://mek.oszk.hu/03500/03528
SITE Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Strassburg edition; downloadable in various formats
AUTHOR Milaeus, Christophorus
TITLE De historia
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=IeJaAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition
AUTHORS Milaeus, Christophorus
TITLE De scribendi universitatis rerum historia
URL http://books.google.com/books/reader?id=IeJaAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition
AUTHOR Milan, Archdiocese of
TITLE Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis tomus secundus
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&12,12,,006713,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Salamanca edition
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of
TITLE Ex quo summus Opifex Deus tenebrosae adhuc Terrarum Moli suauissimam lucem infudit, temporibus ea lege discretis, vt diem lux obtineret, & noctem tenebrae occuparent, humanum genus ... humanisque rebus, negotijs, scientijs, & artificijs impendi posset
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21241
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1715 Milan edition
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of
TITLE Leges et statuta ducatus Mediolanensis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=15149
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1616 Milan edition
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of
TITLE Mediolanensium statuta
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=15147
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1594 Bergamo edition
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of: see Orazio Carpano
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of: see Karl V
AUTHOR Milan, Duchy of: see Gabriele Verro
AUTHOR Milburg, Karl Wilhelm
TITLE Mirabilia Virgiliana
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4764145
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Folklore
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Meissen edition
AUTHOR Milchsack, Gustav
TITLE vol. 1 Hymni et sequentiae cum compluribus aliis et latinis et gallicis: necnon theotiscis carminibus medio aevo compositis quae ex libris impressis et ex codicibus manuscriptis saeculorum a IX usque ad XVI partim post M. Flacii Illyrici curas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=41YKAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1886 Halle edition
AUTHOR Milde, Julius
TITLE Bryologia Silesiaca
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OU8-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Leipzig editio
AUTHOR Milde, Julius
TITLE Filices Europae et Atlantidis, Asiae Minoris et Siberiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cpMZAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Milde, Julius
TITLE Monographia equisetorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mZtOAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Milde, Julius
TITLE Monographia generis osmundae
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=PocdAfcbAsYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1868 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Milensio, Felice
TITLE Alphabetum de monachis et monasteriis Germaniae ac Sarmatiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P00_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Prague edition
AUTHOR Milensio, Felice
TITLE De quantitate hostiae contra errorem Oswaldi Liber, in quo historia Seefeldica de admirabili sacramento explicatur
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=10877
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJECT Religion
Dpr of the 1604 Prague edition
AUTHOR Milensio, Felice
TITLE De vera theologia oratio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9euYyQkI6oAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Siena edition
AUTHOR Milensio, Felice
TITLE Oratio de gratiarum actione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=V5ABCJNk9FAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
Dpr of the 1598 Rome edition
AUTHOR Milensio, Felice
TITLE Pro voto illustrissimi ac reverendissimi cardinalis Caesaris Baronis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P00_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
Dpr of the 1607 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Milesius, David
TITLE De Sacramentis mille Sexcenti errores, vaniloquia ...
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023103/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Milesius, David
Elegia ad ... Principem Ducem Prussiae scripta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012308/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Milesius, David
TITLE Heroico versu Proverbium: Homo Homini Deus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012308/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Miletus, Vitus
TITLE Cassandra: Seu Divinatio Theologica De Cavssis, Remediis, Et Fine Nostratis Aevi Calamitatum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024714/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. Diss. 283
AUTHOR Milesius, Vitus
TITLE Brevis discussio et refutatio sexcentorum errorum quos duo praedicantes Saxonici Tilemannuus Heshusius et Ioannes Olearius pontificiis...vanissime hactenus attribuerunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wTlLAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 16104 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Milesius, Vitus
TITLE De Sacramentis mille Sexcenti errores, vaniloquia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023103/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Milewski, Ludwig
TITLE De abelianarum functionum periodis per aequationes differentiales definiendis
URL http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/ebind/MILEDE_PPN315220740/XML/
SITE Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1876 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Milewski, Witold
TITLE De ramis infinitis curvarum algebraicarum ordinis 4
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Milhaud, Gaston
TITLE Num Cartesii methodus tantum valeat in suo opere illustrando quantum ipse senserit
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-068100
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Montpelier edition
AUTHOR Milich, Gottlieb (1650 - 1720)
TITLE De iuris et facti ignorantia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IBVaUiYMqCIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Milich, Gottlieb (1650 - 1720)
TITLE Dissertatio Politica De Pace Aeterna
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:003824G_001,800,600 through
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Milich, Jacob
TITLE Commentarii in librum secundum Historiae Mundi C. Plinii
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=358226
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Hagenau edition (a dpr of the 1573 Leipzig edition is available here)
AUTHOR Milich, Johann Gottlieb (1650 - 1720)
TITLE Bolconis II ducis Silesiae...contitutionem de successionibus ab intestato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RwAVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Striegau, edition
AUTHOR Milich, Johann Gottlieb (1650 - 1720)
TITLE Variorum intra Itraliam monumentorum inscriptiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3to-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Striegau, edition
AUTHOR Milieu, Christophe
TITLE De Primordiis clarissimae urbis Ludguni commentarius
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079256
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Milieu, Christophe
TITLE De scribenda universitatis rerum historia commentarius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vVqyDWp0LPw
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Florence edition
AUTHOR Milis, Johannes Nicolaus de
TITLE Repertorium iuris
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/62-15-jur-2f-2/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mill, John (1645 - 1707)
TITLE Adnotationes ad I Joann. v. 7 auctae et correctae ex prolegomenis suis, Wetstenii, Bengelii, et Sabaterii, ad I. Joann. V. 7 ; una cum duabus epistolis Richardi Bentleii et observationibus Joannis Seldeni, Christophori Matthiae Pfaffii, Joannis Francisci Buddei, et Christiani Friderici Schmidii
URL http://www.archive.org/details/a549016100burguoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Carmarthen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Georg
TITLE De Abrogatione Exorcismi In Baptismo Dispvtatio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029627/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Jena edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Georg von Mühlensdorf
TITLE Memoriale poenarum in universo iure Bohemico contentarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9TtZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Georg von Mühlensdorf
TITLE Trinum iuridicum iurisprudentiae consultatoiae partem alteram
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=60ldAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Georg von Mühlensdorf
TITLE Areten zosan basiliken seu virtutem regiam aegrotos mirabiliter sanandi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6DhIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Lanx satyra de satyra, satyricis et satyris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xuxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Augurium salutis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=isFQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Chrstomatia Latina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c1J6P8VqOe0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Corona magistratui probato data antiquitatis luce collustratur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=38hQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De adop[tione per comam atque barbam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=i8FQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De angelis ecclesiarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=isFQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De arcanis imperii pignoribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=etZIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De corona Hungariae apostolica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1rRhAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics. religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De eo quod circa curam pauperum generatim observandum est
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=T75MAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics. medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De fatis artis musicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8WqhESzJth8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De natalibus Svevorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9DJhAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De ordine rerum Christi in Galilaea gestarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IalQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Halle edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De paedagogia veterum Graecorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WpCA_MUGnyMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De pallio philosophico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cdNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De religione cogi nescia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XbBSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De religione m. Tullii Ciceronis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JcVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De religionis ad imperia abusu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IFFPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De Suevorum bellis adversus Romanos gestis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TPVaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE De Suevorum priscis in Germania sedibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_zJhAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Deum Israelis extra civitatem suam apud gentes gloriosum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SsVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Devotiones vetrum in bellis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ksYoQ1icY-8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Exercitatio cyclca cii de natalilbus Suevororum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=70ZSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE In deorum maxime Homericorum linguam inquirit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pnNpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1765 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nvBoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Oratio de effingendis ad divinitatis exemplar in schola
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sa1SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Oratio de theologo amabili
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sa1SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Oratios aecularis dicta in iubilaeo altero gymnasii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gqxoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1766 Halle edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Papa Romanus Ariani regis in religionis caussa legatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LMVQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Signa et epistolas de caelo delapsas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0g5KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Singularis Dei circa scholas providentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EKloAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Halle edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter
TITLE Tropaea generatim contemplantur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uIRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Trophies
NOTES Dpr of the 1768 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Johann Peter the Younger
TITLE Orationes litorales veterum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OUBWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Ulm edition
AUTHOR Miller, Herbert
TITLE De Lucretii ingenio, auctoritate et poesi
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=7p0vwAQSE58C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1884 Naples edition
AUTHOR Miller, John (1715-1790?)
TITLE Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaean
vol. 2 http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/7580
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Miller, John (1715-1790?)
TITLE Tabulae iconum centum quator plantarum ad illustrationem systematis sexualis Linnaenani (the same as the preceding?)
URL vol. 1 unavailable
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-074878
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Miller, John (1715-1790?)
TITLE Enchiridion appellationis tum civili tum capitali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dN1WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Paris edition
AUTHOR Milles de Souvigny, Jean
TITLE Practica criminalis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=2_11535
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Venice edition
AUTHOR Milliet de Chales, Claude François S. J. (1621 - 1678)
TITLE Cursus seu mundus mathematicus
URL vol. 1 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/sch-m-2f-4-1/start.htm
vol. 2 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/sch-m-2f-4-2/start.htm
vol. 3 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/sch-m-2f-4-3/start.htm
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=mEVAO_A0UmEC
SITE HAB, Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics and related subjects
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Milliet de Chales, Claude François S. J. (1621 - 1678)
TITLE Tractatus dioptricus de generalibus refractionis principiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8vreYhfET4wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Prague edition
AUTHORS , Jean Nicholas aMillinnd Pierre Joseph Morisot des Landes
TITLE Ergo Parisinis variolarum inoculatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Milton, John (1608 - 1674): see here
AUTHOR Minadoi, Giambattista
TITLE Tractatus de abusu non mittendi sanguinis in febribus malignis, etiamnum apparentibus exanthematibus, dictis petechis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060365
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minckwitz, Loth Siegmund von (d. 1707)
TITLE Conclusionum theoretico-practicarum, ad institutiones iuris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eiJgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Minckwitz, Loth Siegmund von (d. 1707)
TITLE De Paragio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ty72hFUosCUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Minckwitz, Loth Siegmund von (d. 1707)
TITLE Vindiciae casus unici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1_b_cJS9kr4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Minderer, Conrad
TITLE De syderatione, sive Graecis illa apoplexia est, thetica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/368158
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition
AUTHOR Minervi, Severo (d. 1529)
TITLE Carmen elegum
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2256204
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Minervi, Severo (d. 1529)
TITLE De rebus gestis atque antiquis monumentis Spoleti libri duo
URL http://www.spoletostoria.org/Sansi/Vol1%20cap%20I-VI.pdf
SITE Spoletostoria
NOTES Dpr of the text as printed in Documenti storici inediti in sussidio allo studio delle memorie Umbre raccolti e pubblicati per cura di Achille Sansi. Parte prima (Spoleto 1878) 11-103
AUTHOR Minetti, Girolamo
TITLE Quaestio non minus pulchra quam utilis de sarzaeparillae et ligni sancti viribus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060546
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Sienna edition
AUTHORS Ministers of the Church of Lausanne
TITLE Epistola ad consules et senatum Bernensem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Tl5OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Bo0ks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Groningen - Bremen edition
AUTHOR Mingarelli, Giovanni Luigi
TITLE Ægyptiorum Codicum reliquiæ Venetiis in bibliotheca Naniana asservatæ
URL vol. 1 http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN593058089
vo. 2 http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN593058321
SUBJECT Library science, Egyptology
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Mingarelli, Giovanni Luigi
TITLE Anecdotorum fasciculus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7l9nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Rome edition
AUTHOR Mingarelli, Giovanni Luigi
TITLE De Pindari odis coniecturae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tDkvw3efOhIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Mingarelli, Giovanni Luigi
TITLE Graeci codices manuscripti apud Nanios patricios Venetos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7l9nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Mingarelli, Giovanni Luigi
TITLE Hebraeorum sex canticorum explanatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J0e46OQ97BgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, lpoetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Minkova, Milena (contemporary)
TITLE Specimen vocis «Ratio» lexicis latinis medii aevi ad res philosophicas pertinentibus aptum
URL http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/8885
SITE I-revues
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr 1996 Union Académique Internationale (Brussels) edition
AUTHOR Minoes, Claudius
TITLE Ad Alciati emblemata per Claudium Minoem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058089
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Minoes, Claudius
TITLE Partitiones oratoriae M. Tullii Ciceronis
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/28842/
SITE eod eBooks
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Frankfurt edition
TITLE Minor prophets: see Jean Calvin
TITLE Minor prophets: see Johann Georg Crocius
TITLE Minor prophets: see Lambert Daneau
TITLE Minor prophets: see Johannes Drusius
TITLE Minor prophets: see Rudolf Gwalther
TITLE Minor prophets: see Haimo Halberstadensis
TITLE Minor prophets: see Hermann von der Hardt
TITLE Minor prophets: see Cornelius Lapide
TITLE Minor prophets: see Johannes a Marck
TITLE Minor prophets: see Jean Mercier (two items)
TITLE Minor prophets: see Rupertus Tuitensis
TITLE Minor prophets: see Eberhard von Weyhe
AUTHOR Minsberg, F.
TITLE De consilio Amphictyonum ad Oraculum Delphicum relato
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4748879
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1827 Ratibor edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE Commentaria in consuetudines ducatus Andegauensis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054633
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1530 Paris edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE De officiis ecclesiae praestandis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-wZdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE De poeta, ad Hectorem Pignatellum, Vibonensium ducem, libri sex
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059000
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE Epigrammata et elegiae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059003
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastian
TITLE Epistola ad Paulum Jovium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ED3A-_xjkSUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE Poemata ad Consalvum Pyretium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059001
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE Poemata ad illustriss. principem M. Antonium Columnam
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059002
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano
TITLE Poemata Tridentina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DUJSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Venice edition
AUTHOR Minucius Felix: see Johann August Ernesti
AUTHOR Minucius Felix: see Eduard Norden
AUTHOR Minucius Felix: see Emil Theissen
AUTHOR Minutianus, Alexander
TITLE Epistola ad Joannum Jacobum Trivultium (prefacing his 1498 - 99 Milan edition of Cicero's Opera quae Extant Omnia )
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=307&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 223 - 225
AUTHOR Miodonski, Adam Stephanus
TITLE De enuntiatis subiecto carentibus apud Herodotum
SITE Internet Archive
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737892
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1891 Cracow edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Analecta botanica indica
URL vol. 1 http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/pdfs/dws/Miquel_Analecta_vol1.pdf
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098529
vol. 3 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098530
SITE New York Botanical Garden / Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Annales Musei botanici Lugduno-Batavi
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097848
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097849
vol. 3 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097850
vol. 4 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097851
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1863 - 69 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Catalogus Musei botanici Lugduno-Batavi
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=HNxcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1870 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Commentarii phytographici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RDdNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1840 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Commentatio de organorum in vegetabilibus ortu et metamorphosi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=w4EXAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1833 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Cycadeae quaedam Americanae
URL http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/pdfs/dws/Miquel.pdf
SITE New York Botanical Garden
NOTES Dpr of the 1851 Cambridge (Mass.) edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE De Chinconae speciebus quibusdam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wtQaAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1869 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE De palmis archipelagi indici observationes novae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0YclAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1868 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Dicotyledones polypetalae hypogynae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097844
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOIES Dpr of the 1859 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Dicotyledones polypetalae perigynae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xHzMHzBUkDUC
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1855 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Flora Indiae Batavae
URL vol 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=woqcoPA9xl8C
vol. 2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1860 Amsterdam-Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Genera cactearum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-096810
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
1839 Dpr of the 1851 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Monographia Cycladearum
URL http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/pdfs/dws/Miquel_Mono_web.pdf
SITE New York Botanical Garden
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Monographia generis Melocacti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hR0lAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Bratislava-Bonn edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Oratio de regno vegetabili in telluris superficie mutanda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TW4WAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1846 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Plantae Junghunianae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098420
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1851 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Prodromus systematis cycadearum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098422
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1861 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Responsio ad quaestionem botanicam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5joZAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1851 Groningen edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Revisio critica Casuarinarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=78xAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOIES Dpr of the 1848 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Stirpes quaedam Borneenses
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098528
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Stirpes Surinamenses selectae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-098421
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811 - 1871)
TITLE Systema piperacearum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097842
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Rotterdam edition (also here)
AUTHOR Mirabella, Dominicus Nanus
TITLE Polyanthea : Opus suauissimis floribus exornatum ; Addita nunc primum est latina interpretatio versuum Dantis, & Petrarchae, quos ipsi Italico idiomate co[n]scripserunt
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/b-49-2f-helmst-2/start.htm (download here)
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Miraeus, Aubertus
TITLE Origines omnium per orbem Carthusiarum
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN561415498
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Miranda y Paz, Francisco de
TITLE Sanctissimo Patri, et Domino Nostro Urbano Octavo Pontifici Maximo operis huius dicatum resumen, proque dubiis deprecatorium decreta
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ts/ts/25,228,274,B/l962&FF=tsanctiss+i+mo+patri+et+domino+nostro+urbano+octavo+pontifici+maximo+operis+huius+dicatum+resumen+proque+dubiis+deprecatorium&1,1,,002585,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Madrid edition
AUTHOR Miranda Villamayor, Vicente
TITLE Oratio in faustum litterarum omen coram Illmo.Reg.Univ.Compostellanae Rectore ac Senatu
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1169893&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&789,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Compostella edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Gianfrancesco
TITLE Joannis Pici Mirandulae vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP8
SITE Googe Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Apologia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP74
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Cabalistarum selectiora dogmata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-Pg7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE De ente et uno
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.P170
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE De studio divinae et humanae philosophiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=32hZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Halle edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE De veris calamitatum causis nostrorum temporum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0qhdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1860 Mutina edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Disputationes adversus astrologos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP294
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP238
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Epistolae elegantes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nf87AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Epistolarum liber( the same as the preceding?)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AfZaAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Zeitz edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Heptaplus de septiformi sex dierum geneseos enarratione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP26
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Opera omnia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Googe Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Opuscula de sententia excommunicationis iniusta pro Hieronymy Savonorolae viri prophetae innocentia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ykA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Mirandola, Pico della
TITLE Oratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6QhKAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP224
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mirandula, Octavianus
TITLE Illustrium poetarum flores
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029627/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Strassburg edition (1566 Lyon edition here, 1567 Strassberg edition here, 1583 Basel edition here, 1599 Basel edition here)
AUTHOR Mirandula, Octavianus
TITLE Viridarium illustrium poetarum (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00016033/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Hagenau edition (second copy)
AUTHOR Miroulaeus, Henricus
TITLE Threnodia In Illvstrissimi, Invictiqve Herois Ac Dvcis, Domini Ioannis Casimiri, Comitis Palatini Ad Rhenvm, Dvcis Bavariae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026362/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Neustadt a.d. Haardt edition
AUTHOR Mirus, Johann Friedrich
TITLE De novo phosphoro aethereo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Y6icHEbKXiAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Chemistry?
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Mirus, Martin
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038137/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 edition
AUTHOR Misa, Iacobellus de (Jakoubek ze Stíbra, 1371-1429)
TITLE Collectura operum et quaestionum
URL http://digit.nkp.cz:1111/cgi-bin/c1250.bat/mnscr/vIii_e.7/En_uk/descr.htm
SITE Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica|
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the manuscript in the National Library of the Czech Republic. "The manuscript contains nine tractates and other writings."; html format
AUTHOR Misinus de Coderonco
TITLE Questio de motu locali cum expletione Gaetani
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-059475
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Misinus de Coderonco: see Angelo de Fosambruno
AUTHOR Misinus de Coderonco: see Bernardo Torni
AUTHOR Mislenta, Celestino
TITLE De angelica mysterii incarnationis filii Dei annunciatione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3LoTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Mislenta, Celestino
TITLE De spiritus sancti processu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3LoTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Missa, Heinrich Michael
TITLE Ergo herniosis ex scuto erburneo coriaceoque cingulo subligacula
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=dblkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Lausanne edition
AUTHORS Missa, Henri Michael and Guy Daniel Despatureaux
TITLE Ergo lui venereae hydrargyrus, camphoratus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1757 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Mitalerius, Cl.
TITLE Epistola de vocabulis, quae Judaci in Galliam introduxerunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=zTNOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Mithobi Hector Johannes
TITLE De Controversiis Suecopolonicis Sive De Iure Quod In Sueciam Regi, Ad Livoniam Regno Poloniae, Nullum Competit
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-204-8f-helmst/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Mithobi Hector Johannes
TITLE De iure quod in Sueciam regi, ad Livoniam regno Poloniae nullum competit
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IP1GAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 edition
AUTHOR Mithoff, Burkhard
TITLE Annuli cum sphaerici tum mathematici usus & structura
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033042/images/
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Marburg edition
AUTHOR Mithoff, Burkhard
TITLE Steeometria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FUdXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mittenzwey, Johann Christian
TITLE Disputatio anti-Blanchiniana, sive contra Josephi Blanchini Canonicarum Scripturarum vulgatae latinae editionis Vindicias
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033042/images/
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mitterdorfer, Sebastian
TITLE Vienna austriae sancto Johanni Nepomuceno devota
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020437/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Mitterer, Ignaz
TITLE Praeconium eucharisticum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027232/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1903 Regensburg edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Ad auscultandas perillustris ac generosissimae Ruthenorum familiae laudes
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/pb-232/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Altenburg edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De abominda barbarie quae rem litterariam ante Lutherum foedaverat
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y2tiAWtuRDAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Abrahami educatione et disciplina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KLFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Abrahami genere et familia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Abrahami nomine et patria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Abrahamo ac de eius fortuna i
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Abrahamo ac de eius fortuna ii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De auctoribus variis qui verni temporis amoenitatem delinearunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ofpIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De clementia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=badJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De corrupto humano iudicio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eARJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De curiositate quorundam interpretum s. scripturae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=CrFJAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 . https://books.google.com/books?id=C7FJAAAAcAAJ
vol 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=DLFJAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=E7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De definitione onomitodei kai progmatodei
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kp5V8dk6ljQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De dipththongis ae et oe
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1uxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De domo b. virginis Lauretana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MLFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE D eiudem (sc. Christi) circumstione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UyAAaog98S8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De equo Troiano eleganti scholarum symbolo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ntlGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Jena edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De euphemia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ms6sIKq-rsAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De honoribus quos antiqui defunctis habuerunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LulGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De iis quae paulo post Christi nativitatem aut contingerunt aut contingisse putuerunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UyAAaog98S8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De ineptiis quibusdam nonnullorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bARJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Iudaeo quodam quem a tempore passionis dominicae vivum ac superstitem nonnulli putant
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8vFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De jejunio quadragesimali crastina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YqgngFgvVGUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De Johann xxxi et xxii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De linguarum usu et scopo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=niFnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De magno, ut vocatur, Christophoro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LL9LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De nativitatis dominicae anno
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IGEc8-wHgzwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De nobilitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_gFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De ornationibus funebribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fgRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De putidissimis papaeorum fabulis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y2tiAWtuRDAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Leipzig edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De quibusdam virorum nobilium ornamentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bQRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De ratione et oratione hominis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1uxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De rerum usu et abusu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cgRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De salvatoris nostri...reliquiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RWcrN9chzS4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De studii iuridici amplitudine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tPVIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De variis argumentis dissertationes historicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ms6sIKq-rsAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE De מעונן
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8eFUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Gera edition
.AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Dissertatiuncula De Honore Magistratui Seu Principibus Exhibendo
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN598341811
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Dissertationes ii de Johanne xx,22
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8lhOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Reliigon
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Epitaphium in canem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA92
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann
TITLE Hac succincta adumbratione vitae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L7FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Gera edition
\AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Panegyricus funebris memoriae Theologi Jacobi Welleri
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027597/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian
TITLE Specimen philologicum divitiarum evangelicrum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=niFnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Gera edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Paul Conrad
TITLE De Arminio
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:003683C_001,800,600 through
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mitternacht, Paul Conrad
TITLE De Arminio
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:003683C_001,800,600 through
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mityleanaeus, Zacharias: see Aeneas Gazaeus
AUTHOR Mitzel, Johannes
TITLE De actorum lectione et relatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cMNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTE Dpr of the 1735 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mitzel, Johannes
TITLE De testimonio foeminarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FRJVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTE Dpr of the 1687 Konigsburg edition
AUTHOR Mitzel, Johannes
TITLE Iuris provincialis ducatus Prussiae
URL http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung11/allg/cpg.xml?docname=mitzel1673
SITE Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
NOTE Dpr of the 1673 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Aesculapii et Uraniae medicum simul & astronomicum ex colloquio conjugium harmoniam microcosmi cum macrocosmo, sive humani corporis cum caelo, paucis figurans, & perspicue demonstrans
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054260
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine, astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Alexikepus, seu Auxiliaris et medicus hortus, rerum variarum & secretoru[m] remediorum accessione locupletatus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532412094
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Gardens, botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1576 Cologne edition is available here)
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Antonii Mizaldi Monsluciani planetologia, rebus astronomicis, medicis et philosophicis erudite referta ex qua coelestium corporum cum humanis & astronomiae cum medicina societas & harmonia...
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054011
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine, astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Artificiosa methodus comparandorum hortensium fructuum, olerum, radicum, vuarum, vinorum, carnium & jusculorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054012
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here, and a dpr of the 1577 Cologne edition is available here
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Asterismi sive stellarum octavi coeli imaginum officina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WQg8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Catalogi septem sympathiae et anipathiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DfI5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Centuriae ix memorabilium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-XQuJTl3xWsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Cometographia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xFFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Cosmographia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xB38CosNj5AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE De arcanis naturae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bHJgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE De hortensium arborum isitione
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Czk7AAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP108
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gerdens, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE De hortorum cultu, cura, auxiliis et secretis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=Czk7AAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PP20
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gardening, botany
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE De mundi sphaere
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JV6sW8PZbr8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Ephemerides aeris perpetuae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jQM6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Explicatio et usus coelestis ephemeridis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dr1jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Harmonia coelestium corporum & humanorum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054013
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1555 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Harmonia superioris naturae mundi et inferioris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XO0x1YrgBwcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Historia hortensium quattuor
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=328859
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Cologne edition (also here)
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Hortorum secreta
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054261
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Paris edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE In violentem et atrocem caedem Antonii Minardi....Naenia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=a0FjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Memorabilium aliquot naturae acarnorum sylvula
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MnW3cYkZaR8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Memorabilium, utilium, ac jucundorum centuriae novem in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, per pulchre digestae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054006
SUBJECT Micellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Paris edition (also here
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Meteorologia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ML1jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Methodus perpulchra componendorum vinorum quae diversis morbis clementger succcurrant
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hxZmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology, oenology
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Mizaldus redivivus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IeY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Gardens, miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Opuscula
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=Czk7AAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=sxRUxOYrIE0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology, pharmacology, physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Opusculum de sena
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OELd99bk4vYC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Opusculum de sena : planta inter omnes quotquot sunt, hominibus beneficentissima & saluberrima
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533454408
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Paradoxa rerum coeli
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=j9tlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy or meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Phaenomena sisve aeriae ephemerides
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Lb1jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorologoy
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Planetologia, rebus astronomicis, medicis et philosophicis referta
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=318377
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Astronomy, medicine, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Planetorum collegium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xhwe8KBcmwkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Secretorum agri enchirdion primum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tg96-8GlsSsC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 15560Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Stellarum octavi coeli imaginum officina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zfit7nNeVikC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizauld, Antoine (d. 1578)
TITLE Zodiacus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KcOCGYdnBwYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mizler von Kilof, Lorenz Christoph
TITLE Dissertatio Quod Musica Scientia Sit Et Pars Eruditionis Philosophicae
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN633001627
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mizonkewich, Karl Alois
TITLE Symphatia renum praecipue in statu morboso
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/1644
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1816 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Möbius, August Ferdinand
TITLE De computandis occultationibus fixarum per planetas
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/965469
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Admiranda Dei vindicta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=D3tOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Admirandum Dei iudicium adversus posteros regis Saulis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LH9OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Arca Noae humani generis conservatrix
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ypJNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Corae, Dathanis, Abiram et Onis descenus ad inferos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0JhPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Davidicum loci de Christo compendium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BSlHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE De causis et mediis quae Mahomedisticam religionem oartun introduxerunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_e1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion , arabica
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE De crucis supplicio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hiRHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Consilia pacifica Marcelliana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8whOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE De moscholatria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JRhHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE De oraculorum ethnicorum origine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n0pOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, oracles
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE De sapientia duplici, naturali et revelata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QmZOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Exercitationes sacrae de aeneo serpente
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_ihHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Historia prophetae Bileami
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PX5PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1676 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Meditatio theologica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mZNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Moscholatria populi Israelitici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=aGBAls8xbhgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Prophetae Eliae ascensus ad superos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LH9OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Mercatura spiritualis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3ZhPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg
TITLE Theologia canonica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-Q1sN1usAG4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Anatomia camphorae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yv5aAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmamcology
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Caesaris indultu, nec non gratiosissimi collegii medici decreto
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:154020F_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De appetentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WQ_kqthgTFEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De ardore ventriculi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LwRTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De bilis natura eiusque usu nobilissimo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EwRTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De chylificatione seu coctione prima
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=32kVFOJrAf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 (sic) Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De dolore capitis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=32kVFOJrAf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 16053 ena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De epilepsia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CykIcz48WIcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De febre petechiali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ekpQZQlAh_MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meducube
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De haemorrhagia eiusque speciebus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GARTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De haemorrhoidibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nRu-_mI02LIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De mania seu insania
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ymJZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 (sic) Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De natura et usu clysterium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ffQ_BczrpnsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 (sic) Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De natura et usu vomitoriorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kzWHuuCkn1kC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De pleuritude
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wK3uY0WmspkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De scorbuto
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nUop1t0_JfIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De schirro lienis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NGw-2Nimzh4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De spina ventosa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XGgYYAqoF7IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De suffocatione uterina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KpqihAAHxj8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius Georg Christoph
TITLE De tertiana intermittente
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=82Ze2VRS6kcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE De ulceribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZL3kjve386IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1645 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Disputatio medica inauguralis ex fundamentis Hippocratis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Kk8LeG-QnNcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Epitome institutionum medicarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nRu-_mI02LIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Fundamenta medicinae physiologica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kagCUUczYtwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 16578 Frankfurt-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Odontologia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Mv-NXtRLa38C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Denstistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1661 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Synopses epitomes institutionum medicinae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QDJBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Prorector Academiae Ienensis Gothofredus Moebius, Med. D. & Prof. Publ. nec non Professores reliqui L. S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:623409E_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Prorector Academiae Ienensis Gothofredus Moebius, Med. D. & Prof. Publ. nec non Professores reliqui L. S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:623407Q_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Prorector Academiae Ienensis Gothofredus Moebius, Med. D. & Prof. Publ. una com professoribus reliquis L. S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:623267T_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Rector academiae Ienensis Gothofredus Moebius medic.doct. et prof. publ. una cum professoribus reliquis L. S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:151790B_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Rector academiae Ienensis Gothofredus Moebius medic.doct. et prof. publ. una cum professoribus reliquis L. S. D.
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:623584Z_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried (1611 - 1664)
TITLE Suppressio mensium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=itDde4LQbOcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried Ludwig
TITLE Fori aliquot observationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nzhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Gottfried: see Otto Wilhelm von Königsmarck
AUTHOR Möbius Johann
TITLE De conspiratione pulveraria in Anglia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SLx3iSq2RFgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Johann
TITLE De prodigiis quibusdam quae annunciasse dicuntur nativitatem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lCRCY1UUx3IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Johann
TITLE Flumina quae intercidunt et renascuntur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mZNKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Johann
TITLE Rerumpublicarum principissa monarchia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5J9LAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT P:litics
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius Johann
TITLE Ta tes hypapantes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sx0hhOYq3iQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möbius, Paul Christoph
TITLE De catalepssi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YysF4V3KP5kC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mocenigo, Filippo
TITLE Tractationum philosophicarum liber unus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L-c2u8H3D-cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 edition
AUTHOR Mocenigo, Filippo
TITLE Universales institutiones ad hominum perfectionem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029213/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mock, Jacob
TITLE De arthritide
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032519/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mock, Jacob
TITLE De epilepsia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Boc28ETin2kC
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Freiburg i. Br. edition
AUTHOR Mock, Jacob
TITLE De spasmo seu convulsione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BMzNT_rIe5QC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Freiburg i. Br. edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Commentarii in primam partem summae theologiae s. Thomae Aquinatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E1VjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Confessionis Augustanae in generali de sacramentis ecclesiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AyuQPL4_A00C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Confessionis Augustanae ivetgeris et Catholicae novae et haereticae comparatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cplKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De augustissimo missae sacrificio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EFNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De clandestinis nuptiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3MVgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Dillingen edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De Deo et attributis divinis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gb9QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De ecclesiastica hierarchia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=z5lKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De natura intelligentiarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DRQkpyzAFsEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Ingolstadtg edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De organo scientiarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030894/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Dillingen edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De prima venerabilis eucharistiae sacramentti institutione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OMtjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De sacramentis in genere
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ElNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De sacramento baptismi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BVNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De sacramento confirmationis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BVNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De sacramento extremae unctionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=B79QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De sanctissimo incarnationis mysterio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3JtLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE De supernaturali hominis beatudine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CptLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Impedimenta matrimonium dirimentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DtdKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Methodus Gonteriana sive modus et ratio cum haereticis...disputandi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1sNEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mocquetius, Johannes S. J.
TITLE Selectorum philosophiae decretorum assertiones undetriginta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030889/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 Dillingen edition
AUTHOR Mocsáry, A.
TITLE Additamentum primum ad monographiam Chrysididarum Orbis Terrarum universi
URL http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/biosophia/docs/hymenoptera/disk1/00000012.zip
SITE Biosophia
NOTES Dpr the article at Természetrajzi Füzetek 13:2 - 3 (1900) 45 - 66; downloadable RTF file
AUTHOR Model, Georg Leonhart
TITLE Mnemoneuma historicum monstrans viam facilimam in historia universa et singulari feliciter progrediendi
URL http://mdz2.bib-bvb.de/~tabellen/loadframe.html?toc_name=Model1685.html&img_id=Model1685_001
SITE Bayrische Staatsbibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Windesheim edition (also here)
AUTHOR Modeer, Adolph
TITLE Bibliotheca Helminthologica seu enumeratio auctorum qui de vermibus scilicet cryptozois gymnodelis testaceis atque phytozoois tam vivis quam petrificatis scripserunt
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN619887362
SUBJECT Zoology, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 Erlangn edition
AUTHOR Moderus, Sueno Jonas
TITLE Disputatio De Mundo Sive Totius Universi Constitutione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-31-8f-helmst-21s/start.htm
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Helmstedt edition
AUTHORS Modestinus, Herennius
TITLE De amore (in Poetae Latini minores volumen primum)
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-029835
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1824 Paris edition
AUTHORS Modestinus, Herennius
TITLE De dissolutoine matrimonii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oftGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Strassburg edition
AUTHORS Modestinus, Herennius
TITLE De statu cameralis iudicii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Y9tKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 edition
AUTHOR Modestus, Johannes Anton
TITLE Carmen ad invictum Caesarem Maximilianum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013752/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Modrevius, Andreas Fricius (Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski)
TITLE Commentatoriorum de Republica Emendanda Libri Quinque (1544)
URL http://cogito.univ.gda.pl/biblioteka/Wsieci/frycz/index.htm
SITE Wirtualna Biblioteka Literatury Pokskeij
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES (Book II only); html format
AUTHOR Modrevius, Constantinus (Konstantin Modrzewski)
TITLE De maturanda electione imperatoris admonitio ad Germanos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZNNVIDvuLP0C
SITE Gopogle Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Nance edition
AUTHOR Modrevius, Constantinus (Konstantin Modrzewski)
TITLE De praetensione Hispanica in regnum Bohemiae et reliquas terras Austriacas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sPRKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Gopogle Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Nance edition
AUTHOR Modrussiensis, Nicolaus (Nikola
Modruški, 1427 - 1480)
TITLE Dialogus de felicitate humana
URL http://www.ifzg.hr/digitalnaBastina/readOnline/Nicolaus_Modrussiensis/Nicolaus_Modrussiensis-Dialogus_de_felicitate_humana/Nicolaus_Modrussiensis-Dialogus_de_felicitate_humana.html
SITE Institute of Philosophy
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1995 Zagreb edition
AUTHOR Modrussiensis, Nicolaus (Nikola
Modruški, 1427 - 1480)
TITLE Navicula Petri
URL http://www.ifzg.hr/digitalnaBastina/Nicolai%20Modrussiensis%20-%20Nauicula%20Petri%20-%20Prilozi%202006.pdf
SITE Institute of Philosophy
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the transcript of a 1460 manuscript
AUTHOR Moeckert, Johann Nikolaus
TITLE De iure praecedendi ex iure gentium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fWVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Jena edition
AUTHOR Moeckert, Johann Nikolaus
TITLE Dissertatio iuris Germanici quaedam de mortuario ex iure Osnabrugensi capita continens
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/10909/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Moehring, Paul Heinrich Gerard
TITLE Epistola...quae mytulorum quorundam venenum et ab eo natas papulas cuticulares illustrat
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=SJpUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Moench, Conrad (1744 - 1805)
TITLE Enumeratio plantarum indigenarum Hassiae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=3MYXAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1777 Marburg edition (also here)
AUTHOR Moench, Conrad (1744 - 1805)
TITLE Methodus plantas horti botanici et agri Marburgensis
URL http://www.botanicus.org/Title.aspx?BibId=b11918706
SITE Botanicus.org
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Marburg edition (also here)
AUTHOR Moescke, Johann
TITLE De Viris Illustribus Pacti Cum Inferis Daemonibusque Suspectis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:001171V_001,800,600 through http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:001171V_015,800,600
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moestlin, Michael
TITLE Observatio et demonstratio cometae aetherei qui anno 1577 et 1578 constitutus in sphaera Veneris apparuit
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-068022
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Moesch, Johannes
TITLE De horis canonicis dicendis
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1483 Basel edition
AUTHOR Moggi, Moggio (d. 1388)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf410535
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE Anatomicae disputationes duae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xGZVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De apoplexia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_G8E6l_KaP4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De catarrho
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032345/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De causis anastoicheioseos kai systoicheioseos humani corporis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032343/images/
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De causis, differentiis et curatione febrium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2c1SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1591 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De compositione, generatione et conservatione humani corporis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032347/images/
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De dysenteria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VQuoN4K2iLEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De epilepsia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VQuoN4K2iLEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De fabrica renum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SvVaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De horribilium atque horrisonorum purobolorun kai sphairobolon tormentorum bellicorum vulnerum natura et curatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xWZVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boioks
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De indiciis morborum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032349/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De medendii indicationibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qPArDs3TPoMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine (pharmacology?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De nutritione et humoribus humanum corpus nutrientibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=q3pVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De signis crisium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032350/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE De sanguinis sputo ex pulmonibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029626/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE Disputatio explicans Galeni doctrinam
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Z49kkb5X77IC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Heidelberg
UTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE Theses de pleuritide
URLvol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=PGhVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mögling, Daniel
TITLE Theses de phrenitide
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IPrjyX0hkQwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mogollón, Baltasar
TITLE Tractatus de his quae vi, metus vel causa fiunt
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10475 SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Seville edition (a dpr of a second copy is available here)
AUTHOR Moffan, Nicolas de
TITLE Acta impia Soltani Seuleimani imperatoris Turcharum in scelerato parricidio Mustaphae primogeniti eius filii anno MDLIII
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00038023/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Augsburg (1555 Basel edition here)
AUTHOR Moffett, Thomas
TITLE De anodinis medicamentis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/38755
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mohamed II, Emperor
TITLE Epistola responsiva ad Pium II
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I162A/directory.djvu?DJVUOPTS&PAGE=209
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of and undated Rome edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Mohamed II, Emperor
TITLE Epistolae magni Turci
URL http://zaguan.unizar.es/documents/incunables/I156A/directory.djvu?DJVUOPTS&PAGE=214
SITE BUZ (Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Mohl, Hugo von (1805 - 1873)
TITLE De palmarum structura
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-097540
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1823 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mohl, Hugo von (1805 - 1873)
TITLE De structura caudicis filicum arborearum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/15904
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Munich edition
AUTHOR Mohluysen, Philip Christiaan
TITLE De tribus Homeri Odysseae codicibus antiquissimis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=puCFqjtAHEYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1896 Leiden edition0
AUTHOR Mohr, Georg
TITLE De collatione bonorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wcR5RzhmilAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Mohr, Georg
TITLE De Iniuriis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/re-295-15s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Mohr, Theodor
TITLE De duobus reis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tkxfAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1658 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Mohr, Theodor
TITLE Viro Nobilissimo. Consultissimo. Et Excellentissimo. Dn. Philippo. Ernesto. Forstero
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/3:007344L_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Halberstadt edition
AUTHOR Möhring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard
TITLE Avium genera
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kHapS485ZMkC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Auriac-de-Bourzac edition
AUTHOR Möhring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard
TITLE Historiae medicinales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kHapS485ZMkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Auriac-de-Bourzac edition
AUTHOR Möhring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard
TITLE Primae Lineae Horti Privati
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN643375295
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Oldenburg edition
AUTHOR Moibanus, Johannes
TITLE Colloquia evangelica duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9z9RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Bratislava edition
AUTHOR Moibanus, Johannes
TITLE Epithalamion
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033161/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Moïse Qimhi: see Sebastian Munster
AUTHOR Moivre, Abraham de
TITLE Animadversiones in d. Georgii Cheynaei tractatum de fluxionum methodo inversa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jh8OAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 edition
AUTHOR Moivre, Abraham de
TITLE De mensura sortis seu de probabilitate eventuum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FfhBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 London edition
AUTHOR Moivre, Abraham de
TITLE Miscellanea analytica de seriebus et quadraturis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1256109
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 London edition
AUTHOR Moiszisstzig, Heinrich
Quaestiones de adjectivis Graecis, quae dicuntur, verbalibus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737990
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1844 Conitz edition
AUTHOR Moker, Anton
TITLE De artibus et philosophia, eiusque cultoribus, oratiuncula
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018174/images
SUBJECT Philosophy, arts
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Erfuhrt edition
AUTHOR Moker, Anton
TITLE Decalogus metricus et paraenetica disticha
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lXpWMTvDxCoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Erfuhrt edition
AUTHOR Moker, Anton
TITLE Hyldesia Saxoniae, Vere Et Proprie A Prima Origine & incremento, vna cum alijs rebus memorabilibus, ad praesentia vsq[ue] tempora deductis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018175/images/
SUBJECT History,
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Moker, Anton
TITLE Oratio de concordia et mutua officiorum communicatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zlhXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Erfuhrt edition
AUTHOR Moker, Anton
TITLE Regulae utriusque iuris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ahE8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Bibliotheca materiarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tQUVAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Louvain edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE De canonici libri tres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WvC6HGKVFLwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE De fide et iuramento quae a tyranno exiguntur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AN5WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE De fide haereticis servanda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AN5WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE De fide rebellibus servanda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yhIWPjMvzXkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE De picturis et imaginibus sacris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yhIWPjMvzXkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Louvain edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Historia sacrarum imaginum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=g_wAXVDV5IgC
SITEGoogle Books
SUBJECT Religion, icoography
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Mainz edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Historiae Lovaniensium lbri xiv
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=I4g-AQAAIAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=y6lBAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1861 Brussels edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Iudicium Salomonis (1550)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Ceneton/Molanus69Salomon1550ca.html
SITE Leiden University
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Liber de piis testamentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ihq-k-lYs4cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Medicorum ecclesiasticum diarium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4S1jKwaj3MYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Brussels edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Miliitia sacra ducum et principum Brabantiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-oFkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Natales sanctorum Belgii et eorundem chronica recapitulatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VipSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Molanus, Johannes (Jan Van der Muelen)
TITLE Theologiae practicae compendium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZcNQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Moldenit, Johann
TITLE Supremam In Philosophia Lauream qua Rectore Magnifico ... Dn. M. Theophilo Aenitio
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-85366
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Jena edition
AUTHOR Molerio, Elia
TITLE Astronomicus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/122979
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 - 07 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Molerio, Elia
TITLE De sydere novo, seu De nova stella: quae ab 8.die Octobris anni apo tês Christogonias 1604 inter astra Sagittarij videri coepit
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/272354
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE Commentaria in primam d. Thomae partem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=clTavQjOQh8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis diuina praescientia, prouidentia, predestinatione et reprobatione
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18632956
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Lisbon edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE Liber arbitrii (the same as the preceding?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_H5SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE Appendix ad concordiam liberi arbitrii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ucvs60oRAYQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Lisbon edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE De Hispanorum primogeniorum origine ac natura
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1765,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1771,1771,,007634,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Medina del Campo edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE De contractibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gmV_-mWpA0cC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1601 Venice edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE De iustitia: et iure
URL vol. 1 http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_9_122/Z_9_122_fich_1.html
vol 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=fSxFAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=xBNGAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=StRTAAAAcAAJ
vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=pCtFAAAAcAAJ
vol. 6 https://books.google.com/books?id=ritFAAAAcAAJ
SITES Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital , Google Books
NOTES Dprs of the 1593 Conches and 1614 Cologne ediitons
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE De primogeniorum Hispanorum origine, ac natura libri quatuor
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1681,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1692,1692,,005987,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1749 Lyon edition is also available)
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600)
TITLE Additiones seu illustgrationes aurea ad..de Hispaniarum primogeniis celebrem tractatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LZTfMWjX-ykC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1589 Madred edition
AUTHOR Molina, Luis de S. J. (1535 - 1600) (or another author of the same name?)
TITLE Liber morum exemoplar seu characteres
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PPtmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Commentarius ad edictum Henrici secundi contra abusus paparum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IHCKVbWIaDwC&pg=GBS.RA1
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Commentarii In Parisienses Totius Galliae Supremi Parlamenti Consuetudines
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN626657261
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Berne edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Commentarius analyticus in regulas cancellariae Romanae hactenus in regno Franciae usu receptas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA1179
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Consilia duo analytica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA1057
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Opera omnia quae hucusque experiri potuerunt
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=fWVLCe9XNckC
vol. 3
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 - 25 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Consilia et responsa iuris analyticae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LZTfMWjX-ykC
SITE Google Books
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE De dignitatibus, magistratibus et civibus Romanis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=srupbbZbGfkC&pg=GBS.PA1619
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE De verborum obligationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA3
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Elucidatio septem ldgum obscuriorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Ennarationes novae in quinque leges
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA679
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Explanatio l. si totas C. de inoffiosos testamenentis,, donationibus et dotibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA935
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Extricatio labyrinthi dividui et individui
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA161
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition (see also https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA261)
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolu
TITLE Notae ad consilia Alexandri Tartagni
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IHCKVbWIaDwC&pg=GBS.RA2-PA271
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Notae ad Philippum Decium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IHCKVbWIaDwC&pg=GBS.RA2-PA535
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Notae solennes in Alexandrum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC at end
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Notae solennes in consuetudines Gallicas
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC at end
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Notae solennes in Decium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC at end
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Novus et analyticus intellectus quatuor legum Pandectarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA605
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Opera omnia quae hucusque experiri potuerunt
URL vol 1 . https://books.google.com/books?id=srupbbZbGfkC
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=fWVLCe9XNckC
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 - 25 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Prima de factis dividuis et i ndivisujis et primitivis obligationibus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA181
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Quaestio de donationibus in contractu matrimonii factis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA967
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Quinque solennes lectiones Dolanae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA749
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Scholia in l. tribus § finito de usufructu earum rerum quae usu consumuntur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA667
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Tractatus de eo quod interest
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA815
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Sommaire des contracts, usures, rentes constituees, interest set monnoyes
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=IHCKVbWIaDwC&pg=GBS.RA2-PP8
SITE Google Books
NOTES Text partially in Latin; dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Tractatus commerciorum, contractuum et usurarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA1105
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Tractatus duo analytici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fWVLCe9XNckC&pg=GBS.PA993
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De aneurysmate e laesa brachii in mittendo sanguine arteria
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=80SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 65 - 106; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in availab le here)
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De gravium corporum descensu in aqua
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14142&format=jpg&seqnum=527
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.1 (1767) 280 - 290; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De ligatis sectisque nervis octavi paris
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=292
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 280 - 297; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De ossis hyoidis laxatione
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=15
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 1 - 6; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De rupto patellae tendine
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=17
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 9f. ; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Molinellius, Petrus Paulus
TITLE De venefica aeris indole
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=10629&format=jpg&seqnum=15
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.2 (1767) 7f.; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Molinaeus, Carolus
TITLE Stylus antiquus supremae curae a mpolissimi ordinis parlamenti Pariensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IHCKVbWIaDwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Paris edition
Molineus, Petrus Paulus: see Jacob Gretser S. J. (two items)
AUTHOR Molino, Miguel de
TITLE Repertorium Fororum et Observantiarum Regni Aragonum: una pluribus cum determinationibus consilii iustitiae Aragonum practicis atquae cautelis eisdem fideliter annexis
URL http://www.bivida.es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?ocultarCabecera=S&path=13
SITE Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Zaragosa edition (dpr's of the 1544 Zaragsa edition and the 1585 Zaragosa edition are also available)
AUTHOR Molino, Miguel de: see Jerónimo Portolés
AUTHOR Moliis, Claudius Magnus
TITLE De sensu morali I
URL http://filosofia.fi/tallennearkisto/tekstit/2801
SITE Filosofia.FI
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 Åbo edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Christoph
TITLE Beatissimus eius ex hac vita discessus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027523/images/
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Nuremberg editio
AUTHOR Molitor, Christoph
TITLE Joannes Michael Dilherrus in Vita Josepho ... Comparatus et oratione panegyrica ... exhibitus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027523/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Christoph
TITLE Pêrûš ʿal šettê millôt mevo'ar ʿinyan rûaḥ Elohîm bi-bĕ-r'êšît û-mā ʿinyān
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VdtPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Christoph
TITLE Skiographia ministerioi sensus in scriptura sacra
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=trVPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Christoph
TITLE Spiritus Dei; astrolatria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-fpOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Altdorf edition
AUTHORS Molitor, Franz Joseph
TITLE De diaabete
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Heidelberg edition
AUTHORS Molitor, Franz Joseph
TITLE De febre continua maligna et intermittente tertiana Utraque ad Rhenum annis MDCCXXXIV et MDCCXXXV epidemica et castrensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=pJhmJouIji4C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Lausanne edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Gereon
TITLE Facultatis iuridicae in universitate electorali Gerana decanus ac senior Gereon Molitoris
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/39:164490B_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Erfurt edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Herman
TITLE Official document (1686)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=15760
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. se-02118
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Anatomia peripatetica de corpore animato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NL1TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, anatomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 D\illingen edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Assertiones De Modis Philosophicis
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/10754/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilan-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Dillingen edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE De natura scientiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Kr1TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Dillingen editio
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Disputatio publica ex universa philosophia
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:189748Z_001,800,600
and http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:189748Z_002,800,600
and http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/12:189748Z_003,800,600
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1640 Dillingen edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Oikonomia increatae sapientiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3fYGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1637 Dillingen editio
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Theses metaphysicis de rerum essentiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K71TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 D\illingen edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Isaias S. J.
TITLE Theses philosophicae de corpore simpici
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M71TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 D\illingen edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Johann
TITLE Theses Logicae De Divisione Et Definitione Et Physicae Ex III. & IIII. Physicorvm
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033838/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 ) Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Molitor, Ulrich
TITLE De Lamiis & Pythonicis mulieribus
URL http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/witch/docviewer?did=060
SITE Cornell Witchcraft collection
SUBJECT Withcraft
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Frankfurt a. M. edition with linked html transcript (a dpr of an undated Reutlingen edition is available here, undated Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Molkenbeer, Julianus Hendrik: see François Dozy (two items)
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE De contractibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nutKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE De contractibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nutKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE De privatis delictis
URL https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=a3xHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE Discursus Academicus de cuius Thematis Ex publico & privato iuribus excerptis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN583326854
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE Positiones ex iure civili, canonico, feudali et reccss. imperii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZUlJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Marburg edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes
TITLE Disputatio Iuridica De Contractibus In Genere
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN58333265X
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Rinteln edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE De iurisprudentiae publicae cognitione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K_hXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE De legibus decemviralibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PXJYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT P:olitics
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE De patria potestate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KuNYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE De regimine civitatis glorioso
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c04CzCVQ4dsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT P:olitics
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE Iurisconsultus religiosus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7h5VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 17293 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE Succincta iuris gentium delineatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RIFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Haervik edition
AUTHOR Mollenbeck, Johannes Henricus
TITLE Thesaurus iuris civilis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OZZgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Haervik edition
AUTHOR Mollenbecke, Petrus
TITLE Tabula in libros Veteris ac Novi Testamenti Nicolai de Lyra
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE Projekt vdib
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1480 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Mollenhauer, Gustav
TITLE De eis verbis cum praepositionibus compositis, quae a Polybio ipso novata sunt
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4764143
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1888 Merseburg edition
AUTHOR Möller, Andreas (1598 - 1660)
TITLE Avlaevm gratiarvm. Vrsvs Finlandicvs. Aqvila Polonica. In honorem ... D. Sigismvndi Avgvsti, Regis Poloniae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/218-5-quod-8/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Möller, Andreas (1598 - 1660)
TITLE Cippus Sepulcralis Nobilissimo, summaeque spei Puerulo Georgio Fridericho ... Dn. Georgii Friderichi A Schönbergk in Mittelfrohna & Limpach/ &c. ... Filio
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844700
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Freiberg edition
AUTHOR Möller, Andreas (1598 - 1660)
TITLE Euphemia gratulatoria
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:638920B_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Möller, Andreas
TITLE De actionibus humanis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=w4FJl-SvKzsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Möller, August
TITLE De epistola Christi ad Abgarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-gY_eshc2gkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Möller, August
TITLE Votum Triplex Et Allocutio Queis Civis Conterraneio Amicus Amico, Matruelis Matrueli In Agro & Ephoria Dresdensi Magisterii Gradum Collatum Munus, Coeptumque Matrimonium
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844083
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Alt-Dresden edition
AUTHOR Moller, Bernard
TITLE Historicvm Pro Illvstrissimi Principis Ac Domini, D. Ioannis Guilhelmi Iuliae, Cliuiae Montiumq[ue] Ducis, Marchiae et Rauensburgi Comitis, Domini in Rauenstein, etc. nec non Illvstrissimae Principis Ac Dominae, D. Iacobae Marchionissae Badensis, Comitissae Spanheimen: etc. Ad XVI. mensis Iunij Anno 1585. celebratis nuptijs
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00006350-6
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Dusseldorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Bernard
TITLE Γεοργιοδρακοντομαχία: Republica christiana Hoc est Georgii et Draconis pugna: Tragoedia poetica, elegiaca, figurata
URL http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ166233506
SITE Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Münster edition
AUTHOR Moller, Bernard
TITLE Ποιμανδροσατανομαχία: Ecclesia christiana hoc est Poemandri Episcopi et Satanicae Veneris pugna: Tragoedia parabolica, poetica, elegiaca
URL http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ166233609
SITE Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Münster edition
AUTHOR Möller, Clemens
TITLE Quaestiones metricae de synaloephae qua Terentius in versibus iambicis et trochaicis usus est ratione
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737359
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1906 Munster edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel
TITLEI De Processu Iudiciario
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-113614
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Leipzig edition (1612 Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel
TITLE De venaesectione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-BVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel
TITLE De symptomatibus et symtomatum differentiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5xVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel
TITLE Semestrium libri quinque
URL http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~db/0002/bsb00022590/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Argumenum Cartesii pro existentia Dei probanda ex idea Dei
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ad1KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Characteromantia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZORIAAAAcAA
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Graphology
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De A. Politiano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JbRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Aelio Lampridio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=fehFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Aelio Spartiano
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8MpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Altdorf" edition
UTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De aliquid
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8MpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Ammiano Marcellino
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=fOhFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De anemocoetis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wyJHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De annulo trinitario
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n2dZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Jewellry, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Antonio Bonfinio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OrRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De artifice summi naturae opificis aemulatore
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=W_lKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Superstitions
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De B. Brissono
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ErRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion?
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De B. Platina
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=9h1HAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion?
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De C. C. Salustio Crispo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xPSAbj0VgO0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Altdorf editio
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De C. Corn. Tacito
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De C. Plinio Secundo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cuhFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De columa ad quam Iesus flagellatus fuisse perhibetur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vMh84-Qtu7YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De castro Rotenberg
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=IqFVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topgraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De cognitione sui
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=d7NMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Psychology
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De duabus columnis Sethianis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7ltGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De duodecim iudicibus Istraelitarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NJxPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Eutropio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=WPlRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De expeditionibus cruciatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-1tGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De exuperantio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4cpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De exuperantio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4cpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Hispania
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3O5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History or topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De C. Fannio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=17pQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De fatalilbus personarum nominibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=omxQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De F. Hotmano
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=5rNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Flavio Vopisco
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=b7NMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De gigantibus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=zr5IAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De historia nostri saeculi
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=b7NMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De indissolubili nexu philosophiae cum iurisprudentia
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11894/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De insectis quibusdam Hungaricis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=A_BZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Altdorf edition0
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De iobeleo (sic) Lutheranorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=f_tOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Johanne Aventino
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PktOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Johanne Carione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Johanne Meursio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=51KKpo3c5vwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Jornande
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KWdZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philsology
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Justino
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XbNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Altdorf editon
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De iuramentorum Iudaicorum a Christianis tam acceptorum quam esxactorum fide et moralitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MdtGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De I. C. Bulengero
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=uLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De L. Apuleio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zFtGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Leonhardo Wurffbaino
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uyJHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De L. Annaeo Floro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VbNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De L. Apuleio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zFtGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1691 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De malleolo iobeleio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C7NMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De manuloquio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JbNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Sign language
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De monachorum origine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WvxFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Marc. Ant. Coccio Sabellico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mNNFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Mose philosopho
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=f_tOAAAAcAAJ J
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De .Nauclero
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IbRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1706 "Casiitero" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De nuce conscientiae tintinnabulo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SsxE244QdWsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De ocililoquo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KbNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Marco Antonio Coccio Sabellico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LrRMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De ominosis diebus dominicis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zXdZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Superstitions
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De opsimathia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=9rJMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Altdorf" edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De pecunia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_spQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Economics
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De perennis veterum lucernis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cABIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De philosophia effectiva
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11895/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De praeparatione
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Seculo
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11896/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De scytala Lacedaemoniorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=A3lZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Cryptography
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Severo Sulpicio (sic)
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=k7NMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Typography
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Sexto Rufo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De technophysiotameis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4HE_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De terrore panico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NNhGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Psychology
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De titulo Christianissimi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=X7RMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics, heraldry
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De titulo rex regum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=q3D9bTIUzGIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, politics,, heraldry
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Transilvania
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uefqV1w_vqgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De tribus regni Sueciae coronis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZMdQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Heraldry
NOTES Dpr of the 1696Altdorf edition
zAUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De Valerio Maximo
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=YLNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE De vitis quinquaginta historicorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4spQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Decas Secunda Epistolarum Ad Dan. Guil Mollerum Missarum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12240/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Decas Tertia Epistolarum Ad Dan. Guil Mollerum Missarum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12241/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Farrago Epistolarum Ad Dan. Guil. Mollerum Missarum. in Decades distributa
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12239/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Historia magorum Christum adorantium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=H-RIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Meditatio Stoica de conditione temporis praesentis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gi1GZ4agOWgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Opuscolorum ethici et problemtico-critici binio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ncGE7PnmwMMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Positiones miscellaneae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YdPHmcBfh8kC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT MIscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Q. Curtium nova commentariorum ratione illustratum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=irNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Altdorf editioAltdorfn
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Septem primos diaconos ecclesiasticos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=A5EE7tYsACcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Moller, Daniel Wilhelm
TITLE Vitae curriculum Georg. Philipp. Harsdorferi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1bbTUYqBTHQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Möller, H. P. C.
TITLE Index molluscorum Groenlandiæ
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/10433
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Moller,Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Avlaevm gratiarvm. Vrsvs Finlandicvs. Aqvila Polonica. In honorem ... D. Sigismvndi Avgvsti, Regis Poloniae, ... D. Iohanis, Dvcis Finlandiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/218-5-quod-8/start.htm (download here)
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Carminum sacrorum libri tres
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-111794
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Danzig edition
AUTHOR Moller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Catalogus librorum tam manuscrioptorum quam impressorum in bibliotheca Gothana
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=c95ZrP9a6XEC
SITE GooglelBooks
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Gotland edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Ennaratio psalmorum Davidis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Jl8tJvEoifwC
SITE GooglelBooks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Epicedion In Morte Optimi Et Doctissimi Viri M. Ioannis Marcelli Regiomontani
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027753/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Danzig edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Imaginum liber
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-111925
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Danzig edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE In Malachiam prophetam commentarius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gJcWMjRR3DYC
SITE GooglelBooks
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Propositiones, Complectentes Svmmam Praecipvorvm Capitvm Doctrinae Christianae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037961/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_10.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHORS Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Propositiones complectentes summam praecipuorum capitum doctrinae Christianae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LAYoRmManFkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Heinrich (1528 - 1567)
TITLE Triumphus Christi Ad Romanorum Accomodatus Et Editus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037820/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Möller, Jacob
TITLE De cornutis et hermaphroditis eorumque iure
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9M5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Möller, Jacob
TITLE Monumentum pietatis
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:087175C_001,800,600 through
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Frankfurt a. O. edition
AUTHOR Moller, Johann Heinrich (
TITLE Catalogus librorum tam manuscrioptorum quam impressorum in bibliotheca Gothana
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=c95ZrP9a6XEC
SITE GooglelBooks
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Gotland edition
AUTHOR Møller, Malthe Christian
TITLE Epistola (1828)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=20751
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dk-
AUTHOR Möller, Nicolaus
TITLE De modernis antiquitatum hebricarum scriptoribus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möller, Nicolaus
TITLE De templo Salomoneo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FgVKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Jena edition
AUTHOR Möller, Nicolaus
TITLE Venerandum antiquitatis verae titulum, gentiles inter gentibus cultis politisque, speciatim Graecis ac Romanis, horumque rebus vel minore, vel nullo iure competere ... ostendit
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033280/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Möller, Vincenz
TITLE Theses de iure et praerogativa plurium creditorum in pignore vel hypotheca
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032372/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Basel edition
AUTHOR Moller, Wolfgang
TITLE Erotemata artis dialectices
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I_45AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philolosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Moller, Wolfgang
TITLE Iason Ecloga Scripta In Honorem Nuptiarum Clarissimi viri Stephani Weissenbachi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037649/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Jena edition
AUTHOR Moller, Wolfgang
TITLE Oratio de vita et rebus gestis Bertoldi cognomento sapientis, principis Hennebergici
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028396/images/
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Schmalkald edition
AUTHOR Mollerus, Justus
TITLE Fasciculus remediorum ex Dioscoride et Mathiolo
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533786915
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mollweide, Carolus Brandanus
TITLE De Pisce qvem occidens pleias fvgit [microform] : Commentatio philologico-astronomica explictionem loci pro difficillimo habiti in Virgilii Georg. IV. 231-235 pistens
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737977
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1811 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mollweide, Carolus Brandanus
TITLE Dissertatio mathematica de quadratis magicis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1353674
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1816 Leipzig edition
AUTHORS Moinichen, Henricus abd Giuseppe Lanzoni
TITLE Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae, Cum Annotationibus Josephi Lanzonii
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN614072085
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1681 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Molradus, Winold
TITLE De matrimonio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025084/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Molther, Georg
TITLE De quodam peregrino qui...se fratrem r. c. confessus fuit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0LPCdmUBaUAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Molther, Georg
TITLE Elegia In Piam Et Anniversariam Recordationem Incarnationis filii Dei
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00020258/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Jena edition
AUTHOR Molther, Johann
TITLE Theses Theologicae De Bonis Operibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029974/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Marburg edition
AUTHOR Molther, Menrad
TITLE Caroli imperatoris illius Magni et d. Albini de rhetorica et virtutibus disputatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IhU8AAAAcAAJ
SITE CGogle Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Hagenau edition
AUTHOR Molther, Menrad
TITLE Index insignium virorum, gestorum, locorum quorum mentio in Veteris et Novi Instrumenti cotinentur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yilSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Marburg edition
AUTHOR Molther, Menrad
TITLE Lucta Christiana psalmi 50 deprecatoria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vWvsAphst-oC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Relibion
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Hagenau edition
AUTHOR Molther, Menrad
TITLE Romanorvm Pontificvm omnium, a S. Petro, ad Clemente[m] VII. usq[ue], uita et mores
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036358/images/
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Hagenau edition
AUTHOR Moltzer, Marius Nicolaus Jacobus
TITLE De Apollonii Rhodii et Valerii Flacci Argonautici
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737390
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1891 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Ad Dianam (Carmina 7)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GelukTekst.htm
SITE Leiden University Deparmtnet of Dutch Language and Literature
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Ad solem (Carmina 8)
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GelukTekst.htm
SITE Leiden University Deparmtnet of Dutch Language and Literature
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2424352
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Elegia
URL http://www.edres.it/elegia.html
SITE Lo Stracciafoglio (online magazine)
CONTRIBUTOR Rossana Sodano
NOTES Editio princeps from a contemporary ms., with an introduction and an Italian translation by Massimo Scorsone; html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Elegiae
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf24283056
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (1489 - 1544)
TITLE Epigramma
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf2446122
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Molza, Francesco Maria (spurious)
TITLE Dum lini segetemk nocturna ad lumina purgo
URL http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/Dutch/Latijn/GelukTekst.htm
SITE Leiden University Deparmtnet of Dutch Language and Literature
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mombrizio, Bonino (1424 - 1482)
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf847634
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mombrizio, Bonino (1424 - 1482)
TITLE De dominica passione libri sex heroico carmine conscripti
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/82-6-quod-10/start.htm (download here)
SITE Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbütte
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mombrizio, Bonino (1424 - 1482)
TITLE Hesiodi Ascrei Theogonia Latinis hexametris reddita ; ex versione Bonini Mombritii
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071758
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Poetry, translation
NOTES Dpr of the 1474 Ferrara edition (a dpr of a second, undated edition is also available); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Mombrizio, Bonino (1424 - 1482)
TITLE Sanctuarium sive vitae sanctorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pCVn3iwCVBUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1479 Milan edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE De varia conditione et sttu ecclesiae Dei
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=Oe1oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE Meditationes in catechesin Heidelbergensm
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Oe1oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE Meditationes posthumae in epistolas ad Romanos et Galatas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fKAUAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1678 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE De varia conditione et statu eccclesiae Dei sub triplici oeconomia patriacharum ac testamenti veteris et denique novi
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=wjNBAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=4jNBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE Oeconomia temporum demonstrata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=U0grAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Momma, Wilhelm
TITLE Oratio de adparititionibus Iesu Christi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VEgrAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the -1700 Leiden edition0
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Analecta Liviana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KR9dJcBda7AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1873 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Chronica minora
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NJo4AQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum
URL vol. 9 https://books.google.com/books?id=KR9dJcBda7AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Ad legem de scribis et viatoribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lBNBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Carmen codicis Parisini 8084
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9bhSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1870 Frankurt a. M. edition (partial text)0
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE De C. Caelii Saturnini titulo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BChRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE De collegiis et sodaliciis Romanorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QUxQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Elogia clarorum virorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lBNBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Fasti anni Iuliani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lBNBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History (calendar?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Fragmenta Vaticana
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=VZwF0imJztQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Insciptiones Asiae, privinciarum Europae Graecarum etc.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6qyLuo0iO_8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Insciptiones Bruttiorum Lucaniae Campaniae Siciliae etc. .
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=vzEV-dMx7SIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Insciptiones Calabriae, Apuliae etc.
URL vol. https://books.google.com/books?id=KR9dJcBda7AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1883 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Inscriptiones confoederationis Helveticae latinae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c7cWAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1854 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Inscriptio Lanuvina
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QUxQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lBNBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Inscriptiones regni Neapolitani Latinae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hi9XRQu5990C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Liber pontificalis
URL vol. 1 http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000782/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Observationes epigraphicae xxxix, xl, xli
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Q0UUm4U58AsC
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1890 edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Bede, Chronica maiora
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000825/images/index.html?id=00000825&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Cassiodorus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000824/images/index.html?id=00000824&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1904 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Cassiodorus, Chronica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Chronographus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000798/images/index.html?id=00000798&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Consularia Constantinopolitana cum additamento Hydatii
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000798/images/index.html?id=00000798&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Consularia Italica
UR http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000798/images/index.html?id=00000798&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Eugippus, Vita Severini
UR http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000824/images/index.html?id=00000824&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Gildas, De excidio et conquestu Britanniae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000825/images/index.html?id=00000825&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Hydatius Lemicus, Continuatio chronicorum Hieroymianorum
UR http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Isidore of Seville, Chronica maiora
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Isidore of Seville, Historia Gothorum Wandalorum Sueborum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Jordanes, Romana et Getica
URL hhttp://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000792/images/index.html?id=00000792&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Marcellinus, Chronicon
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Marius Aventicensis episcopus, Chronica
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Nennius, Historia Brittonum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000825/images/index.html?id=00000825&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1898 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Origo Constantini imperatoris sive Anonymi Valesiani pars prior
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000798/images/index.html?id=00000798&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Prosperus Tiro, Epitoma chronicon
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000798/images/index.html?id=00000798&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1892 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to Christian Lütjohann's edition of Sidonius Apollinaris
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000797/images/index.html?id=00000797&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1887 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Victor Tonennensis episcopus, Chronica and two other chronicles
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000823/images/index.html?id=00000823&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1894 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor (1817 - 1903)
TITLE Privilegia militum veteranorumque
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1II7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1881 edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor: see Paul Krueger
AUTHOR Mommsen, Theodor: see Commentationes philologae in honorem Theodori Mommseni
AUTHOR Mommsen, Tycho
TITLE Annotationis criticae supplementum ad Pindari Olympias
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=Lvd5bM0zl7YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1864 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Tycho
TITLE Exercitationes Sophocleae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=csg3AAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1865 Frankfurt am. M. edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Tycho
TITLE Parerga Pindarica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SVLRAAAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Mommsen, Tycho : see Albert Grumme
AUTHOR Monachus Cathusiensis
TITLE Tractatus de musica plana (15th c.)
URL http://www.chmtl.indiana.edu/tml/15th/CARTRA_TITLE.html
SITE Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
NOTES Html format with associated graphics files
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE Ad Iacobum Hollerium Carmen (1565)
URL http://www.corpusetampois.com/cls-16-monantholius1565adhollerium.html
SITE Corpus Latinum Stampense
CONTRIBUTOR Bernard Gineste
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE Aristotelis mechanica
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=monan_mecha_035_la_1599;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Paris edition with linked html txt
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE De angulo contactus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QV4uW_0oOisC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1581 Paris edition
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE De Puneto primo geometriae principio liber
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073891
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE De suo in regiam cathedram reditu oratio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=QV4uW_0oOisC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the
1585 Paros edition
AUTHOR Monantheuil, Henri de
TITLE Ludus iatromathematicus musis factus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-073892
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
|SUBJECT Medicine, mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Paris edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE De malis citriis, aurantiis ac limoniis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3ISFzvMM0icC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE De rosa et partibus eius
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532543482
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of an undated Seville edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE De rosis Persicis, quas Alexandrinas vocant, libellus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532543482
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of an undated Seville edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE De simplicibus medicamentis ex Occidentali India delatis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532325922
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Antwerp edition (also here, 1593 Antwerp edition here)
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE De succi rosarum temperatura
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=x532543482
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of an undated Seville edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE Libri tres magna medicinae secreta et varia experimenta continentes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jrFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 edition
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE Simplicium medicamentorum ex Nouo Orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina vsus est, historia (same as the above?)
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X532610147
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Antwerp edition (also available here, 1593 Antwerp edition here)
AUTHOR Monardes, Nicolás (d. 1588)
TITLE Simplicium medicamentorum ex Nouo Orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina vsus est, historiae liber tertius (same as the above?)
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533816644
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Monau, Peter
TITLE De dentium affectibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032354/images
SUBJECT Medicine, dentistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Basel edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Aarron purgatus sive de vitulo aureo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cXxAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1605 Aire-en-Artois edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Antiquitates biblicae in Germania
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mHxAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Apparitionum divinarum duarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P4rwdCcgF0EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 (sic) Arras edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE De magia divinatrice et operatrice
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qDhKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Frankfurt-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE De portis civitatum Iudaeae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P4rwdCcgF0EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 (sic) Arras edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Ecclesiae Christianae veteris Britannicae incunabula regia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xKjfefczaOkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Tournai edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Historia apparitionum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=e7kTAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion?
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Moncaeus, Franciscus
TITLE Sacra buiolica sive Cantica Canticorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P4rwdCcgF0EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 (sic) Arras edition
AUTHOR Moncetus, Johannes Benedictus: see Gilles de Rome
AUTHOR Mönch, Gustav
TITLE De vestium coloribus praecipue apud veteres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=nZdBAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Eisleben edition
AUTHOR Mönch, Johann
TITLE Practica iudiciaria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032372/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Magdeburg edition
AUTHOR Mönch, Johann Sigismund
TITLE De supplicii crucis abrogatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AV5ZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mondain, Claude
TITLE De seditiosis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=19552
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1567 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mönch, Johann
TITLE Practica iudiciaria
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022458/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Magdeburg edition
AUTHOR Mondelli, Luigi
TITLE Dialogi medicinales decem
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/383505?name=Aloisii%20Mundellae%20Brixiani%20clarissimi%20in%20Italia%20medici%20et%20philosophi%20Dialogi%20med
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Mondelli, Luigi
TITLE Epistolae medicinales
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054274
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition; downloadable pdf format (a second copy is available here, undated Basel edition here)
AUTHOR Mondello, Ludovico
TITLE Preface to Giovanni Mario Filelfo’s Novum epistolarium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060115
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1489 edition
AUTHOR Mondino dei Liucci
TITLE Anatomia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058700
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1482 Bologna edition (dpr’s of the 1484 Padua edition, the 1494 Venice edition, the 1507 Venice edition, the 1531 Lyon edition and the 1540 Salamanca edition, and the 1541 Marburg edition are also available); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Mondino dei Liucci
TITLE Tabulae anatomicae
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?02117
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Rome edition
AUTHOR Mondino dei Liucci
TITLE Mesue cum expositione Mondini [de Liucci] super canones universales
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058654
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1519 Lyon edition is also available)
AUTHOR Moneda, Andrés de la O. S. B.
TITLE Cursus vtriusque philosophiae
URL vol. 2 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1645,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1655,1655,,007839,-1
vol. 3 http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1645,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1654,1654,,007828,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1660 - 61 Burgos edition
AUTHOR Monheim, Johannes
TITLE Catechismus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M00I-ZbTCZ8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Dusseldorf edition
See Anon., Censura et docta explicatio errorum catechismi Ioannis Monhemi, Cologne, 1586
AUTHOR Monheim, Johannes
TITLE Dialectices et rhetorices epitome
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cuI5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Monheim, Johannes
TITLE Elementorum physiologiae, seu philosophiae naturalis libri septem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034896/images
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Monheim, Johannes
TITLE Institutionum artis dialecticae libri tres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=lttYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Monheim, Johannes
TITLE Methodus arithmetices
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YkBmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE De clandestinis coniugiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NpZWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE An pontificii iure nostro debeant in integrum restitui?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zRFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE Confutatio calumniae contra leges earumque studiosos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zRFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE De legum dignitate et utilitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zRFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE De matrimonio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022514/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE Oratones tres
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zRFlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius (writing as Christoporus Thrasybulus)
TITLE Pontificem Romanum cum suis coniuratis eeese...resistendum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E_47AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Reliigon
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Basel edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE Quod defensio st ex lege naturali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gktXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law Frankfurt a. M. edition
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Monner, Basilius
TITLE Tractatus matrimonialis brevis ac methodicus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ovpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law Frankfurt a. M. edition
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Marburg edition
AUTHORS Johannes de Monteregio and Bernardus Walterus
TITLE Observationes motuum solis ac stellarum tam fixarum quam erraticarum
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(fixarum)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(fixarum)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28fixarum%29/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=Xt:(fixarum)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Montaigne, Jean Franois Camille (1784-1866)
TITLE Sylloge generum specierumque cryptogamarum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/syllogegenerumsp00mont
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1856 Paris edition (also here)
AUTHOR Montaigne, Philippe de
TITLE Preface to his edition of Theophylact, In quatuor Evangelia enarrationes
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0428_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Basel edition
AUTHOR Montalbano, Nepos de
TITLE De exceptionibus in utroque foro
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nmNPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boks
NOTES Dpr of the 1510 edition (1587 Frankfurt edition here)
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Collectaneorum Latinae locutionis opus secundum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005318/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE De Passione ac Morte Christi Fasciculus mirrha
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005241/images
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Declinandi & Coniugandi formulae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012793/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Divi Pauli Apostoli Vita, carmine heroico ... descripta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015275/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Elegantiae vocabulorum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-202732
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Odarum spiritualium liber
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005242/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jakob
TITLE Thesaurus Latine constructionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=JyhoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes
TITLE Apologia super eo verbo domini Omnis scriba doctus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_tZWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Solingen edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes
TITLE De historia passonis domini nostri
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=u9pYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes
TITLE Breve...philosophicum iudicium doctrinis misteriisque varis refertum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=R3JVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Bratislavaa edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes
TITLE Assertiones theol. de sacrosancto eucharistiae sacramento
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032375/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1592 Graz edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes
TITLE Theses iuridicae inaugurales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cuFdX3tPu4EC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes Fabricius
TITLE Defferentiae animalium quadrupedum secundum locos communes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9mBWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the Zurich edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Petrus
TITLE Satyrae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028303/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Petrus O. M.
TITLE Dominicae passionis secundum quatuor evangelistas dilucida ennaratio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2PFNh3wUsPsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Reliigon
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Petrus O. M.
TITLE De tutore, curatore et usufructu mulieri relicto
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PZWQQ98djEQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Petrus Jacobus
TITLE Disputatio theologica exhibens observationum biblicarum syllogen prima et secunda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gbn2jwFLxdsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista da
TITLE Metaphrasis Summaria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034026/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Monte, Lambert de
Expositio circa tres libros De anima Aristotelis
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015454/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1498 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montecatini, Antonio
TITLE Praelectio in libros de moribus ad Nicomachum
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11328/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1561 Venice edition
AUTHOR Montecatini, Giambattista
TITLE De Francisci Duareni jc. vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wfRFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Lucca edition
AUTHOR Monteggia, Giambattista
TITLE Fasciculi Pathologici
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN632229683
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Montenay, Georgette de
TITLE Emblematatum Chrisiianorum centuria
URL http://www.emblems.arts.gla.ac.uk/french/dual.php?id1=-1&type1=2&id2=sm772_front3r&type2=2
SITE Glasgow University Emblem Website
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Montenay, Georgette de
TITLE Emblematatum Chrisiianorum centuria
URL http://www.emblems.arts.gla.ac.uk/french/othertext.php?id=FMOb&t=1
SITE Glasgow University Emblem Website
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Montes y Piñeiro, Miguel Antonio de (1715 - 1781)
TITLE Theses ex sacra scriptura depromptae
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1241633&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&1100,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Compostella edition
AUTHOR Montijn, Catharinus Guilelmus Middeland
TITLE Quaestiones et explicationes Platonicas
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737914
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1864 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Montius, Pamphilus
TITLE Methodus medendi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lxo8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTE Dpr of the 1640 edition (1545 Venice edition here)
AUTHOR Montlor, Juan Baptista
TITLE Paraphrasis et scholia in duos libros priorum Analyticorum Aristotelis
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xt:(Paraphrasis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xt:(Paraphrasis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=t%3A%28Paraphrasis%29/1,5,5,B/l962&FF=Xt:(Paraphrasis)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Valancia edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Cleri Valentini et Dyensis reformatio restitioque
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oHFmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Paris edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Epistola Ioannis Monlucii, episcopi Valentini regis Gallorum legati ad Poloni[a]e ordines de illustrissimo Andium duce in Regnum Polonicum allegendo. Eiusdem monluci defensio pro illustrissimo Andium duce, adversus quorundam calumnias. Alia adversus huius ipsius defensionis calumnias, Zachariae Furnesteri defensio pro iusto et innocente tot millium animarum sanquine in Gallia effuso
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/450-1-quod-6/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Lusignan edition0
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Oratio nomine Christianissimi Galliarum regis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XrCsDUphV54C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De dysphagia
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=jN5VotHn0oEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1797 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De febribus arcendis discutiendisque
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K5rAjpqYSKoC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De nervis eorumque distributiones de motu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=viY_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1762 Franeker edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De testibus et de semine in variis animalibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WtdaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT P:hysiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Edinburgh edition0
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De vasis lymphaticis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xv5bAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE De venis lymphaticis valvulosis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=z2FpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE Nervorum anatome contracta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J0dcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Franiker edition
AUTHOR Monro, Alexander
TITLE Tentamina circa methodum partes animantium affabre injiciendi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mwhpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Monroy, Archbishop Antonio
TITLE Conclusiones theologicae adversus tres priores quae nomine Sorbonicae facultatis circunferuntur propositiones de Summi Pontificis auctoritate
URL http://iacobus.usc.es/search*gag?/sBUSC+dixital+Galicia/sbusc+dixital+galicia/1,1,1150,B/l856~b1174329&FF=sbusc+dixital+galicia&169,,1150,1,0
SITE Universidade de Santiago de Compostella
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Naples edition
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Antidotarium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058527
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmamcology
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition is also available)
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Consilia CCCV in quibus agitur de universis fere aegritudinibus, humano corpori evenientibus, & mira facilitate, curandi eas adhibetur modus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058841
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 edition (dpr’s of the 1499 Venice edition, the 1525 Lyon edition, and the 1564 Venice edition are also available)
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE De balneis et utilitatibus iuvamentisque eorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=f19BAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, baths
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Basel edition
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE De compositione et dosi medicinarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058527
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1499 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1525 Lyon edition is also available)
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE De seditiosis, liber singularis ad interpretationem juris
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-049891
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Paris edition
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Selecta opera
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=y2hq04cbX6kC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, baths
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Tractatus tres de balneis Patavinis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058547
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1497 edition (dpr’s of the 1499 Venice edition, the 1525 Lyon edition, and the 1564 Venice edition are also available)
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Tractatus de urinariis indiciis utilis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058275
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Padua edition
AUTHOR Montagnana, Barthélémy de
TITLE Tractatus de urinis ac earum speciebus
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X531642665
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology, zoology
NOTES Dpr of the c. 1497 Strasburg edition (a dpr of the 1517 Strasburg (?) edition is also available
AUTHOR Montalboddo, Fracanzano da
TITLE Itinerarium portugallensium e Lusitania in Indiam et Inde in Occidentem et demum ad Aquilonem
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058803
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1508 (Milan?) edition
AUTHOR Montalboddo, Fracanzano da
TITLE Novus orbis regionum ac insularum vetereibus incognitarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=enMNG2Ae_M0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Paris edition
AUTHORS Montalto, Lodovico
TITLE Tractatus reprobationis sententie Pilati
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052791
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Paris edition (dpr's of ther copies are available here and here)
AUTHOR Montanari, Geminiano
TITLE Cometes Bononiae Observatus Anno 1664 et 1665 : astronomicophysica dissertatio
URL http://libcoll.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/elib/rara/V9B5NQT9
SITE Max-Planck-Institute MPIWG Library Collection
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Montanari, Geminiano
TITLE Ephemeris lansbergiana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=akgv8eTBhyUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Montanari, Geminiano
TITLE Volantis flammae epitropeia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RSjke3UyH3AC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Montanés, Vincente O. E. S. A.
TITLE Commentarii in Porphyrium
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tCommentarii+in+Porphyrium+/tcommentarii+in+porphyrium/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tcommentarii+in+porphyrium&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Montanés, Vicente O. E. S. A.
TITLE De principiis praenoscendis sacrae theologiae
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMonta{228}n{226}es%2C+Vicente+%28O.E.S.A%29/amontan~aes+vicente+o+e+s+a/-2,-1,0,B/l962&FF=amontan~aes+vicente+o+e+s+a&2,,3,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Barcelona edition
AUTHOR Montano, Benedicto Aria
TITLE Aaron, sive Sanctorum vestimentorum ornamentorumque summa descriptio
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B20034921&idioma=0
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Montano, Benedicto Aria
TITLE Phaleg siue De gentium sedibus primis, orbisque terrae situ
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B18868630
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Montano, Giambattista
TITLE Chirurgica consilia
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00389x03
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Montano, Giambattista
TITLE Consilia medica omnia
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00389x01
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Montano, Giambattista
TITLE De febribus consilia omnia
URL http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/histmed/medica/cote?00389x02
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Montano, Giambattista
TITLE In libros Galeni
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-186779
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Cola (d. 1482)
TITLE Oratio ad Lucenses
URL http://diglib.hab.de/inkunabeln/37-rhet-17/start.htm
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus (1460 - 1534)
TITLE Collectaneorum Latinae locutionis opus secundum
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005318-3
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus (1460 - 1534)
TITLE De passione ac morte Christi fasciculus mirrhae
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005241-6
NOTES Dpr of an undated Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus (1460 - 1534)
TITLE Divi Pauli Apostoli Vita, carmine heroico ... descripta
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015275/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus (1460 - 1534)
TITLE Odae spirituales
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=1051
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
NOTES Dpr of the 1500 Daventer edition (a dpr of the 1513 edition is available here)
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus (1460 - 1534)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_11.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Montanus, Jacobus
TITLE De transmutatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KCtn9rGOp0UC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes Fabricius
TITLE De Wilhelmo Thellio elegia
URL http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/montanus.html
SITE The Latin Library
CONTRIBUTOR Jürgen Lenhart (2000)
NOTES Text from Schnur’s edition of Lateinissche Gedichte deutscher Humanisten (Stuttgart, 1966); html format
AUTHOR Montanus, Johannes Jacobus
TITLE Theses iuridicae inaugurales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cuFdX3tPu4EC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1798 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Marcus
TITLE Oratio ad Alexandrum VI pro Rhodiorum oboedientia
URL http://trobes.uv.es/search*val/Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D/Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&SUBKEY=a%3A%28Silber%29/1,23,23,B/l962&FF=Xa:(Silber)&searchscope=9&b=x%20%20%20%20&Da=&Db=&SORT=D&8,8,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1493 Rome edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Nicolaus
TITLE Oratio ad Lucenses
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMontanus%2C+Nicolaus+/amontanus+nicolaus/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=amontanus+nicolaus&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital (a dpr of the 1492 Rome edition is available here)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of an undated Rome edition
AUTHOR Montanus, Petrus Jacobus
TITLE Observationes biblicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gbn2jwFLxdsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Monte, Francesco Maria del, Cardinal (d. 1626)
TITLE Relatio facta in consistorio secreto coram S. D. N. Gregorio Papa XV . . . super vita, sanctgiate, actis canonizationis, et miraculis Beati Ignatii fundatoris Societatis Iesu
URL http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/limedio/limewww/book?sessionId=20040716.3290;sessionSeq=9649;sessionLang=eng;sessionCode=jis;bibid=697668
SITE Max Besson Library Japonica Collection
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Lille edition
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De Aldrovandia novo herbae palustris genere
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7196&format=jpg&seqnum=423
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:3 (1747) 404 - 412; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De Ammanniae herbae palustris nova specie
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14142&format=jpg&seqnum=346
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.1 (1767) 109 - 116; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De anguillarum ortu et propagatione
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=527
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 392 - 405; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De antiquo Bononiensi aquaeducta, eiusque extruendi causa
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=15343&format=jpg&seqnum=398
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VII (1792) 321 - 337; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De ovo serpentiformi
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=16349&format=jpg&seqnum=507
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 330 - 335; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De pendulino Boniensium sive remiz Polonorum
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=71
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 57 - 64; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De rostro rhinocerotis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=310
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 298 - 302; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano
TITLE De xylophthori terrestis prima specie
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14142&format=jpg&seqnum=587
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii V.1 (1767) 333 - 348; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Gaetano: see Johannes Antonius Andreas Castelvetri
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista da
TITLE Ad urinarum vel pulsuum observatio certiores notas salutis vel mortis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024388/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Consultationes medicae
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=B19918616
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1583 Basel edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista da
TITLE Consilia medica omnia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013808/imagess
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Nuremberg editi
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE De excrementis lib. II
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061022
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1555 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf forma
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista da
TITLE De idea Hippocraticae doctrinae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024404/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Vienna editiont
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE De morbo Gallico
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061022
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1555 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Expectatissimae in primam & secundam partem aphorismorum Hippocratis lectiones
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060145
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Venice edition (dpr’s of the 1555 Venice edition and of a second copy of that edition is also available); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Explicatio eorum, quae pertinent ad tertiam partem de componendis medicamento a Joanne Baptista Montano... dictata et a Vincentio Casali Brixiano annotata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058837
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Explicatio eorum, quae pertinent, tum ad qualitates simplicium medicamentorum, tum ad eorundem compositionem a Vincentio Casali Brixiano excepta
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058836
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 edition (a dpr of the 1555 Venice edition is available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Explicatio locorum medicinae, sine quorum intelligentia eam nemo recte exercere potest
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053782
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition (a dpr of another copy is available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE In artem parvam Galeni explanationes
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053771
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Medicina universa
http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19435289 URL
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Quaestio quomodo medicamentum aequale, vel inaequale dicatur
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-061022
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Paris edition (a dpr of the 1555 Paris edition is also available); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Monte, Giambattista (1498 - 1551)
TITLE Summaria Declaratio Eorvm, Qvae Ad Vrinarvm Cognitionem Maxime Faciunt
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024388/images/
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De balanis fossilibus
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=65
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 52 - 56; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De florum pulchritudine conservanda
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=251
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 229 - 237; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De fossilibus ligneis dissertatio
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=253
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 241 - 260; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De gummatis quibusdam
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=198
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Chemistry
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 180 - 185; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De mucore
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=153
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 145 - 159; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De ostreo fossili magnitudine et figura insigni
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=365
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 339 - 346; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De plantis venenatis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=169
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 160 -168 ; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De quadam balanorum congerie
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=7788&format=jpg&seqnum=337
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii III (1755) 323 - 330; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De scriptis comitis Aloysii Ferdinandi Marsilii
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=409
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 378 - 388; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De testaceis quibusdam fossilibus achate plenis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=308
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii II:2 (1746) 285 - 296; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Giuseppe
TITLE De variis exoticis plantis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=6761&format=jpg&seqnum=385
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 357 - 368; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del S. J.
TITLE De cochlea libri quatuor
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/854479
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Venice edition
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del S. J.
TITLE De ecclesiastici calendarii restitutione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FzF70El6_y0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calendar
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Pisa edition
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del, S. J.
TITLE In Duos Archimedis Aeqiponderatium libros paraphrasis
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=monte_aeque_077_la_1588;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1588 Pisa edition with linked html text
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del, S. J.
TITLE Mechanicorum Liber
URL http://archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=monte_mecha_036_la_1577;step=thumb
SITE Archimedes Project
SUBJECT Mechanics
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Pisa edition with linked html text (a dpr of a second copy is available here with an xml text here)
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del S. J.
TITLE Planisphaeriorum Universalium Theorica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/828416
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Pisa edition
AUTHOR Monte, Guidobaldo del S. J.
TITLE Problematum astronomicorum libri septem
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/325025
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Venice edition
AUTHOR Monte, Pedro del
TITLE De b. Mariae virginis conceptione
URL This is in a javascript-driven site; you must go to this page and request the individual items in the collection
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Milan edition
AUTHOR Monte, Pedro del
TITLE De dignoscendis hominibus
URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/bibliotecavirtualandalucia/catalogo/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10111
SITE La Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Milan edition
AUTHOR Montefalco, Augusto: see Gilles de Rome
AUTHOR Monteleone, Francesco
TITLE Modus scribendi per litteras alphabeti distinctus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019617/images/
SUBJECT Calligraphy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Montemayor y Córdoba de Cuenca, Juan Francisco
TITLE Ad comandae sive depositi instrumentum scholium
URL http://www.bivida.es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?ocultarCabecera=S&path=84
SITE Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Zaragosa edition
AUTHOR Montemayor y Córdoba de Cuenca, Juan Francisco
TITLE Excubationes semicenum ex decisionibus regiae chancellariae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_qq0hcuZKd4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 edition
AUTHOR Montemayor y Córdoba de Cuenca, Juan Francisco
TITLE Pentateuchon quaesita pendactylia continens de sui personalique defensione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1eGIOAjqdr8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 edition
AUTHOR Montenay, Georgette de
TITLE Emblematum Christianorum centuria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024609/images
SUBJECT Emblems, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1584 Zurich edition0
AUTHOR Monter de la Cueva, Martin
TITLE De corrupto docendae grammaticae Latinae genere
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=b4NbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Monter de la Cueva, Martin
TITLE Decisionum sacrae Regiae Audientiae causarum civilium regni Aragonum... Tomus primus
URL http://www.bivida.es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?ocultarCabecera=S&path=114
SITE Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Zaragosa edition
AUTHOR Monterde, Crostfol Joan (1566 - 1630)
TITLE Christophori Ioannis a Monterde ... Defensio seu iuris responsum pro Gaspare a Monsoriu ... accusato de asserto quodam mandato homicidij commissi in personam admiraldi Aragoniae
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMonterde&Submit3=Cercar/amonterde/1,21,50,B/l962&FF=amonterde+cristofol+joan+jer+1564+1630&3,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Monterde, Crostfol Joan (15664 - 1630)
TITLE Consilium analyticum Christofori Ioannis Moterdi J.C. equestris Ordinis Montesiae ac. S. Georgii, opidi Binalesae Domini. Pro D. Anna Despuig & Marc vidua, Aduersus D. Christoforum Despuig eius fratrem, In causa adipiscendae possessionis opidonum Alcanterae, Benexides et Rafol
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMonterde&Submit3=Cercar/amonterde/1,21,50,B/l962&FF=amonterde+cristofol+joan+jer+1564+1630&4,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Monterde, Crostfol Joan (15664 - 1630)
TITLE Responsum de iurisdictione ordinis Montesiae
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMonterde&Submit3=Cercar/amonterde/1,21,50,B/l962&FF=amonterde+cristofol+joan+jer+1564+1630&8,,8,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Monterde, Crostfol Joan: see Magdalena Fenollet y Pardo
AUTHOR Montes y Piñeiro, Miguel Antonio (1715 - 1781)
TITLE Theses ex sacra scriptura depromptae
URL http://www.autoresgalegos.org/web/asp/contenido.asp?seccInt=1&pag=3&idAutor=165
SITE CSBG (Fundación Cicade de Cultura de Galica Biblioteca Dixital)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Compostella edition (you have to install an activeX element of a TIFF viewer and to register)
AUTHOR Montesauro, Domenico
TITLE Preface to an edition of Michael of Ephesus, Scholia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015391/images/index.html?id=00015391&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Basel edition
AUTHOR Montesinos, Luis de, O. P.
TITLE Commentaria in Primam secundae Diui Thomae Aquinatis, tomo II
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1261,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1268,1268,,007915,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Alcalá de Henares edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Anasceues morborum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079246
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Lyon edition
Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Viator, sive itinerarium
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE De abditis centurae duae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-081643
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Compendiolum curatricis scientiae longe utilissimum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079247
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE De activa medicinae scientia commentarii duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079248
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE De admirandis facultatibus quarum causae abditae sunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=z2v2OziJnYIC&pg=GBS.PA5
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE De infantium febribus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-081644
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE De medica theoresi liber primus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-081643
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Exalogi de his quae ad medicum pertinent
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-081643
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Halosis febrium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079249
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Opuscula juvenilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=z2v2OziJnYIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Selectorum sectiones tres
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-081643
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Sylloge de purgationibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079247
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Hierosme de
TITLE Viator, sive itinerarium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-079250
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Monteux, Sébastien de
TITLE Dialexeon medicinalium libri duo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-053688
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Lyon edition (a dpr of another copy is available here)
AUTHOR Monteux, Sébastien de: see Leonhard Fuchs0
AUTHOR Monti, Girolamo (d. 1583)
TITLE Quaestionum varia concernentium materia s valde singulares
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8IBYf-qrrboC
SITE Google Boks
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1573 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Monti, Girolamo (d. 1583)
TITLE Tractatus de finibus regundis ciuitatum, castrorum, ac praediorum, tam vrbanorum, qum rusticorum, & pro dirimendis iurque iudicandis eorum litibus, atque controuersiis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/digLibrary/slideshow3.asp?dir=24_6575
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Venice edition (a dpr of the 1573 Lyon edition is available here)
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe
TITLE Catalogi stirpium agri Bononiensis prodroumus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ytFAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1719 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe
TITLE De monumento diluviano nuper in agro Bononiensi detecto
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=FggAAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Paleontology
NOTES Dpr of 1719 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe
TITLE Exoticorum simplicum medicamentorum varii indices
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2FzVHsTZb64C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of 1724 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe
TITLE Indices botanici et materiae medicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vFbyt9Xz1rIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of 1753 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe
TITLE Plantarum varii indices
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2O4Dg2u_-2AC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1724 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe Maria
TITLE De beneficiorum collatione apostolica sede vacante
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=g9dfOGNRPFgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of 1769 Urbino edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe Maria
TITLE De legitimatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tyxubdTvASAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1724 Rome edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe Stanislao
TITLE Conclusiones physicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1Ix-9Uwi1MAC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of 1691 Rome edition
AUTHOR Monti, Giuseppe Stanislao
TITLE Oratio in funere illustrissimi et reverendissimi praesulis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8AsSdYFvpG0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of 1706 Urbino edition
AUTHOR Monti, Pietro
TITLE De abbreviatione et fundamento legum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H2OOcKhiXl0C&pg=GBS.PP121
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 edition
AUTHOR Monti, Pietro
TITLE De brevi discursu intellectus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H2OOcKhiXl0C&pg=GBS.PP11
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 edition
AUTHOR Monti, Pietro
TITLE De dignoscendis hominibus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-058276
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1492 Milan edition
AUTHOR Monti, Pietro
TITLE Opuscula
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H2OOcKhiXl0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 edition
AUTHOR Monti, Pietro
TITLE Proverbia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H2OOcKhiXl0C&pg=GBS.PP205
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1507 edition
AUTHOR Montin, Lars Jonas
TITLE List (1785)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=15789
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. se-02147
AUTHOR Montin, Lars Jonas: see Linnaeus
AUTHOR Montius, Josephus
TITLE De crystallo montana
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=3891&format=jpg&seqnum=324
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Mineralogy
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 314ff.; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here
AUTHOR Montius, Pamphilus
TITLE Methodus medendi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oHFmAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Montlor, Juan Baptista
TITLE Paraphrasis et scholia in duos libros priorum Analyticorum Aristotelis
URL http://nebula.uv.es/ipac4/ipac_bin2/Pipacdle?doc_number=1182041&Language=E&SESSID=00513&PathINI=/gateways/ipac4/ipac_version_html/&
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Valancia edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de Lasseran de Massencome, Seigneur de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Cleri Valentini et Dyensis reformatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oHFmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de Lasseran de Massencome, Seigneur de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Epistola ad Poloniae ordines
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n2lnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1574 Paris edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de Lasseran de Massencome, Seigneur de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Oratio nomine Christianissimi Galliarum regis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=R39gAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Paris (?) edition
AUTHOR Montluc, Jean de Lasseran de Massencome, Seigneur de (1508 - 1579)
TITLE Pro Jo. Monlucio episcopo et comite Valentino Dien si praescriptio adversus libellum quendam nuper editum Zachariae Furnesteri subdititio nomine
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-100933
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1575 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Montorfani, Giovanni Maria
TITLE Iura excellentiss. d. principissae Federicae Hassia d'Armstat viduae relictae ab excellentiss. d. comite Carolo Antonio Gianini cum excellentiss. dd. comitibus Alexandro, et Francisco eiusdem filiis
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21164
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1746 Milan edition
AUTHOR Montorfani, Girolamo (d. 1583)
TITLE Tractatus de finibus regendis ciuitatum, castrorum, ac praediorum, tam urbanorum quàm rusticorum, & pro dirimendis iureque iudicandis eorum litibus, atque controuersiis fertilissimus, utilis, & pernecessarius
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=8251
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of 1562 Venice edition
AUTHOR Montucci, Antonio
TITLE De studiis sinicis in imperiali Athenaeo Petropolitano recte instaurandis
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2723/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Oriental studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Monzón, Pedro
TITLE Elementa arithmeticae ac geometriae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K70GCXRIKywC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1569 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Monzón, Pedro
TITLE Enarrationes locupletissimae et homiliae in Euangelia quae dominicis Adventus leguntur
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/tEnarrationes+locupletissimae/tenarrationes+locupletissimae/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=tenarrationes+locupletissimae&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Valencia edition
AUTHOR Moore, John (1742 - 1821)
TITLE Prophetiae de septuaginta Hebdomadis apud Danielem explicatio
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41912ucmf_14
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 London edition
AUTHOR Moorrees, Johann Peter Gerard
TITLE De iuribus secundarum nuptiarum
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=TwMUAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP9,M1
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Daventer edition
AUTHOR Mopha, Matteo Gribaldi
TITLE Catalogus aliquot interpretum iuris civilis
URL https://books.google.com/books/reader?id=OG9XAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moquin-Tandon, Alfred
(1804 - 1863)
TITLE Chenopodearum monographica enumeratio
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/15484
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1840 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mor, Georg
TITLE De iure venandi, aucupandi, et piscandi
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21442
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Constanz edition
AUTHOR Mor, Georg
TITLE Tractatus de divortia
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21442
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Freiberg edition
AUTHOR Mor, Georg
TITLE Secunda pars tractatus de divortiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-C1oAAAAcAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Innsbruck edition
AUTHOR Mor, Georg
TITLE Tractatus de iure venandi, aucupandi, et piscandi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=0B8au_aqQmwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Konstanz edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Atomismus ab iniustis peripateticorum censuris et imposturis vindicatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-vAGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Blepharopathia seu palpebra
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uMpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE De affectibus cataphoricis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N2tSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE De externis capitis morbis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5XFPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE De febribus et capitis morbis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mDxCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE De inoculatione variolarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=paRNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE De vertigine, epilepsia et apoplexia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EqBOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Insanum caput anticyris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M79TAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Insanum caput stimulis academicis agitatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5GhKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1724 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Nucleus physiologicus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=onpQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Eystadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Ophthalmicon medico-practicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kyFSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Philosophia atomista seu metaphysica
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=wMlybEf16eAC
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=dqdNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 - 31 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Pyretologia seu tractatus de febribus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SnBPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morasch, Johann Adam
TITLE Symptomata motus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030896/images
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Morales, Ambrosio de
TITLE Opuscula historica, tomus III
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ta/ta/106,278,386,B/l962&FF=tambrosii+morales+opuscula+historica&1,1,,004140,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Morales, Diego O. P.
TITLE Laus divi Thomae pro explicatione et defensione doctrinae
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMorales%2C+Diego/amorales+diego/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=amorales+diego&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1662 Naples edition
AUTHOR Morales, José Isidoro
TITLE De filiae institutione commentarius
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/tj/tj/13,30,38,B/l962&FF=tjosephi+isidori+moralii+ad+excell+virum+josephum+mazarredum+de+filiae+institutione+commentarius&1,1,,001440,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1796 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Morandi, Giambattista
TITLE Historia botanica practica
URL http://www.aboca.it/abocamuseum/bibliothecaantiqua/Book_View.asp?Id_Book=4&Display=P&From=S&Id_page=-1
SITE Bibliotheca Antiqua
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Milan edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Agrippae ad Octavium Caes. Augustum oratio contra monarchiam ex Dione lib. lxii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA394
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Mecoenatis oratio pro monarchia ad Caes. Augustum ex Dione lib. lxii
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA408
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Carmina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA224
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basael edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/olimp/seite8.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Dialogi
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/olimp/seite32.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Epistolae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA64
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Epistolae
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/olimp/seite45.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE In Ciceronis paradoxa proemia
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA11-IA13
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basael edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE OLYMPIAE FVLVIAE MORATAE MVLIERIS OM-||NIVM ERVDITISSIMAE LATINA ET Graeca, quae haberi potuerunt, monumenta,|| eáq; planè diuina, cum eruditorum de ipsa iudicijs et laudibus.
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-125512
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Literature, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Opera omnia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basael edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Orationes, Dialogi, Epistulae, Carmina, tam Latina quam Graeca: cum eruditorum de ea testimoniis et laudibus
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/olimp.html
SUBJECT Literature, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Berne edition; contains epistles to the authoress from Fulvio Pellegrino Morato, Celio Calcagni, Celio Secondo Curione, Johann Sinapius, Wolfgang Ruprecht, Andreas Rosa, Andrieas Glock (Campanus), Kilian Sinapius, and Hippolyta Taurella
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Orationes
URL http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost16/Morata/mor_intr.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia (1526 - 1555)
TITLE Pamphilus ex Ioannis Boccacii Decamerone O. F. M. interprete
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=H1ko9Iso8GkC&pg=GBS.PA18
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Basael edition
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia: see Celio Secondo Curione
AUTHOR Morata, Olympia Fulvia: see Johann Basilius Herold
AUTHOR Moravitz, Ferdinand
TITLE Quaedam ad anatomiam blattae Germanicae pertinentia
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/1598
SITE Universität Dorpat
NOTES Dpr of the 1853 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Morawski, Jan S. J.
TITLE Totius Philosophiae Principia per Quaestiones de ente in communi ex Praelectionibus
URL http://eod.vkol.cz/10897/
SITE eod eBooks
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Poznan edition
AUTHOR Morcati, Pietro
TITLE Sermo habitus Tridenti dominici quarta post Pentecostem
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMorcati%2C+Pietro/amorcati+pietro/1,1,1,B/l962&FF=amorcati+pietro&1,0,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Riva edition
AUTHOR Mørch, Otto Andreas Lowson (1828 - 1878)
TITLE Catalogus conchyliorum quae reliquit D. Alphonso d'Aguirra & Gadea comes de Yoldi
URL vol. 1 http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11189
vol. 2 http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11326
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 - 3 Copenhagen edition (see also here)
AUTHOR Mørch, Otto Andreas Lowson (1828 - 1878)
TITLE Catalogus conchyliorum quae reliquit C.P. Kierulf
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/39642
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Mørch, Otto Andreas Lowson (1828 - 1878)
TITLE Faunula molluscorum Islanddiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Qas6AQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Mørch, Otto Andreas Lowson (1828 - 1878)
TITLE List (1872)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=20758
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. dl-01450
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Ad lectorem: candide lector / opusculum illud vere aureum Thomae Mori
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071424
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of an undated Paris edition
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023947/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Basel edition
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Epigrammata
URL http://www.cirfid.unibo.it/irnerio/opere_autori.php?Id_Autore=763
SITE Cirsfid
NOTES Dpr of University of Bologna cod. 130, fols. 118r - 130v
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Epigrammata selecta
URL HTTP://WWW.IntraText.COM/y/LAT0559.HTM
SITE Intratext Digital Library
NOTES Html format (also here)
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Epistulae
URL http://www.erasmus.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=eol.detailfacsimile&field1=id&value1=2130
SITE Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 London edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here)
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Epistulae
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost16/Morus/mor_epis.html
SITE Biblioteca Augustana
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Select epistles (transcribed from the 1976 Yale ed. of More’s complete works); html format
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Fragmenta quarundam epistolarum ad Erasmum Rot. et ad Ioannem Coe
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eTNTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Goole Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Icaromenippus seu Hypernephelus / Luciani ; Erasmo Roterodamo interprete ; Ejusdem Menippus, seu Necromantia versa a Thoma Moro ; Eiusdem Vitarum auctio, interprete Nicolao Beraldo
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-072847
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Translation, literature
NOTES Dpr of the undated Louvain edition
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Omnia quae hucusque ad manus nostras pervenerunt Latina opera
URL http://fondosdigitales.us.es/books/digitalbook_view?oid_page=264796
SITE Fondos Digitalizados de la Universidad de Sevilla
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Louvain edition
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Utopia (1516)
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/mor_ut00.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
CONTRIBUTOR Ulrich Harsch (1997)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Text transcript; edited by V. Michels (Berlin, 1895) and J. H. Lupton (Oxford, 1895); html format (another html text is available here, and yet another here)
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas (1478 - 1535)
TITLE Utopia (1516)
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/more/utopia/
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Basel edition prefaced with epistles by Erasmus and Budaeus, and also containing Erasmus’ Epigrammata (also here)
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Gilbert Cousin
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Erasmus (two items)
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Johann Frobenius
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Xavér Ferenc Szuhányl
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Morus
AUTHOR Fisher, St. John: see Passio episcopi Roffensis et Thomae Mori
AUTHOR More, Sir Thomas: see Thomas Morus
AUTHOR Morel, Fréderic
TITLE Alexander Severus, fabula togata
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE De veterum philosophorum origine, successione, aetate et doctrina
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3lFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Tabula compendiosa de origine, successione, aetate et doctrina veterum philosophorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032757/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Bsael edition (second copy)
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Alphabetum Greaecum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gIA6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Amalthaeum Graecae locutionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eKv3_5_lwtEC
SITE GooglelBooks
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE De verbis anomalis libri ii
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eKv3_5_lwtEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Librorum alter index qos apud Guil. Morelium venales reperias
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gIA6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Book trade, library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Observationes in M. Ciceronis libros quinque de finibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Bz08AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Tabula compendiosa de origine, seucccessione, aetate et doctrona veterum philosophorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MDitlrdAA-QC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Thesaurus vocum omnium Latinarum ordine alphabetico digestarum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/817309
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morel, Guillaume
TITLE Verborum latinorum cum graecis gallicisque coniunctorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=B_49AAAAcAAJ
SITE Googlel Books
SUBJECT Language Studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1578 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Bibliotheca manuscripta Graeca et Latina
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=VrFfAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=M4UyLBDPLLQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, library science
NOTES Dypr of the 1802 Bassani edition
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Bibliothecae regiae divi Marci Venetiarum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=mERFAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, library science
NOTES Dypr of the 1802 Bassani edition
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Codices manuscripti Latini bibliothecae Nanianae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cnHmpvqRuWUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, library science
NOTES Dypr of the 1778 Venice edition
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Bibliotheca Maphaei Pinelli Veneti
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=YyACAAAAQAAJ 0
vol. 2
vol. 3 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=oCgCAAAAQAAJ
vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=uiACAAAAQAAJ
vol. 7 https://books.google.com/books?id=b5JSAAAAcAAJ
vol. 8 https://books.google.com/books?id=opJSAAAAcAAJ
vol. 9 https://books.google.com/books?id=2pJSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library Science
NOTES Dypr of the 1787 a Venice editions
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Epistolae septem variae eruditionis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BttGAQAAMAAJ&pg=GBS.PA68
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1819 Padua edition
AUTHOR Morelli, Jacopo
TITLE Opere a stampa
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=BttGAQAAMAAJ&pg=GBS.PA106
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1819 Padua edition
AUTHOR Morelet, Arthur (1809-1892)
TITLE Testacea novissima insulae Cubanae et Americae Centralis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11067
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1849 - 51 Paris edition0
AUTHOR Moreau, René
TITLE Tabulae methodi generalis curandorum morborum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bARmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1647 Paris edition
AUTHOR Moreau, René (1587-1656)
TITLE De versibus leoninis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=m3FkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moreau, René (1587-1656)
TITLE De missione sanguinis in pleuritide
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZbVGrhFPkBIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Halle edition
AUTHOR Moreau, René (1587-1656)
TITLE Epistola exegetica de affecto loco in pluritide
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=XwA4I-h3yEEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Halle edition
AUTHOR Moreau, René (1587-1656)
TITLE Vita Petri Brissoti doctoris medici Parisiensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZbVGrhFPkBIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biogrpahy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Halle edition
AUTHOR Morellus, Theodoricus: see Franesscio Ciriaco Negri
AUTHOR Moreau, René (1587-1656)
TITLE Gulielmi Ballonii vita
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-057403
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Alexander Severus, tragoedia togata
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052373
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Carmen parodicum de aquis et earum miraculis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e2NjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry , baths
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE De numerorum historia carmen
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=j20TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Decas sive denarius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=guv0rwwLZ8kC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1590 edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Epigrammata in imagine ducum, regum, imperatorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_99oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry , iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Henrico III...monodiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sOZoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE In Pap. S. Statii Sylvas commentationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=MRg8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Officium beatae Mariae virginis nuper reformatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=be1eoQat438C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Pro felici inauguratione Ludovici XIII
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052373
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morel, Fédéric (1552-1630)
TITLE Vetus inscriptio Graeca nuper ad urbem in via Applia effosa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_99oAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Paris edition
AUTHOR Moretto, Paolo
TITLE Ritus coniurandi
URL http://hal9000.cisi.unito.it/wf/BIBLIOTECH/Umanistica/Biblioteca2/Libri-anti1/Miscellane/imagemar7724.pdf
SITE Università degli Studi dei Torino
SUBJECT Esoterica, demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Cuneo edition
AUTHOR Moretus, Josephus
TITLE De obsidione Fontirabiae libri tres
URL In this javascript-driven site, you must go here and perform a search for "Por Lengua / Latina"; this item will appear among the generated records
SITE Fundación Sancho el Sabio
NOTES Dpr of the 1654 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Adversaria anatomica omnia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=E_Y2AQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE De iis, quae in academia ab Antonio Maria Valsalua recitata sunt, ad Antonium Mariam Valsaluam epistola
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=3891&format=jpg&seqnum=386
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 376ff.; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076466
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076467
vol. 3 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076469
vol. 4 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076470
vol. 5 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076471
vol. 6 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076472
vol. 7 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076473
vol. 8 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-076474
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Anatomy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 - 23 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE De plerisque uvula et pharyngis musculis ad Antonium Mariam Valsaluam epistola
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=3891&format=jpg&seqnum=381
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of the article in De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii 1 (1731) pp. 371ff.; JPEG and DjVu format (DjVu plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Epistolae anatomicae
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=IPsr1I_myfEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Epistolae anatomicae duae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PyVCAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Epistolae Aemiliaenae (the same as the preceding?)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HWWz4o1lzWQC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Naples edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE In Aur. Corn. Celsum et Qu. Ser. Samonicum epistolae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c2VEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Anatomy?
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Nova instutionum medicarum
URL vol. 1 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
vol. 7 https://books.google.com/books?id=UrxD6T8sBzcC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Anatomy . medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Opera omnia
URL vol. 2.1 https://books.google.com/books?id=HWWz4o1lzWQC
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=cw9RAAAAcAAJ
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=kA9RAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Anatomy medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1764-55 Naples edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Opuscula miscellanea
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=kWVEAAAAcAAJ
vol. . 2
vol. 5 https://books.google.com/books?id=HWWz4o1lzWQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Anatomy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Naples edition
AUTHOR Morgagni, Giambattista (1682 - 1771)
TITLE Vita Dominici Gulielmini
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nb-478-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morgan, David (contemporary)
TITLE De Adami Schall Historica Narratione: Quo Modo Sinae Sint Latinae Factae
URL http://mcl.as.uky.edu/schall
SITE Retiarius
SUBJECT Orientalia
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morgenbesser, Michael
TITLE De vomitu
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ySPT-yvTCXgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Morgenstern, Christian (1871 - 1914)
TITLE Lunovis
URL http://art-bin.com/art/omorg.html
SITE The Art Bin
NOTES Latin verison of the poem "Das Mondschaf’ from Galgenleider; html format
AUTHOR Morgenstern, Georg
TITLE Sermones contra omnem mundi perversum statum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007740/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1501 Leipzig edition (also here, 1502 Liepzig edition here, 1503 Nuremberg edition here, 1505 Strassburg edition here, 1505 Augsburg edition here, 1508 Strassburg edition here, a dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition is also available, 1515 Strassburg edition here)
AUTHOR Morhof, Daniel Georg (1639-1691): see here
AUTHOR Moricand, Moïse Étienne (1780-1854)
TITLE Flora Veneta, seu Enumeratio plantarum circa Venetiam nascentium
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/6668
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Morice, Francis D.
TITLE De Thaddeo Andrea Bonaventura Kosciuszko (1895)
URL http://digilander.iol.it/Marziale/Grex/exempla/kosciuszko.html
SITE Grex Alter Latine Loquentium
CONTRIBUTOR Dionysius Silvanus
SUBJECT Biography, politics
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Morienus
TITLE Ars aurifica
URL vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=tEXUavAzGiMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morienus
TITLE De re metallica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KtdQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morienus
TITLE De Transfiguratione Metallorvm, Et Occvlta, Svmmaqve Antiqvorvm philosophorum medicina
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034021/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Hanover edition
AUTHOR Morienus
TITLE ΧΡΥΣΟΡΡΗΜΩΝ sive de arte chymica dialogus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00034021/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Hanover edition
AUTHOR Morillot, Paul
TITLE De Plinii minoris eloquentia
URL http://www.archive.org/details/depliniiminoris00morigoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1888 Grenoble edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Astrologia Gallica contra Petri Gassendi philosophiam Epicuream
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9l1jAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 The Hague edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE De atomis et vacuo contra Petri Gassendi philosophiam Epicuream
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=PFs-r5qTZ6wC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Defensio suae disertationis de atomis et vacuo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xqe2NbDm-Z4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1651 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Defensio astronomiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Jmk_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Exercitationum ecclesiasticarum libri duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8V1aWKhM7d0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Famosi et antiqui problematis de telluris motu vel quiete...solutio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7tlNOy6wJdUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1631 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Nova mundi sublunaris anatomia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9H1nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Longitudinum Terrestrium Necnon Coelestium, Nova Et Hactenus Optata Scientia
URL vols. 1 - 5 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nb-548/start.htm
vol. 6 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nb-548/start.htm?image=00175
vol. 7 http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/nb-548/start.htm?image=00259
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1634 - 8 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Nova mundi sublunaris anatomia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9H1nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Quod Deus sit mundusque ab ipso creatus fuerit in tempore
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=R7uTMRMTbeEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1635 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Tabulae Rudolphinae ad meridianum Vraniburgi supputae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Lmk_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1650 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Trigonometriae canonicae libri tres
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1365426
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1633 Paris edition
AUTHOR Morin, Jean-Baptiste (1583 - 1656)
TITLE Tycho Brahaeus in Philoaum pro telluris quiete
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YLT_9xLtM9sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Astronomy edition
AUTHOR Möring, Philipp
TITLE Disputatio Iuridica, De Rerum Divisione
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/107-9-jur-7s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Möring, Philipp
TITLE Parallelon. Sive Quaestionum Iuris Controversi Inter Principes Interpp. Recentiorum Iac. Cuiacium, Hug. Donellum. Ita Tractatarum Ut Utriusque sententia, quasi e regione alteri opposita proponatur; & cum altera conferatur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-5-8f-helmst-14s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Möringer, Georg
TITLE Enunciationes legales De Definitione Et Divisione Tutelae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-3-8f-helmst-14s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De contractilitate plantarum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA2
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of an undated Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De cuticula
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA70
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of an undated Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De pellagra
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA110
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De praecipouis morbis Sardiniae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=x_M7Bq0rML0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1823 Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De quodam monstrorum genere
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA52
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1823 edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE De rhoibus radicante et toxocodendro
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA88
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE Ex preaxi pellagrae prognisis et curatio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=rVyxGZCgXFQC&pg=GBS.PA162
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of an undated Turin edition
AUTHORS Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto (1796-1869) and Giuseppe De Notaris (1805 = 1877)_
TITLE Flora Sardoa, seu historia plantarum in Sardinia et adiacentibus insulis
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/6355
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 - 59 Turin edition (in three volumes)
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto
TITLE Plantae Chilenses novae minusve cognitae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eFCD06ymMi0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Turin edition
AUTHOR Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto (1796-1869)
TITLE Stirpium Sardoarum elenchus
URL vol. 1 hhttps://books.google.com/books?id=C1seGs98UxoC
vol. 2
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=05uGXkOBJXIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 18327 “Carali" edition
.AUTHOR Morisanus, Bernardus (d. 1625)
TITLE In Aristotelis logicam, lphysicam ethicam apotelesma
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jGpjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Morisanus, Bernardus (d. 1625)
TITLE In Sphaeram Ioannis De S. Bosco Commentarivs
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/64-1-astron-1/start.htm
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Morinus, J. B.: see François Bernier0
AUTHORS Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683) and Paolo Boccone
TITLE Icones et descrioptiones rariorum plantarum Siciliae, Melitae, Galliae et Italiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=dViWS5SsylMC
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683)
TITLE Hortus regius Blesensis auctus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hur2Zre3Gf4C
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 London edition
AUTHOR Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683)
TITLE Plantarum Historiae Universalis Oxoniensis Pars Tertia seu Herbarum Distributio Nova
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN49971380X
SITE Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Oxford edition (a dpr of the 1696 Oxford edition is available here)
AUTHOR Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683)
TITLE Plantarum historiae universalis Oxoniensis
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=kc4wCzH05d4C
vol. 2 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-129883
vol. 3 http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?pos=-137846
vol. 4
SITE Google Books, Université Louis Pasteur
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683)
TITLE Plantarum umbelliferarum distributio nova
URL http://imgbase-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/displayimage.php?album=385&pos=0
SITE Université Louis Pasteur
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Morison, Robert (1620 - 1683)
TITLE Praeludia botanica
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=0bbwWfIUNRMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 London edition
AUTHOR Morison, Robert
TITLE Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio nova (vol. 3 of Plantarum historiae universalis Oxoniensis)
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN49971380X
NOTES Dpr of the 1699 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Jean
TITLE Preface to his translation of gia' Aphorisms
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0322_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE Alitophili veritatis lacrymae sive Euiphormionis Lusinini continuatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L2dEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1625 edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE Epistolarum centuria prima
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eMAmoLzNOpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1656 Dijon edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE Gaemomenphionis Cantaliensis satyricon
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-070437
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE Orbis maritimi sive rerum in mamri et littoribus gestarum generalis historia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TavVGMqhkhIC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1643 Dijon edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE Peruviana
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=AhZM0j-4zMIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT American studies?
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Dijon edition
AUTHOR Morisot, Claude-Barthélémy
TITLE P. Ovidi Nasonis Fastorum Libri Diodecim, quorum sex posteriores a Claudio Bartholomaeo Morisoto Divionensi substituti sunt
URL http://www.chlt.org/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2001.07.0009
SITE Stoa Consortium
NOTES Html format (also available here)
AUTHOR Moritz, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Apologia pro domini nostro. Henrico IV
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6gozBN_DP5gC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Moritz, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Davidis regii prophetae psalterium
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00018787/images/
NOTES Verse paraphrases; dpr of the 1590 Smacald edition (also here)
AUTHOR Moritz, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Kyklos thesium miscellanearum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NcpYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1600 Kassel edition
AUTHOR Moritz, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Poetices me conformatae libri duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4e5gmwEACAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Moritz, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1572 - 1632)
TITLE Replicatio pro sac. Caesarea et regia Francorum maiestate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6gozBN_DP5gC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Moritz, C.
TITLE De Iliadis libro IX suspiciones criticae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766191
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1859 Posen edition
AUTHOR Moriz, A.
TITLE De Rebus Jesuitarum in Alba Russia
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087891&seite=00000237.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litteratur 1789:1, pp. 233 - 251
AUTHOR Moriz, A.
TITLE De rebus Jesuitarum in Alba Russia
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087891&seite=00000237.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen
Litteratur 1789:1, pp. 233 - 251
AUTHOR Mörl, Johann Sigmund
TITLE Bibliothecae a Io. Sigismundo Moerlio...collectae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=DrBFAAAAcAAJ
vol.. 2
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=JrBFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library Science
NOTES Dpr of the 1791 -3 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Mörl, Johann Sigmund
TITLE Disquisitio VII problematum juris naturae et gentium
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095840
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1722-31 Altorf edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE Ad apologiam d. doctors Johan. Stosselii propositiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IYXNTsB6lpAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1566 edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE De communicaitone idiomatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NBvvXWgG8nQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies? Religion?
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1571 edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE De eadem communicaitone illustria testimonia sacrae scripturae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NBvvXWgG8nQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr ofthe 1571 edition
AUTHORS Mörlin, Joachim et al.
TITLE De praecipuis horum temporum controversiis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=liVoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE De imagine Dei in homine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=R2BcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE Epistolae quaedam
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHORS Mörlin, Joachim et al.
TITLE Propositones, orationes et quaestiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=liVoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE Themata De Imagine Dei In Homine
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036044/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1570 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Morison, Thomas
TITLE Liber novus de metallorum causis et transubstantiatione
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=X533958163
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Moritz, Wilhelm
TITLE De successione entilitiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=frZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Genealogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Gottingen edition
AUTHOR Moritz, Wilhelm
TITLE De lini cathartici vi purgante observationes
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/3157
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Morkowsky, Wenceslaus
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del6/books/deliciae6_33.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE Ad Apologiam D. Doctoris Johan. Stosselii Propositiones D. Doctoris Joachimi Morlini Ex Eadem Apologia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00036169/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Eisleben edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE De communicatione idiomatum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033622/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 edition
AUTHOR Mörlin, Joachim
TITLE Epistulae quaedam ad D. Andream Osiandrum et responsiones
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+15{|}171{}TDI00011.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 edition
AUTHOR Morlini, Girolamo
TITLE Hieronymi Morlini Parthenopei novellae, fabulae, comoedia
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-027752
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Drama, literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1855 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mornay, Philippe de
TITLE Philippi Mornaei nobilis Galli vitae mortisque atque adeo humanarum actionum Christiana ac pia consideratio
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=D9pOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1609 Herborn edition
AUTHOR Mornay, Philippe de
TITLE Vindiciae, contra tyrannos, sive de Principis in Populum, Populique in Principem, legitima potestate
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/7864
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1579 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Mornay, Philippe de: see Johann Magirus S. J.
AUTHOR Moroletus, Nicolaus
TITLE Epigram prefacing the 1585 Paris edition of Hierocles' Commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina)
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=692&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) p. 608
AUTHOR Morone, Giovanni Cardinal
TITLE Verba prolata ab ... Ioanne Cardinale Morono primo praesidente & legato sacri concilii Tridentini in eius prima comparitione in Generali Congregatione
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMorone/amorone/1,7,13,B/l962&FF=amorone+giovanni+cardenal&1,1,,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Riva edition
AUTHOR Morosini, Paolo
TITLE De aeterna temporalique Christi generatione in judaicae improbationem perfidiae Christianaeque religionis gloriam divinis enuntationibus comprobata ad Paulum pontificem maximum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060219
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1473 Padua edition (also here)
AUTHOR Morren, Charles (1807 - 1858)
TITLE De lumbrici terrestris historia naturali necnon anatomia tractatus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/delumbriciterre00morrgoog
SITE Internet Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Brussels edition
AUTHOR Morren, Charles (1807 - 1858)
TITLE Descriptio coralliorum fossilium in Belgio repertorum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11945
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
SUBJECT Zoology, paleontology
NOTES Dpr of the 1828 Groningen edition
AUTHOR Morsch, Johann
De Varrone Reatino auctore in Georgicis a Vergilio expresso
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4763782
SITE Internat Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Moscherosch,, Johann Michael
TITLE Somnium sive itinerarium historico-politicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Lx1VAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Moscherosch,, Johann Michael
TITLE De patientia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vOssAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Munich edition
AUTHOR Moscherosch,, Johann Michael
TITLE Insomnis cura parentum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=h_U_AAAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Halle edition
AUTHOR Morsheymer, Johannes Mercurius
TITLE Cl. Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Mathematici vita
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/551520
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morsheymer, Johannes Mercurius
TITLE Diviso vocabuli astronomicae iuxta methodum dialecticam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021117/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Morsheymer, Johannes Mercurius
TITLE Explicatio gravis et eruditae cuiusdam Quaestionis περὶ προγνωστικοῦ di' astronomias
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/551520
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Basel edition
AUTHOR Morsheymer, Johannes Mercurius
TITLE Orationes duae ... de motibus coelestibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00021118/images/
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Morsius, Joachim
TITLE Anastasii Philareti Cosmopolitae Epistola Sapientissimae FRC Remissa
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/206-quod-6/start.htm
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of an undated "Philadelphia" edition
AUTHOR Morsius, Joachim
TITLE Speculum consiliorum Hispanicorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IOpO6iF3iF4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1626 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Morung, Dietrich
TITLE Passio sacerdotum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006409/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Bamberg edition
AUTHOR Mortimer, Cromwell
TITLE De ingressu humorum in corpus humanum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UWREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Mortimer, Cromwell
TITLE De ingressu humorum in corpus humanum (a separate publication)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UWREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Mosca, Giuseppe
TITLE Tentamen de nostrate febrifugo novissimo
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=215
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 89 - 99; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHORS Moscherosch, Johann Michael (1601-1669) and Georg Gumpelzhaimer
TITLE Centuria epigrammatum
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/230-8-poet/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Moscherosch, Johann Michael (1601-1669)
TITLE Gymnasia: de exercitiis academicorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_O9BAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Educaiton
NOTES Dpr of the 1652 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Moscherosch, Johann Michael (1601-1669)
TITLE Centuria I - VI epigrammatum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/moscher1/te01.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1665 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Moschopolos, Manuel: see Johann Waldner
AUTHOR Moschus: see Adolphus Mekerchus
AUTHOR Moschus: See Angelus Politianus
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Auli Gellii Vita
URL http://dfg-viewer.de/show/?set%5Bimage%5D=7&set%5Bzoom%5D=default&set%5Bdebug%5D=0&set%5Bdouble%5D=0&set%5Bmets%5D=http%3A%2F%2Fmdz10.bib-bvb.de%2F%7Edb%2Fmets%2Fbsb00034528_mets.xml
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES (Prefacing his edition of the Noctes Atticae) dpr of the 1565 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Categoremata ac categorias scholia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029016/images
SUBJECT Philoosphy
NOTES (Scholia on Georgio Valla, De expedita ratione argumentandi) dpr of the 1529 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE De Primis Apvd Rhetorem exercitationibus praeceptiones
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032904/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Augsburg edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE De ratione disputandi, praesertim in re theologica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=WR5nAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Leipzig (?) edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE De variarum linguarum cognitione paranda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1SdoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Leipzig (?) edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Discipulis suis salutem
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033358/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. Clm 30221
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE In Auli Gellii Noctes Atticas s annotationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ti9UDfzfr-YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1542 Lyon ediiton
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE In M. Fab. Quintiliani rhetoricas institutiones annotationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ullcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Paris ediiton
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Paedologia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012372/images
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Leipzig edition (1521 Strassburg edition here, 1522 Augsburg edition here, 1522 Hagenau edition here, a dpr of the 1523 Augsburg edition is also available, 1529 Strassburg edition here, 1532 Augsburg edition here, undated Nuremberg edition here)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Paedologia
URL http://www.chlt.org/sandbox/colloquia/mosellanus/index.html
SITE Cultural Heritage Language Technologies (University of Kentucky)
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Praeceptiuncula de tempore, studiis impertiendo adolescentulis disciplinae suae commissis tradita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00033358/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ms. Clm 30221
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Preface to an edition of Aristophanes, Plutus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002165/images/index.html?id=00002165&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Hagenau edition (second copy)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Preface to a translation of Isocrates, Oratio de bello fugiendo et pace servanda
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014899/images/index.html?id=00014899&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Preface to a translation of Lucian, Dialogi duo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00009371/images/index.html?id=00009371&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Hagenau edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Preface to a translation of Lucian, Pro iis qui in aulis principum degunt
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014267/images/index.html?id=00014267&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Oratio De Variarvm Lingvarvm Cognitione Paranda
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002881/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1519 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Schemata seu figurae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040595/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Schemata seu figurae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00040595/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1527 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Strena Lipsiensis vel eulogium Lutheri Lipsica celeberrime, de colloquio anno 1519 in arce ibidem habito cum Ecco agminis pontificii tum temporis Goliatho
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=estPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Tabulae in Erasmi Roter., libellum de duplici copia
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/348-1-quod-8/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Cologne edition (a dpr of the 1533 Antwerp edition is available for downloading here)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Tabulae de schematibus et tropis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037336/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Cologne edition (1529 Cologne edition here, 1529 Strassburg edition here, 1532 Leipzig edition here, a dpr of the 1533 Antwerp edition is available here, a dpr of the 1536 Nuremberg edition is available here, and a dpr of the 1539 Augsburg edition is available here, 1544 Nuremberg edition here, 1559 Leipzig edition here)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade)
TITLE Tabulae in rhetorica de Philippi Melanchthonis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/348-1-quod-8/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Cologne edition (a dpr of the 1533 Antwerp edition is available for downloading here)
AUTHOR Mosellanus, Petrus (Peter Schade): see Petrus Swavenius
AUTHOR Moser, August Wilhelm
TITLE Ratio computationis fructuum ex pacto antichretico
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sD1bAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1771 Halle edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE Bibliotheca manuscriptorum maxime anecdotorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jMJDAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE Conclcusa udicii imperialis aulitci
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA304
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De dubiis regni Germanici finibus modernis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De exercitio religionis domestio eiusdem iure inter eos qui diversa sacra colunt
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA392
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De expectativa, vulgo Gedinge
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA46
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De formula absolutoinis confitentium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA370
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De iure et modo succedendi in regna Europae, speciatim in regnum Bohemiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA360
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De iure statuum imperii circa consiliarios
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA238
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De gravaminibus religionis provisorie ad statum pacis Badensis reducendis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA36
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De letigima s. r. i. statuum liberorum utriusque sexus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA182
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De officio principis circa religionem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA164
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De pactis et privilegiis circa religionem et alia ecclesiastica
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA68
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE Opuscula academica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE De transmissione actorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=M9ZXAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA280
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1744 Jena-Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Moser, Johann Jakob
TITLE Vitae professorum Tubingensium
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_c5FAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Tübingen edition
AUTHORS Mosaeus, Hannardus Gamerius
TITLE Bucolica Latina
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_zI5YekyL9YC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Antwerp edition
AUTHORS Mosseus, Hannardus Gamerius
TITLE Pornius tragoedia
URL https://books.google.nl/books?id=_zI5YekyL9YC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Mosham, Ruprecht von
TITLE Hierusalem nova....restituenda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-r88AAAAcAAJ e
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 edition
AUTHOR Mosham, Ruprecht von
TITLE Microsynodvs Norinbergen. Romana Non Germanica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-r88AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von (1693 - 1755):: see her
AUTHOR Mosko, Mike (contemporary)
TITLE Incerto Tempore Certe Lingua Incerta Summus Carendi
URL http://www.tear.com/poems/mosko/incerto.html
SITE Private site
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mosko, Mike (contemporary)
TITLE Occulta In Nocte
URL http://www.tear.com/poems/mosko/occulta.html
SITE Private site
SUBJECT poetry
NOTES Latin text with linked English translation; html format
AUTHOR Moskowitz, Marc (contemporary)
TITLE Poesis Latina
URL http://www.suberic.net/~marc/mmoskowi.html
SITE Poesis Latina Hodierna
NOTES Latin texts with English translations; html format
AUTHOR Mostazo, Francisco de
TITLE De causis piis in genere et in specie
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/Wtexto/Wtexto/1681,2303,2303,B/l962&FF=Wtexto&1681,1681,,007661,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Lyon edition (a dpr of the 1735 Venice edition is also available)
AUTHOR Motis, Johannes
TITLE Apologia mulierum in viros probrosos
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007820/images/
SUBJECT The sexes
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Baden-Baden edition
AUTHOR Motis, Johannes
TITLE Invectiva coetus feminei contra mares
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039910/images/
SUBJECT The sexes
NOTES Dpr of an undated Memmingen edition
AUTHOR Motta, Antonio
TITLE Epigrams preceding the 1499 Milan edition of The Suda ("Suidas")
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=314&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Poetry
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp 230f.
AUTHOR Motta, Antonio
TITLE Preface to Apicius, In Re Coquinaria
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-052411
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Gastronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1490 Milan edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Mouchy, Antoine de
TITLE Ad patres sacri concilii Tridentini sermo
URL http://bibliothek.uv.es/search*val/aMouchy/amouchy/1,1,3,B/l962&FF=amouchy+antoine+de&3,,3,0,-1
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Brescia edition
AUTHOR Mouchy, Antoine de
TITLE Christianae religionis institutionisque domini...propugnatio
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Christianae_Religionis_adv_Misoliturgoru/CxFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1567 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mouchy, Antoine de
TITLE Decretorum collectanea
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Decretorum_collectanea_ex_varia_copios%C3%A0/OhCZSXUTlNoC?hl=en
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1562 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mouchy, Antoine de
TITLE De veritate Christi necnon corporis et sanguinis eius in missae sacrificio adversus haereticos assertio
URL vol. 1 https://www.google.com/books/edition/De_veritate_Christi_nec_non_corporis_et/3OPfMNXBRu4C
vol. 2 https://www.google.com/books/edition/DECRETORVM_CANONICORVM_COLLECTANEA/wSxoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1547 - 1570 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mouchy, Antoine de
TITLE In octo libros Topicorum Aristotelis hypomnema
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/In_octo_libros_topicorum_Aristotelis_hyp/FzY8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mounier, Daniel Ludwig
TITLE De Diagora Melio
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=ttEtKBLOYqMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1838 Rotterdam edition
AUTHOR Mourão, Fernando Pires (d. 1753)
TITLE Ditissimum sapientiae heredium sive ab instituendis heredibus hereditarium Minervae thesaurum
URL http://bibdigital.fd.uc.pt/H-B-18-14-90/rosto.html
SITE Biblioteca OnLine (Universidade de Coimbria)
NOTES Dpr of the 1722 Coimbra edition
AUTHOR Mourão, Fernando Pires (d. 1753)
TITLE Pro primo literarum examine subeundo Caesareas conclusiones
URL http://bibdigital.fd.uc.pt/H-B-18-14-80/rosto.html
SITE Biblioteca OnLine (Universidade de Coimbria)
SUBJECT Law, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Coimbra edition
AUTHOR Mourão, Fernando Pires (d. 1753)
TITLE Pro primo literarum examine subeundo Caesareas conclusiones
URL http://bibdigital.fd.uc.pt/H-B-18-14-104/rosto.html
SITE Biblioteca OnLine (Universidade de Coimbria)
SUBJECT Law, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Coimbra edition
AUTHOR Mousnerius, Petrus (1623 - 1686s)
TITLE Metaphysica demonstrativa, sive, Scientia rationum universalium
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1648 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mousnerius, Petrus (1623 - 1686s)
TITLE Tractatus physicus de motu locali
URL In this javascript-driven site you must go to this page and find the item
SITE Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
NOTES Dpr of the 1646 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mousson, Pierre
TITLE Pompeius Magnus tragoedia
URL https://www.uni-regensburg.de/sprache-literatur-kultur/lateinische-philologie/medien/fabulae-neolatinae/praetextae/musson__pompeius.pdf
SITE Universität Regensburg
NOTES Pdf format
AUTHOR Moustelon, Gabriel
TITLE De fantasia sive imaginatione
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana4174hall (go to p. 447)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Psychology
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Mozzagrugno, Giuseppe
TITLE Narratio rerum gestarum Canonicorum gestarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-051092
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mucagata, Filippo
TITLE Liber predicamentorum in Aristotelis
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060508
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mucagata, Filippo
TITLE Opera Mucagate in logica
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060508
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mucagata, Filippo
TITLE Super sex principiis Gilberti Poretani commentaria
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060508
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mucagata, Filippo
TITLE Super isagogis Porfirii commentaria
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-060508
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1494 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mucius, Macarius
TITLE Triumphus Christi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=glJmAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA60
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1559 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Mucke, Ernst
TITLE De dialectis Stesichori, Ibyci, Simonidis, Bacchylidis: aliorumque poetarum choricorum
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=5H8SAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP9,M1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology, language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mücke, Samuel Traugott (d. 1816)
TITLE De origine versionis Septuaginta
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40376ucmf_6
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1789 Züllichau edition
AUTHOR Mudaeus, Gabrielius
TITLE De contractibus
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN58812785X
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Muhammad filius Abdallae
TITLE Fides Islamatica, i. e. Al-Coranus ex idiomate Arabico
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-140312
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Muhammad
TITLE Epistole Magni Turci
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/76-4-quod-2/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1488 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Muhlenberg, Henry (1753 - 1815)
TITLE Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrionalis
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Catalogus_Plantarum_Americae_Septentrion/opIUAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Boks
NOTES Dpr of the 1813 Lancaster edition
AUTHOR Muhlenberg, Henry (1753 - 1815)
Descriptio uberior graminum et plantarum calamariarum Americae septentrionalis indigenarum et cicurum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/15506
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1817 Philadelphia edition
AUTHOR Muhlie Heinrich
TITLE Ad Magnificum ac summe Reverendum Virum, Casparem Hermannum Sandhagium...elegia
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN584233760
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhlie Heinrich
TITLE Convivium eruditum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6ttoAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1693 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De dignitate et officio procancellarii in academia Kiliensi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA318
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De eo quod iustum est circa religionem et libros nostratis ecclesiae symbolicos
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA272
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De martyribus ecclesiae evangelicae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA368
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De origine, dignitate et officio cancellariorum academicorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA358
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De origine linguarum variarum
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-093007
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De libertate academica oratio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013367/images
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De loco Paulino
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/De_loco_Paulino_ex_Cap_II_ad_Coloss_v_8/2kJOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1695 Kiel edition0
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De reformatione religionis in Cimbria
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Dissertationes_Historico_Theologicae/DTpaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De reformatione religionis in vicinis Daiae regionibu et speciatim in Cimbria
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA8
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De testamentis secundum iura Slesvicensia et Hosatica
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Academiae_Kiliensis_Procancellarius_Henr/i4FJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Goolge Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De veris genuinisque natalibus Teutonicae vocibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UgdZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Goolge Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE De vita et gestis Henr. Zutphaniensis martyris Dithmarici
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA404
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE Historia coenobii Bordesholmensis
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Historia_Coenobii_Bordesholmensis/UtdIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE Dissertationes historico-theologicae
URL https://www.google.com/books/edition/Dissertationes_Historico_Theologicae/DTpaAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Muhle, Heinrich
TITLE Philippi Melanthonis oratio in qua refutatur calumnia Osianderi
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=DTpaAAAAcAAJ&pg=GBS.PA296
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion,
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Academiae Fridericianae Halensis...prorector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GnVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTE Dpr of the 1827 Halle edition
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Academiae Fridericianae Halensis...prorector
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GnVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTE Dpr of the 1828 Halle edition
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Doctrina Pandectarum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=agBbAAAAQAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=mKFDAAAAcAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.com/books?id=MGvjAvuUp-EC
SITE Max-Planck-Institut, europäische Rechtsgeschichte
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTE Dpr of the 1831 Halle edition
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Delectus legum quae in Muhlenbruchii Doctrina Pandectarum laudantur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wXM8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Google Books
NOTE Dpr of the 1839 Brussels edition
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Observationes de principum comitumque
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=GnVSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTE Dpr of the 1827 Halle
AUTHOR Mühlenbruch, Christian Friedrich
TITLE Observationes iuris Romanae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6qAqJY2tWa8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTE Dpr of the 1818 Königsburg edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Christoph Werther
TITLE De decimis laicorum in terris protestantium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030754/images/
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1689 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Christoph Werther
TITLE De investitura praelati feudali circa bona ecclesiastica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VAwoyDw3q4EC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Christoph Werther
TITLE De modo procedendi in causis criminalibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030754/images/
SITE Giigke Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Christoph Werther
TITLE De pacto tacito
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Qqn-S2t0J1UC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Christoph Werther
TITLE De privilegio competentiae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vShKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Jena edition
AUTHORS Mühlpfort, Heinrich
TITLE Illustrem et magnificum reipublicae Wratislaviensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=mbM6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1679 Bratislava edition
AUTHORS Mühlpfort, Heinrich
TITLE De iure sepulturae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TMAKrhqOJA4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1692 Bratislava edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Heinrich
TITLE Penates...Johanni Acolutho
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=39xFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Bratislava edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Heinrich
TITLE Poemata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4F4TAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Mühlpfort, Heinrich
TITLE Silesia Pullata, In Luctuosissimo Funere ... Dn. Georgii Wilhelmi, Ducis Silesiorum Lignicensis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/lpr-stolb-20089-92-5s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Brieg edition
AUTHOR Muijs, Wijer Willem
TITLE Epistola (1716)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22788
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00529
AUTHOR Mulder, Matthias Van
TITLE Dissertatio medica de opio eiusque principiis
URL http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/lees_gfx.php?W=On&BoekID=452
SITE Universiteit Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1825 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Mulder, Roelof
TITLE De conscientiae notione: quae et qualis fuerit Romanis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=fOL-q6E61MgC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1908 Leiden editionz
AUTHOR Mulerus, Nicolaus
TITLE Iudaeorum annus lunae-solaris et Turc-Arabum annus mere lunaris recens uterque e suis fontibus deductus & cum anno Romano facili methodo connexus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/922785
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Calendar, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1630 Groningen edition (also here)
AUTHOR Mulerus, Nicolaus
TITLE Ubbonis Emmii...vita
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=C5NZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Groningen edition
AUTHOR Müll, Friederich von der: see Hermann Breitenbach et al.
AUTHOR Mullach, Friedrich Wilhelm
TITLE Conjectaneorum Byzantinorum libri duo
URL http://www.archive.org/details/conjectaneorumb00mullgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1852 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mullach, Friedrich Wilhelm
TITLE De Empedoclis prooemio
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=geY8tcLQS48C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Altona edition
AUTHOR Mullach, Friedrich Wilhelm startme
TITLE Quaestionum Democritearum specimen
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4vpPAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Mullach, Friedrich Wilhelm
TITLE Quaestionum Empedicclearum specimen secundum
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=geY8tcLQS48C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1850 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Aegidius
TITLE Lessus In luctuosissimum sed valde pium obitum Plurimum Reverendi, Amplissimi & Excellentissimi Viri, Dn. Johannis Benedicti Carpzovii
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/1:674802U_001,800,600 through
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Albert (1831 - 1916)
TITLE De cingulum militiae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4765524
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Militaria
NOTES Dpr of the 1873 Ploen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Andreas Libertus
TITLE Catalogus heroum Marchionum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OqdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Andreas Libertus
TITLE Oratio de forti milite Marchico
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030454/images
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1657 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Anton
TITLE Dissertatio mathematico-historica de binomii ac polynomii problematis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1336419
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE Commentationes de vocalibus Hebraeis conscriptae specimen
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7HpFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1870 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De rationibus legum investigandis
URL http://
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Erfurt edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De Hermannis eruditione et virtute
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=oyZWAAAAcAAJ
SITE MGoogle Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1746 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, August (1810 - 1865)
TITLE De bysso acephalorum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11745
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De auctoribius rerum a M. Claudio Marcello in Sicilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2H4cHOw24c0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology , history
NOTES Dpr of the 1882 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De privilegis literatorum in gente Hebraea
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yJlg-_wcKkUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Learning, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De auctoribus rerum a M. Claudio Marcello in Sicilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2H4cHOw24c0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology , history
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De auctoribus rerum a M. Claudio Marcello in Sicilia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2H4cHOw24c0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology , history
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, August
TITLE De fragmento cranii ceti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=e6lAAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1862 Königsburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Auguat Friedrich
TITLE De arte loquendi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3SZGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De cura annonae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wecITk8dF2AC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Auguat Friedrich
TITLE De emigratione religionis caussa suscipoienda
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K8rBoKyds3cC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De lectione librorum...disserit
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5sZQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De lege naturai sine Deo concepta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6VJJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De notione legis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Qw1yfrvVcaEC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De libertate naturali et imperii humani limitibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7fhJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De rationibus legum investigandis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=P3ZZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Erfuhrt ?edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De successione haereditaria ex iure naturali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yyhJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1743 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, August Friedrich
TITLE De origine civitatum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ORxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1774 edition
AUTHOR Müller, Daniel Christoph
TITLE De cultura linguarum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=5nJpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Magdeburg edition
AUTHORS Müller, Daniel Christoph
TITLE Sincharmata votiva Onomsteriis Viri Praecellentis atque Amplissimi, Domini M. Tobiae Liebii
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844995
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Freiberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Daniel Christoph
TITLE Vltimvm Pietatis Monimentvm Cineribvs Beatis Virorvm Mvltvm Reverendorvm, Domini Ioannis Wilhelmi Gebhardi
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-148506
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Magdeburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Eberhard
TITLE De arte aemula naturae disputatio
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn264241525
SITE Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- u. Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Eberhard
TITLE De persecutionibus et martyriis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=McKPkdOwyNYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Eberhard
TITLE De vitiis sermonis grammatici
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rPpIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Elias Eduard
TITLE Disquisitio de methodo, qua veteres geometrae usi sunt ad tangentes curvarum determinandas
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Ernst
TITLE De angina membranacea, asthmate millari et tussi convulsiva
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10062/2953
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Müller, Ernst (b. 1839)
TITLE Observationum Horatianarum particula
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737358
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the the 1862 (?) Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, Erich (b. 1886)
TITLE De Graecorum deorum partibus Aeschyleis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737905
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1909 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von (1825-1896)
TITLE Fragmenta phytographiæ Australiæ
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/287
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1858 - 82 Melbourne edition (in twelve volumes)
AUTHOR Müller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von (1825-1896)
TITLE Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnaei species plantarum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/46792
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1880 Melbourne edition
AUTHOR Muller, Frederick
TITLE Catalogus plus quam 10000 dissertationum et orationum iuridicarum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/catalogusplusqu00mullgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Library science, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1879 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Muller, Frederick
TITLE Catalogus plus quam 2700 Dissertationum et orationum theologicarum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/catalogusplusqu00amstgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Library science, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1867 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Muller, Gerhrd
TITLE Functionum corporis humani manifestarum genera et species
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sIFSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Muller, Gottfried Polycarpus
TITLE De divinationibus in civitate prohibitis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=bM8hdAEDCJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, divination
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Henning
TITLE Succincta Demonstratio, S. Rom. Imp. Principem Dominum Eugenium Alexandrum de Turre et Tassis, In Possessionem Juris Postarum Per Belgium Hispanicum, Qua Per Bellum Hocce Et Antea Dejectus Fuit
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-1536600
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated Giessen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Hermann Alexander
TITLE Panathenaica
URL http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=mca7m8AL7M8C
SITE Google
NOTES Dpr of the 1837 Bonn edition
AUTHORS Müller, Hieronymus et al.
TITLE Vota Nuptialia In Honorem Viri Plurimum Reverendi & Clarißimi Dn. M. Davidis Wendeleri Ecclesiastae Evangelici apud Regensburgenses
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/content/titleinfo/844382
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1655 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Hieronymus
TITLE De successione ab intestato
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1Eu-FVBuTG8C
SITE Googl.e Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Utrecht edition
AUTHOR Müller, Hieronymus Peter
TITLE De iure actuarii Hamburgensis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3ypmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Müller, H. L. O.
TITLE De usu atque natura infinitivi historici apud Latinos
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4747377
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Celle edition
AUTHOR Müller, Jacob
TITLE Prudentissimo Ac Honestissimo Viro, Dn. Johanni Heidfeldt
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:274668K_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Quedlinburg
AUTHOR Müller, Johann
TITLE Pro novo sacerdote pro novendo composito
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014053/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1514 Augsburg edition (undated Augsburg edition here, 1516 Landshut edition here)
AUTHOR Müller, Johann
TITLE In C. J. Caesaris ... Commentaria de Bello Gallico ... Annotationes
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014053/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Basel edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann
TITLE Preface to a translation of Plutarch, Homeri vita
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035054/images/index.html?id=00035054&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Basel edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann
TITLE De transactionum stabilitate et instabilitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zNRgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann
TITLE Ad audiendam orationem de ferrifodinis
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn274063190
SITE Sächische Landesbibliothek Staats - und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
SUBJECT Metallurgy, education
NOTES Dpr of the 1688 Altenburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann August
TITLE Recensus virorum pace belloque illustrium qui afrana disciplina usi sunt
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Rmg_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT History, military science
NOTES Dpr of the 1795 Dresden edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Balthasar
TITLE De bona fide usucapientium
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ITftra7XKT8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Bernhard
TITLE Testamenti publici origo et solennitates extrinsecae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ITftra7XKT8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Caspar
TITLE De peritonaeo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hs3MSSBar6AC
NOTES Dpr of the 1696 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Christian Gottlob
TITLE Disciplina juvenilis Platonica cum nostra comparatur
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4766188
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Miessen edition
AUTHOR Müller, John Philip
TITLE Hugonis Grotii Liber De Jure Belli Ac Pacis In Tabulas Quondam Redactus
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN609992414
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Daniel
TITLE Compositio corporum ex entibus simplicibus, methodo mathematicorum demonstrata
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1353065
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Physics (?), philosophy (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1748 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst
TITLE Peri grammateon, ad illustranda nonnulla N. T. loca
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LOlGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst: see here
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst
TITLE De cornu cervi eiusque vi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UD_Uf24sQD8C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacologry
NOTES Dpr of the 1704 Erfurht edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst Justus
TITLE De poeseos Hebraeorum interpretandae via ac ratione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ex4autV-QSIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Poetry, hebraica
NOTES Dpr of the 1788 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst Justus
TITLE Promptuarium iuris novum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_11eAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1794 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Gottwerth
TITLE De cicutae vexata
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=YW9QAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De utilissima physicae tractatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N_tGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE An luna cingatur atmosphaera?
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ishQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE An prima rudimentorum formatio in ovulis viventium Deo
immediate sit adscribenda?
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_bFKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biology, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Ars experimentandi
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RY5aAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Brutorum actiones mechanice inexplicabiles
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gTRTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1719 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Jo hann Heinrich
TITLE De admiranda naturae in gravitate specifica
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-aZMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De barometri anomaliis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kMhQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Cometae sublunares
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SFFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Cometas sublunares sive aereos non prorsus negandos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=zKNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De corporum naturalium poris
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wuJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De diversa regum circa religionem potestate
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wuJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1697 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De extispiciis veterum
URL https://books.g oogle.co.uk/books?id=jMhQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology?
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De eclipsibus annularibus ad observationem insignis deliquii solis partialis d. III Mai. MDCCXV horis antemeridianis
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/921316?name=QDBV%20Lectorem%20benevolum%20praemisso%20discursu%20de%20eclipsibus%20annularibus%20ad%20observat
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De exhalationibus, tanquam proxima meteororum materia
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1354314
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Meteorologys
NOTES Dpr of the 1712 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De galaxia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yOJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De hydrometro
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=201NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De hyemis nuperae praeter ordinem saevientis et asperae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RFFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1729 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De inaequali claritate lucis diurnae in terra et planetis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1aZRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1742 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De insulis natantibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ma9SAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Oceanography
NOTES Dpr of the 1711 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De indispensabili usu matheseos in condenda historia naturali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=7AhJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Mathematics, natural history, scienc1
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De miraculis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_YFZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De montibus ignivomis sive vulcaniis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=u6BPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De ratione computandi paschatos exemplo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3eJPAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich (a different author?)
TITLE De repudio et divortio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=toSi5CSMH0wC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, family life
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De scientiae cometicae fatis et progressu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Fb_3Q4rMZPQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De tuba stentorea
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N_tGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medical instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De utilissima physicae tractatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=N_tGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De vorticibus Cartesianis ante Cartesium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UFZNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Deum legislatorem medicum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=EENIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Observationes astronomico-physicae selectae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/921273
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1723 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Ernst Justus
TITLE Observationes practica ad Leyseri meditationum ad digesta
URL vol. 1. 1 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=AbzV-DgBZJMC
vol. 1.2 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZZUpyHCpC4QC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 - 7 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Oratio de utilissima physicae tractatione
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/951842
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Problema analyticum de igne
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2k1NAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Theses extemporaneae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NFFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De cereis Saturnalitiis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=NslQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De duellis principum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=XUNGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics (and law?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De imperio civli
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ovhHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics (and law?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De imperio dictatoris
URL https://books.googlco.uk/books?id=JDhHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De modis abolendi culpam et reatum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=FYJZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De moralitate tutelae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=k69JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1710 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De moralitate poenae decimationis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=k69JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De moralitate reservationum mentalium in iuramentis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=FYJZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1694 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De obligatione subditorum ex delicto summae potestatis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=IsFIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De praesumtionibus moralibus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=KLBMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De principe iuste suam utilitatem quaerente posterior
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_d5GAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De regressu
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=KLBMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De praesumptionis moralibus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=J4hJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De veterum lychnokaia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8OpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Jacob
TITLE De rupto in partu utero
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=oEQ7hPw6WPkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Venice edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Joachim (1661 - 1733)
TITLE De imposturis religionum seu De tribus impostoribus
URL http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost17/Mueller/mue_intr.html
SITE Bibliotheca Augustana
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Michael
TITLE De recta et commoda adplicatione normae ad delineationes chartarum geometricarum commentatio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/921330
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics (astronomy?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1753 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Philipp
TITLE Ad universum ius iudiciarum commune
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3aS90vVMrgUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Philipp
TITLE De belli commerciis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Philipp
TITLE De novi operis nunciatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-oz2s3mGYvsC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1669 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Philipp
TITLE De securitate metuentium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=5LNMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Stephan
TITLE De novis inter regem Gallorum et magistratum dissensionibus
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=XjUWn8hj0XQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Wetzlar edition
AUTHOR Müller, Johann Thaddaeus
TITLE Dissertatio Juridico-Inauguralis De Consensu Feudali
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-188208
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Muller, Joseph: see Franz Ritter von Miklosich
AUTHOR Müller, Karl (d. 1874)
TITLE Emendationes Platonicae
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737964
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1862 Rudolstadt edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl
TITLE De scriptis Theognidis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=00Mg9S2qeyQC&pg=PA3&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPA1,M1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Krumau edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl (1818 - 1899)
TITLE De placenta praevia
URL http://www.utlib.ee/ekollekt/vanadisser/muellercarolus.pdf
SITE Universität Dorpat
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1835 Dorpat edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl (1818 - 1899)
TITLE Genera muscorum frondosorum
URL http://www.botanicus.org/Title.aspx?BibId=b12201911
SITE Botany. org
NOTES Dpr of the 1901 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl (1818 - 1899)
TITLE Symbolae ad bryologiam Jamaicensem
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/4349
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1897 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl (1818 - 1899)
TITLE Synopsis muscorum frondosorum
URL http://www.botanicus.org/Title.aspx?BibId=b11661203
SITE Botany. org
NOTES Dpr of the 1849 - 51 Berlin edition (also here)
AUTHOR Müller, Karl Friedrich
TITLE De Pacati panegyrico ad Pliniani exemplum formato
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737995
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of an undated Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl Konrad
TITLE De arte critica Cebetis tabulae adhibenda
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=UIQCAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=dissertatio&as_brr=1#PPP5,M1
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1877 Würzburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl Otto
TITLE De auctorum et ministrorum criminis differentia
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Fh9PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1862 HaLlle-Wittemberg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl Otto
TITLE De plagio commentatio
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=NR9PAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, lieterature, plagiarism
NOTES Dpr of the 1843 Halle edition
AUTHOR Müller, Karl Wilhelm
TITLE De cyclo Graecorum epico et poetis cyclicis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UWkNAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1829 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Konrad
TITLE Cataclysmographiam Helvetiae
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1372104
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1733 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Müller, Lucian (1836 - 1898)
TITLE De Accii fabulis
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=OKQNAAAAIAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1900 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Lorenz (1686 - 1721)
TITLE De eloquentia Apollonis viri apostolici
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN40302ucmf_2
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Schleusing edition
AUTHOR Müller, Lucian (1836 - 1898)
TITLE De Horatii epistularum II,1,50 - 62
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=Yh36nwugbhQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1890 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Lucian (1836 - 1898)
TITLE Orthographiae et prosodiae latinae summarium
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4737389
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1878 Petersburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Martin
TITLE Parentale Sacrum quod Viro Maxime-Reverendo, Amplissimo Excellentissimoque Domino M. Joh. Georgio Dietschio
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-78601
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1687 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Martin
TITLE Quod felix faustumque iubeat esse Deus Teroptimus Maximus, Autoritate Sacrae Caesareae Maiestatis, Et Serenissimi Principis Ac Domin, Dn. Ludovici, Hassiae Landgravii
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/547:635715K_001,800,600
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1663 Giessen edition 0
AUTHOR Müller, Matthias
TITLE De ente finito et infinito
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BQ_WTR57LMAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT P:hilosophy
NOTES Dpr of the Ulm edition
AUTHOR Müller, Matthias
TITLE De Seleuco Homerico
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037553/images
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1891 Gottingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto
TITLE De falsa demonstratione heredis institutioni vel legato adjecta comm.
URL vol. 1 http://www-test6.mpg.de/mfer-cgi/kleioc/0010MFER/exec/books/%22195754%22
vol. 2 http://www-test6.mpg.de/mfer-cgi/kleioc/0010MFER/exec/books/%22195755%22
SITE Max-Planck-Institut, europäische Rechtsgeschichte
NOTE Dpr of the 1861 - 65 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Animalcula infusoria et marina
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/14415
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 Haune edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Entomostraca seu insecta testacea quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/14414
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Fauna insectorum Fridrichsdalina
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi?PPN368323110
SITE AnimalBase
NOTES Dpr of the 1764 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Flora Fridrichsdalina
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=64nUdrM4VW8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1767 Strasburg edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik
TITLE Hydrachne quas in aquis Daniae palustribus detexit
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_YFIAAAAYAAJ
SITE Max-Planck-Institut, europäische Rechtsgeschichte
NOTE Dpr of the 1781 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=f2oVqd8eyi0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Stockholm edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Insecta testacea
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=TlOdEt8pfg8C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Leipzig-Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Vermivm Terrestrium Et Fluviatilium, Seu Animalium Infusoriorum, Helminthicorum Et Testaceorum, Non Marinorum, Succincta Historia
URLvol. 1.1 https://books.google.com/books?id=XflAAAAAcAAJ
vol. 1.2 https://books.google.com/books?id=XvlAAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN573160449
SITE GDZ, Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1773 Copenhagen-Leipzig edition (also here)
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Zoologica Danica
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12923
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Haune edition (1788 Haune edition here)
AUTHOR Müller, Otto Frederik (1730 - 1784)
TITLE Zoologicae Danicae prodromus
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN577918540
NOTES Dpr of the 1776 Haune edition (also here)
AUTHOR Müller, Peter: see here
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE De disciplina arcana Eleusiniorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LpoPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE De genio, moribus et luxu aevi Theodosiani
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=CEdcAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=JUdcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1773 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE De hierarchia et studio vitae asceticae in sacris et mysteriis Graecorum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=LpoPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE De Snorronis fontibus et auctoritate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=d9JDAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1820 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE Oratio funebris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ocdFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1830 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE Symbola ad historiam conciliorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pbpcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1834 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE Vita Andreae Sunonis archiepiscopi LUndensis
UR vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=d9JDAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=ErY_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Peter Erasmus
TITLE Vita Lagonis Arne episcopi Roskildensis
UR https://books.google.com/books?id=c_Iw6qmm-MkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1831 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE De cometa anni 1618 commentatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KZ05AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE Horologia, id est de quatuor anni temporibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=L_RJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Meteorology
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE Hypotyposis cometae nuper visi
URL Lhttps://books.google.com/books?id=0FVNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE Miracula et mysteria chymico-medica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Tls6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1659 Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp (1640 - 1713): see here
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE De stupore dentium e gustu omphacis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=epRYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, dentistry
NOTES Dpr of the 1674 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp
TITLE De iure Dei in homines
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KARKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1732 Ragusa edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp Friedrich
TITLE Tractatus De Via Publica. Itemq[ue] De Iuribus Eidem Annexis
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/yx-75-8f-helmst-14s/start.htm
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp Ludvig Statius
TITLE Dubia coralliorum origini animali opposita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8a9KAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Biology?
NOTES Dpr of the 1770 Erlangen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Philipp Ludwig Statius
TITLE Oratio extemporanea
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Erlangen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Ricardus
TITLE De interiectionum apud Sophoclem Euripidemque usu,significatione,rationibus metricis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deinteriectionu00mlgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1885 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müller, Theodor
TITLE Synopsis novorum, generum, specierum et varietatum, testaceorum viventium anno 1834 promulgatorum
URL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12142
SITE Biodiversity Heritage Library
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Müller, Theobald
TITLE Gratulatio pro doctoralibus medicae facultatis insignibus, ornatissimis viris, Ioan. Osvaldo Schreckenfuchsio Bitighemio, & Georgio Florschutz Vratislaviensi
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/945158
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1571 Basel edition
AUTHOR Müller, Theobald
TITLE Musaei Ioviani imagines artifice manu ad vivum expressae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=akhmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Icoography
NOTES Dpr of the 1577 Basel edition
AUTHORS Müller, Valentin et al.
TITLE Palaestra oratoria
URL http://www.e-codices.ch/ecodices-cgi/kleioc/e0010/exec/pagesmaframe/%22zbz-D0147_000a.jpg%22/segment/%22body%22
SITE Zentralbibliothek Zürich
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of ms. D 147
AUTHOR Müller, Theobald
TITLE De ecclesia prior (sic)
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kjI7kOuqU8kC J
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Icoography
NOTES Dpr of the 1700 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Müller, Werner
TITLE De Caesaris quod fertur Belli Africi recensione
URL http://www.archive.org/details/decaesarisquodf00unkngoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1893 Rostock edition
AUTHORS Müller, Wilhelm Peter
TITLE Oratio quam de miseria eorum quibus pudor periit
URL http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2008/6008/pdf/MullerOratio-1752.pdf
SITE Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1752 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De mundo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J6VKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De amicitia
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NStWAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De demonstratione
SITE Google Books
URL hhttps://books.google.com/books?id=MKVKAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De fortitudine
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030539/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De humanitate
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=kylWAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1622 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De inuentione veri probabilis, seu topici
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/261-quod-42/start.htm
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1598 Tubingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De principiis rerum naturalium
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eLpcAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE Testimonia
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eLpcAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1610 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Müller, Vitus (12561 - 1627)
TITLE De virtute morali in genere
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eLpcAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mulmann, Johann: see Hermann Conring
AUTHOR Mulner, Johann Josef
http://sunny.biblio.etc.tu-bs.de:8080/DB=2/SET=9/TTL=126/DOWNLOADFORM?FRST=126&LAST=126 TITLE Controversiarum juris naturae et gentium ex historia Graeca illustratarum specimen I
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-095831
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1751 edition
AUTHOR Mumprecht, Christoph
TITLE Theses de pactis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032377/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Basel edition
AUTHOR Münch, Johann Nicolaus
TITLE De microscopiis vitro carentibus
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1354349
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Scientific instruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Munck, Georg
TITLE De operum bonorum imperfectione
URL http://www.pitts.emory.edu/DISSERTATIONS/1667arnold/1667ArnoldBook.pdf
SITE Emory University Library
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Franeker edition
AUTHOR Munday, Theodore
TITLE Responsa ad Edmundum Dickensonum
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=R8Rh8QFys38C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Esoterica
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE Assertiones ex prima philosophia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yOI5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE Asserta theologica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=j_hLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE Assertiones philosophicae de homine
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030920/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De beatudine actibusque humanis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030920/images/
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1614 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De homine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=UIkjLesM9LkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion (philosophy?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De gratia, lapsu, et ministerio angelorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=z9RKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion (philosophy?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1612 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De mundo elementari
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030913/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy, cosmology (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De mundo magno eiusque variis partibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030909/images/
SUBJECT Philosophy, cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De mundo sublunari
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jKlQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, cosmology
NOTES Dpr of the 1608 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE De officio horarum canonicarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ydpLAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundbrot, Walter S. J.
TITLE Disputatio philosophica ex prima parte scientiae naturalis collecta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030915/images/
SUBJECT Natural history
NOTES Dpr of the 1607 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Mundella, Aloysius
TITLE Annotationes in Antonii Musae Brasavolae simplium medicamentorum examen
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wgRmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mundella, Aloysius
TITLE Epistolae medicinales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=wgRmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1543 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mundella, Aloysius
TITLE Extract on syphilis from Epistolae Medicinales (Basel, 1543)
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=B1lTAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1793 Jena edition
AUTHOR Mundinus, Carolus
TITLE Anatomica surdi nati sectio
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=15343&format=jpg&seqnum=502
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VII (1792) 419 - 431; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Mundinus, Carolus
TITLE De anguillae ovariis
URL http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/?priresID=1&intresID=14773&format=jpg&seqnum=542
SITE Alm@DL (Biblioteca Digitale dell’ Universita di Bologna)
NOTES Dpr of De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Instituto atque Academia Commentarii VI (1783) 406 - 419; JPEG and DjVu format (plug-in available here)
AUTHOR Mundinus, Lucius
TITLE Anatomia
URL http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/diglit/JbI24_fol
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1487 Pavia edition
AUTHOR Mundinus, Lucius
TITLE De anathomia totius corporis humani (the same as the preceding?)
URL http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=058254
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1495 Venice edition (undated Leipzig edition here, dpr’s of the 1500 Venice edition and the 1513 Venice edition and an undated Leipzig edition are also available); downloadable pdf and tiff format
AUTHOR Mundinus, Lucius
TITLE De omnibus humani corporis interioribus membris anathomia
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/2.1/323142486/999/http://www.jalb.de/agora/html/7492TABLE_OF_CONTENTS.html
SITE Johannes A Lasco Bibliothek
NOTES Dpr of the 1513 Strassburg edition (also available here and a dpr of an undated copy is available here)
AUTHOR Mundinus, Lucius: see Hieronymus Cardanus
AUTHOR Mundinus, Lucius: see Johannes de Ketham
AUTHOR Mundt, Karl Emil
TITLE De accuratione, qua possit quantitas per tabulas determinari et quidem cum per tabulas in universum, tum singulatim per tabulas logarithmicas et trigonometricas disquisitio
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/962827
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Munguía, Clemente de Jesús (1810-1868
TITLE Institutiones canonicae
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080016117/1080016117.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1851 Mexico City edition
AUTHOR Munk, Eduard
TITLE De L. Pomponio Bononiensi Atellanarum poeta
URL http://www.archive.org/details/delpomponiobono00pompgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Glogau edition
AUTHOR Munniks, Johan
TITLE Album amicorum (1710)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=22789
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Miscellaney
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. benl-00530
AUTHOR Muñoz, Jeronimo
TITLE Institutiones arithmeticae
URL http://lubna.uv.es:83/Z_6_142/Z_6_142_fich_1.html
SITE Universitat de València Biblioteca Digital
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of the 1566 Valencia edition (also available here)
AUTHOR Munro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone (1819 - 1885)
TITLE Translations into Latin and Greek Verse
URL http://www.archive.org/details/translationsinto00munruoft
SITE Canadian Archive
NOTES Dpr of the 1906 London edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Austriados libri duo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011440/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Elegiarum liber unus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Epigrammatum liber unus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Exhortatio ad bellum contra Turcas suscipiendum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015181/images/
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (1540 Basel edition here and here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Hymni in aliquot festa
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Murium & ranarum pugna ex Homero translata
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Naufragium Venetum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Neccharides
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00011441/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Observationum Iudicii Imp. Camerae centuriae V
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1050845
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Basel edition
AUTHOR Manardi, Giovanni
TITLE Curia medica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=CgFRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1611 Hanau edition
AUTHOR Manardi, Giovanni
TITLE In primum Artis parvae Galeni librum commentaria
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/344260
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1536 Basel edition
AUTHOR Manardi, Giovanni
TITLE Opus...circa morbum Gallicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EtAu9pph490C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_14.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Apotelesma
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=yrhFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Basel edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Austriados libri duo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HEj-gUKUN1AC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Decades sex
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=z-FGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Exhortatio ad bellum contra Turcas suscipiendum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9V1UAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE In titulum institut. de actionibus scholia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=90oVtZ7NAGwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE In tres libri ii. Decretal.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZX9DAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Poemata
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=hn5c7WdXMkEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1585 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Responsorum iuris...decades vi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=p5dmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Basel edition
AUTHOR Münsinger von Frundeck, Joachim (1514 - 1588)
TITLE Singularium Observationum Imperialis Camerae Centuriae VI
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022013/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Helmstedt edition (a dpr of the 1599 Helmstedt edition is also available)
AUTHOR Münster, Johan
TITLE Discussio eorum Quae Ab Abrahamo Schopffio ... In Generalis Suae, omnium praesidiorum Medicorum, Universalium & Topicorum, disquisitionis, Libri tertii, Sectione quarta, cum de aliis quibusdam ad Purgandi negotium spectantibus theorematis tum vero maxime de Purgatione principio morborum instituenda, contra magnum illud magni Hippocratis 1. aphot. 22. oraculum scripta sunt
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN610680838
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1603 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Münster, Johan
TITLE Disputationes peri paidophlebotomias
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SC65VDPfpa8C
SITE Googlel Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 edition
AUTHOR Münster, Johann Elias
TITLE De balneo animali
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=C9NOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1822 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Münster, Sebastian (1489 - 1552) : see here
AUTHOR Münsterer, Julius Sebaldus
TITLE Annotationes in Primum Librum Institutionum (1549 / 50)
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/anotatio.html
NOTES Dpr of the manuscript
AUTHOR Muntaner, Ramon: see Karl Frenzel
AUTHOR Muntendam, Johann
TITLE Interpretatio sermonis, quem habuit optimus humani generis servator cum Iudaeorum proceribus
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41463ucmf_7
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of an undated Groningen edition
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar
TITLE De insufficientia philosophiae moralis ad tollendos conscientiae morsus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=UwhMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Jena edition
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar
TITLE De iuramento, inprimis metu extorto
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=iPdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Jena edition
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar
TITLE De Negata Hominibus Praescientia Rerum Futurarum Brevis Coniectura
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=aPdJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1754 Jena edition
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar
TITLE De praecipuis quae orator pulcre cogitaturus committere potest vitiis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026063/images/
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1759 Jena edition (also here)
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar the Younger
TITLE Symbolae ad illustrandum Bugenhagii in Dania commorationem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=veNNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1836 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Münter, Friedrich (1761-1830)
TITLE Symbolae ad interpretationem evangelii Johannis ex marmoribus et nmmis, maxime Graecis
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41510ucmf_1
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion, philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1826 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Münter, Balthasar
TITLE Theologiae naturalis polemicae specimen, exhibens historiam, dogmata ... systematis illius, quod a Benedicto de Spinoza nomen habet
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=eTJNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1758 Jena edition
AUTHOR Müntz, Eugène
TITLE [Les] arts à la Cour des Papes pendant le XVe et le XVIe siècle
URL vol. 1 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-027271
vol. 2 http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-027272
vol. 3 http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n027273¡
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Art history
NOTES Dpr of the 1882 Paris edition (in French, quoting Latin source-documents); downloadable pdf format
AUTHOR Müntzer, Valentin
TITLE Chronographia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024382/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Muralt, Johannes von
TITLE Systema physicae experimentalis integram naturam illustrans
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1430444
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Muralt, Johannes von
TITLE Vademecum anatomicum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rVFgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1677 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Cursus philosophicii sive disputationum circa universam Aristoteli philosophiam
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=IRTRDWHurLgC
vol. 2 –
vol. 4 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=rHmQHQMmro0C
vol. 5 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DagSvNtpKOMC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Rhetoricum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZMVuwKSDO6MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1619 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa Aristotelis dialecticam
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ljZCd4l18NIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa libros Aristotelis de anima, generatione et caelo
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ziwCAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa libros Aristotelis dialecticam
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ziwCAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1621 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa libros Aristotelis perihermenias
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1606 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa octo libros physicorum Aristotelis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=90Zv6QnmHX0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1616 Ingolstadt edition
AUTHOR Murcia de la Llana, Francisco
TITLE Selecta circa universam Logicam Aristotelis
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/aMurcia+de+llana/amurcia+de+llana/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=amurcia+de+la+llana+francisco&4,,4,002190,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1615 Madrid edition
AUTHOR Murer, Johann Jakob
TITLE Epilogismus trium eclipseon solaris I. et II. lunarium, anno M D VC. futurarum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/393831
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SITE Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1595 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Muret, Marc-Antoine (1526 - 1585): see here
AUTHOR Murillo Velarde, Pedro (1696 - 1753)
TITLE Cursus iuris canonici
URL http://cdigital.dgb.uanl.mx/la/1080024538_C/1080024538_C.html
SITE Colleción Digital UANL
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1763 Madrid edition (a dpr of the 1791 Madrid edition is also available)
AUTHOR Muris de Mur, Johannes
TITLE Arismetica generalis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00045275/images/
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Carmen votivum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013017/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE De verbis communibus ac deponentalibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003689/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE De verborum compositis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003689/images/
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1504 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Dictionarius
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ZeZMP6C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Bratislava edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Eisagoge in decem Aristotelis praedicamenta
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=WtU5AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1568 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE In artis componendorum versuum rudimenta minimo labore pueris ediscendae tabulae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027779/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Antwerp edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE In epistolam divi Hieronymi ad Niciam commentarioli duo
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007128/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE In M. Tullii Ciceronis dialogum de senectute qui Cato maior inscribitur
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00004844/images/
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1505 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE In X praedicamenta Aristotelis isagoge
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032857/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1535 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Loci communes sententiosorum versuum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00017974/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1533 Wittenberg edition (1540 Nuremberg edition here, 1565 Frankfurt a. O. edition here, 1597 Nuremberg edition here)
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Musa quid stertis nimio sopore
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00012344/images/index.html?id=00012344&fip=
NOTES Dpr of the 1506 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Nova commentaria in Persium
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014334/images
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition (1525 Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Nuclei de nominum verborum declinationibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=8Mum1AHXx0MC
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1532 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Officium discipulorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00028842/images/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1551 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Pappa nova puerorum esui atque usui percocta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003739/images/es/
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Pappa puerorum una cum certissimis Syntaxeos praeceptionibus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00003678/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Basel edition (1550 Mainz edition here, undated Cologne edition here)
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Preface to Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus, De origin mundi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006566/images/index.html?id=00006566&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Preface to an edition of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002259/images/index.html?id=00002259&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1516 Cologne edition (1535 Cologne edition here
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Preface to an edition of Prudentius, Adversus gentiles
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00006357/images/index.html?id=00006357&fip=
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Protrepticus poetantium
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00015279/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johann
TITLE Tabule De generibus nominum, De nominu[m] declinationibus, De nominibus anomalis, De comparatione nominum, De verborum preteritis & supinis, De anomalis & defectiuis verbis, De speciebus verborum
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024487/images
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johannes
TITLE Tabulae in artis componendorum versuum rudimenta
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00039169/images/
SUBJECT Poetry, language studies
NOTES Dpr of an undated Cologne edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johannes
TITLE Tabulae poeticae
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-071499
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Murmel, Johannes
TITLE Tabularum opuscula tria
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=FCxvT6XZ10QC
SITE Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1554 Milan edition
AUTHOR Murner, Paschal O. P.
TITLE Ad Spiritum Ruterum ... epistola congratulatoria
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027725/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Ad rempublicam Argentinam Germania Nova
URL http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/content/structure/1161413
NOTES Dpr of the 1926 Heidelberg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Arma patientie contra omnes seculi adversitates Franckfordie predicata
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00005455/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Benedicte iudeorum: uti soliti sunt ante et post cibi sumptionem benedicere et gratias agere Deo
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004328-3
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Cavssa Helvetica Orthodoxae Fidei, Dispvtatio Helvetiorvm In Baden Svperiori, Coram Dvodecim cantonum oratoribus & nuntijs
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00025493/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1528 Lucerne edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE De Augustiniana Hieronymianaq[ue] reformatione poetarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00007135/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE De Pythonico contractu
URL http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/witch/docviewer?did=060
SITE Cornell Witchcraft collection
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 Frankfurt a. M. edition with linked html transcript
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE De quattuor heresiarchis ordinis Praedicatorum de observantia nuncupatorum apud Swicinses in civitate Bernensi combustis A. C. 1509
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013234/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Munich edition (1509 Strassburg edition here, a dpr of the 1520 Basel edition is also available)
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013198/images/
SUBJECT Epistolography
NOTES Dpr of an undated Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Historia mirabilis quatuor heresiarcharum ordinis, Praedicatorum de Observantia apud Bernenses combustorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00013072/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Honestorum poematum condigna laudatio ipudicorum vero miranda castigatio
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%2522Kn+A+170%257B%7C%257D1003%257B%257DTDI00018.jpg%2522
SITE Lutherstiftung
NOTES Dpr of an undated edition (undated Strassburg edition here)
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Logica memorativa
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00009762/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Ludus studentum Friburgensium
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005010-5
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1511 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Pia admonitio F. Thomae Murnar, Lutheromastigis, ordinis Minorum, quo sibi temperet a conviciis & stultis impugnationibus Martini Lutheri
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024462/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1520 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Ritus et celebratio phase iudeorum. cum orationibus eorum et benedictionibus mense ad litteram interpretatis - cum omni observatione uti soliti sunt suum pasca extra terram permissionis sine esu agni pascalis celebrare
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00004330-6
NOTES Dpr of the 1512 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murner, Thomas O. M. (1475 - 1537)
TITLE Utriusque juris tituli et regule
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN563741228
NOTES Dpr of the 1518 Basel edition (also here)
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Adnotationes ad bibliotghecas Hallerianas botanicam, anatomicam, chirurcicam, et medicinae practicae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=LzZbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science, botany (pharmacology), anatomy, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1805 Erlangen edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Catalogus librorum compactorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=roXjYM118x0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1806 edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Chirographa Virorum celebrium
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087891&seite=00000264.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Autographs
NOTES Dpr of Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litteratur 1789:1, pp. 287 - 290
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Chirographa Virorum celebrium a me delineata
URL http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/cgi-bin/neubutton.cgi?pfad=/diglib/aufkl/journkunst/087881&seite=00000088.TIF
SITE Universität Bielefeld Bibliothek
SUBJECT Handwriting
NOTES Dpr from Journal zur Kuntsgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litterature 1788:1, pp. 85 -
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Commentatio de re diplomatica Friderici II imp. Aug.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=VpVcAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1756 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Conspectus bibliothecae Glotticae universalis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=EHBVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE De Papyris Seu Voluminibus Graecis Herculanensibus Commentatio
URL http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2712/
SITE Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
SUBJECT Papyrology
NOTES Dpr of the 1804 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE De corona regum Italiae vulgo ferrea dicta
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ee8_AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1808 Altdorf edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Designatio scriptorum editorum et edendorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=atdfAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Diplomatarium Lipsano-Klinodiographum s. imp. Rom.
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TM_lf1g_gE0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Codicology, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1784 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Disquisitio dipolom, de comitiis Friderici II imp. aug.
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cZFOAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Politicis
NOTES Dpr of the 1760 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Laudatio funeralis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=a9s6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Lessus moestissimorum discipulorum satira
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=a9s6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Literature
NOTES Dpr of the 1799 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Litterae patentes imperatoris Sinarum Kang-Hi
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=dp6cpemFYeoC
SITE Google Books
SITE Codicology, orientalia
NOTES Dpr of the 1802 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TILTLE Memorabilia bibliothecarum publicarum Norimbergensium et Universitatis Altdorfinae, pars iii
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=7-gOAAAAQAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-egOAAAAQAAJ
vol. 3 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=yZ0IAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1786 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Notitia libri rarisisimi geographiae Francisci Berlingieri
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=s1tdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Library science, geography
NOTES Dpr of the 1790 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Notitia trium codicum autographorum Ioannis Regiomontani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=gsxEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1801 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Specimina antiquissima scripturae Graecae tenuioris
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=yhQIAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Epigraphy
NOTES Dpr of the 1782 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von
TITLE Theophaniae Augustae Ottonis II imp. coniugis corona aurea
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZcpYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SITE Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1803 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Murray, Adolf
TITLE Epistola (1793)
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=15802
SITE Uppsala University Library
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection ms. se-02160
AUTHOR Murray, Adolf
TITLE In aneurysmata femoris observationes
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IRxLNFxqwJsC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1785 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Murray, Adolf
TITLE In gangraenam scroti observatio
URL http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/67095
SITE Doria
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1783 Uppsala edition
AUTHOR Murray, Adolf: see Linnaeus
AUTHOR Murray, Andrew (i. e., John Andrew?)
TITLE Commentatio De Hepatitide Maxime Indiae Orientalis
URL http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN63302399X
NOTES Dpr of the 1779 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Commentatio naturam foliorum de arboribus cadentium expendens
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0002
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 2 (1772) 27 - 53
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Commentatio de Polypis Bronchiorum
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0004
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1774) 44 - 56
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Descriptiones stirpium novarum et rariorum in horto botanico crescentium cum animadversionibus
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0005
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 5 (1775) 24 - 55
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Observationes botanicae
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0006
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 6 (1776) 23 - 40
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Observationes botanicae in stirpes quasdam minus cognitas
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0008
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 8 (1778) 34 - 49
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Observationes in stirpes nonnullas novas, vel rariores horti Botanici
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0007
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 7 (1777) 17 - 40
AUTHOR Murray, John Andrew
TITLE Observationes super stirpibus quibusdam recens inventis et rarioribus in horto academico institutae
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0003
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1773) 60 - 84
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE Antiquitates Septemtrionales et Britannicae atque Hibernicae inter se comparatae. Commentatio prima de religione disserens
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0004
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1774) 89 - 118
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE Antiquitates Septemtrionales et Britannicae atque Hibernicae inter se comparatae. Commentatio altera de imperio civili studiisque humanitatis disserens
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0005
SITE History
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 5 (1775) 53ff.
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE De Britannia atque Hibernia saeculis a VI. inde ad X. litterarum domicilio
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0002
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 2 (1772) 72 - 148
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE De coloniis Scandicis in insulis Britannicis, et maxime Hibernia
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0003
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 3 (1773) 56 - 128
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE De Pythea Massiliensi
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0006
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 6 (1776) 59 - 98
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE De re navali veterum Septemtrionalium
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0004
NOTES Dpr of Novi commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 4 (1774) 119 - 136
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE Descriptio terrarum septemtrionalium. Saeculis IX, X et XI, ex idea Adami Bremensis, Aliorumque scriptorum Germanicorum istius aevi. Commentatio prior
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0001
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 1 (1771) 126 - 152
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip
TITLE Descriptio terrarum septemtrionalium. Saeculis IX, X et XI, ex idea Adami Bremensis, Aliorumque scriptorum Germanicorum istius aevi. Commentatio posterior
URL http://www-gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cgi-bin/digbib.cgi? PPN352846038_0001
NOTES Dpr of Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 1 (1771) 153ff.
AUTHOR Murray, John Philip: see Christian Gottlob Heyne
AUTHOR Murray, Thomas
TITLE Naupactiados Metaphrasis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=joO0zQEACAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1604 London edition
AUTHOR Murray, Thomas
TITLE Naupactiados Metaphrasis
URL http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/murray2
SITE The Philological Museum
CONTRIBUTOR Dana F. Sutton (2020)
NOTES Edited and annotated text with English translation; html
AUTHOR Murrho, Sebastian: see Battista Spagnoli
AUTHOR Murschhauser, Franz Xavier
TITLE Academica musico-poetica bipartita
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00002470-2
SUBJECT Music, poetry
NOTES Dpr of the 1721 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE De herba vetonica
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/716915
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Botany, pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE Examen omnium simplicium medicamentorum
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=M19WAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE Fragmenta quae extant
URLhttps://bo oks.google.co.uk/books?id=ltRGAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1800 Basel (?) edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE In libros de ratione victus in morbis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RRdVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1546 Venice edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE In octo libros aphorismorum Hippocratis et Galeni
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=UMtUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boks
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1541 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE Index refertissimus in omnes Galeni libros
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=jMtUAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boks
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1586 Venice edition
AUTHOR Musa Brasavola, Antonius
TITLE Orationes duae
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0TRZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Boks
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1544 Leipzzig edition
AUTHOR Musa, Antonius
TITLE Singularia de viris eruditione florentibus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=11o63fd54eIC
SITE Google Boks
SUBJECT Learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1728 Wittenburg edition
AUTHOR Musaeus: see Johann Benedict Carpzov (two items)
AUTHOR Musaeus: see Johannes Frobenius
AUTHOR Musaeus: see William Gager
AUTHOR Musaeus: see Ludwig Schwabe
AUTHOR Musaeus Grammaticus: see Hermann August Theodor Köchly
AUTHOR Musaeus, Augustinus
TITLE Apologia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00019346/images
SUBJECT Unspecified by catalogue
NOTES Dpr of the 1537 edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Johannes (1613 - 1681): see here
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE An princeps legibus civilibus sit obligatus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=pk1JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Jena edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE De aeterna beatitudine et huic opposita damnatione
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=p01JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1675 Jena edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE De antiquisssimo exorcismi in baptismo ritu
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=IGxGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1671 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE De fugiendo syncretismo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=F4VpAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1672 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE De Jesu Christi duabus naturis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=6UEIW8qIIQAC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE De lege civili
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=F0ZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1670 Helmstedt edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE Disp. inaug. de Jesu Christi duabus naturis personaliter unitis et officio satisfactorio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031326/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE Disputationes theologicae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=p01JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1667 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE Dissertatio qua locus Pauli Rom. v.12
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3stTf1r9ev0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE Dodekas thesium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=p01JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1644 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus (d. 1675)
TITLE Oratio contra atheos
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=sKhQAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1718 Rintheln edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus: see Epicedium Desideratissimis Manibus Magnifici, & Maxime Reverendi Viri Dn. Petri Musaei
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus: see Epitaphium, quod Memoriae Magnifici & Plurimum Reverendi Domini, Dn. Petri Musaei
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus: see Lachrymae ad Tumulum, Viri Magnifici, Maxime Reverendi, Amplissimi, atque Excellentissimi Domini, Dn. Petri Musaei
AUTHOR Musaeus, Petrus: see Lachrymae, Quibus obitum Viri Magnifici Plurimum Reverendi, Amplissimi & Excellentissimi Domini, Dn. Petri Musaei
.AUTHOR Musaeus, Raphael
TITLE In gratiam Martini Lutheri et Hutten, i propugnatorum Christianae et Germanicae libertatis, ad osores epistula
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+273{|}1872{}TDI00019.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Raphael
TITLE Murnarus Leviathan vulgo dictus Gesnar
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=OeVe35UYJj0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1521 edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon
TITLE Sententia de peccato originali, quod non sit substantia, sed extrema eius corruptio, tam iuxta materiam quam formam
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00026878/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1572 Jena edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De actionis publicanae origine
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=cplSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1707 Jena edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De amissa possessione agri inundati
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=J7dJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De foro rei sitae etiam ad res mobiles
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De Intercessionibus Foeminarum Nobilium Slesvicensium Et Holsaticarum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-189621
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1705 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De iudicio virginum sanctimonialium
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=rydGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De iuramentis indeliberatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9MZJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De iure immunitatis a vectigalibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eXFGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De iuribus in parmae et placentiae ducatus a pontifice male praetensis vel usurpatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Gi87pAG5JzQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De moralitate actionum humanarum circa qua ius naturae versatur
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=V85JAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Philosophy, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De pretio iuris Justinianei sacri
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=K8Rbb5wEix0C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De restitutione in integrum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=a0pKAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De revocatione donationis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Mbi-XYHll-cC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1698 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De Teste Singvlari
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-122676
SUBJECT ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1690 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE De vindicta praetextu defensionis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=r9FMAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1702 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE Epitaphium in canem
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1708 Kiel edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE Hippocratis in iure tum canonico tum civili autoritas
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=LApVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Musaeus, Simon Heinrich
TITLE Specimen annotationum in Caesareum diploma adversus pontificem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Y51OAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Law, politics
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Giessen edition
AUTHOR Musanti, Giovanni Domenico S. J.
TITLE Dissertatio historico-critica
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/339,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdissertatio+historico+critica+qua+chronologiae+in+joannis+dominici+musantii+tabulis+expositae+specimen+apologeticum+exhibet+j&1,1,,001681,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the Rome edition
AUTHOR Musanti, Giovanni Domenico S. J.
TITLE Fax chronologica ad omnigenam historiam
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=28PYFegZqUMC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Pisa edition
AUTHOR Musanti, Giovanni Domenico S. J.
TITLE In funere eminentissimi et reverentissimi principis Francisci cardinalis Barbarini
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=9xUN7no_FDYC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1701 Rome edition
AUTHOR Musanti, Giovanni Domenico S. J.
TITLE Tabulae chronologicae (the same as the above?)
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/td/td/339,377,433,B/l962&FF=tdissertatio+historico+critica+qua+chronologiae+in+joannis+dominici+musantii+tabulis+expositae+specimen+apologeticum+exhibet+j&1,1,,001681,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldunia
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Rome edition
AUTHOR Muscarello, Pietro Paolo
TITLE Algorismus
URL http://dla.library.upenn.edu/dla/medren/pageturn.html?start=50&fq=collection_facet%3A%22Lawrence%20J.%20Schoenberg%20Collection%22&id=MEDREN_4797419&
SITE University of Pennsylvania Library Schoenberg Collection
SUBJECT Mathematics
NOTES Dpr of ms. ljs27
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Compendium doctrinae Christianae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=3TRjAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE De adorando summa veneratione et fide inconcusssa amplectando mysterio unitionis duarum naturarum Christi in unam personam
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+378{|}2660{}TDI00017.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE De dignitate et necessario usu academiarum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=jSFNAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE De vera, reali et substantiali praesentia
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=-AkcOVSHMTQC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Enchiridion sententiarum ac dictorum insignium
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=1EtYAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Miscellaneous
NOTES Dpr of the 1552 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Loci communes theologici
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=_4xWAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=NNBBAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Erfuhrt edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Precandi formulae piae et selectae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tXZnAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1553 Frankfurt a. d. O. edition edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Precationes ex veteribus orthodoxis doctoribus
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-115622
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 158o Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Propositiones De Vera, Reali Et Svbstantiali praesentia Corporis & Sanguinis Iesv Christi in Sacramento Altari
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029986/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Refutatio opoposita necessitati physicae locationis in corpore Christi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=vkNlAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1573 Frankfurt a. O. edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Responsio ad virulentum ac maledicum scriptum ex meris calumniis et mendaciis conflatum, Friderici Staphyli
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031449/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas
TITLE Responsio ad virulentum ac maledicum scriptum ex meris calumniis et mendaciis conflatum, Friderici Staphyli
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00031449/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Andreas (?): see Johannes Cochlaeus
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE Commentariii in evangelium Ioannis in tres heptadas digesti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=1QpEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE Commentariorum in evangelistam Ioannem heptas prima
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=xAlEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1545 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE Loci communes sacrae theologiae
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/c-115-b-2f-helmst-2/start.htm
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE De iuramento et usura
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1384457
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion, law
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum Commentarii
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1384457
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1599 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE Epistola ad Edwardum VI regem Angliae et Franciae prefacing Ecclesiasticae Historiae Authores
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0414_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE In Esaiam prophetam commentarij locupletissimi
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/c-115-b-2f-helmst-2/start.htm
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE In Mosis genesim plenissimi Commentarii, in quibus veterum et recentiorum sententiae diligenter expenduntur
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/c-115-b-2f-helmst-1/start.htm (download here)
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1565 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus
TITLE Preface to his translation of St. Basil, Opera
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022371/images/index.html?id=00022371&fip=
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus
TITLE Preface to his translation of St. Basil, Opera
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022371/images/index.html?id=00022371&fip=
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus
TITLE Preface to his translation of St. Basil, Opera
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00022371/images/index.html?id=00022371&fip=
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus
TITLE Preface to his translation of Ecclesiasticae historiae autores
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0414_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1540 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus
TITLE Preface to his translation of St. John Chrysostom, Opera
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0404_002_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus (1497 - 1563)
TITLE Preface to his translation of Gregory of Nazianus, Opera quae extant omnia
URL http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0444_005_vor.htm
SITE Kadmos Projekt
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musculus, Wolfgangus: see Augustin Marlorat
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicae
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=u1oPAAAAQAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=yloPAAAAQAA
vol. 3
vol. 4 https://books.google.com/books?id=4VoPAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism, history
NOTES Dpr of the 1711-1720 Exeter edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De arthritide anomala
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=ANrZQNkJOnwC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De arthritide primigenia et regulari
URL http://books.google.com/books?id=5UH4VpFDlQIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1726 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De arthritide symptomatica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=I5oLm3h77nkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1715 Geneva edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De penatibus in Belgio Britanico nuper effossis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=t5dbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Archaelogy
NOTES Dpr of the 1717 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De Geto Britannico
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YLc-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Exeter edition
AUTHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE De Icuncula quondam m. regis Alfredi
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=YLc-AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Antiquarianism
NOTES Dpr of the 1716 Exeter edition
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE De iureiurando
URL http://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024908/images
ATHOR Musgrave, William
TITLE Domus Severianae synopsis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=t5dbAAAAQAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Archaeology
NOTES Dpr of the 1714 Oxford edition
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE De bonis literis capessendis exhortatio
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n25eAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 editon
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE Ex captivitatis tenebris quasi ab Orco
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=iPY7AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion?
NOTES Dpr of the 1539 Venice editon
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE Oratio qua rectores et ludimagistri, scholae et universitate...salutatus est
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=n25eAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Education
NOTES Dpr of the 1531 editon
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE Secvndvm Ivridicae Professionis Trimestrem Dispvtandi Morem De Ivreivrando Ioan. Mvslervs Artivm Et I.V.D. Conclvsiones Svbseqventes In Scholis Ivreperitorvm Ordinarie Dispvtabit
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00024908/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1550 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Musler, Johann
TITLE Sylva disputationis ex immensa arbore consanquinitatis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=_wY6AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1548 editon
AUTHOR Musler Oetingensis, Johann
TITLE In artem notandi signa
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=SRVVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Calligraphy, printing
NOTES Dpr of the 1680 Zwikowa edition
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Carmina
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf110518
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Carmina Mussati vel Lovati
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf112398
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Certamen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf112532
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Controversia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf112767
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Cunneia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf112874
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE De gestis Italicorum post Henricum VII
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=G9o4AQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1903 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE De obsidione
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf120423
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Ecerinus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=fEDFW_0E2poC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1900 Bologna edition
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Ecerinus
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf113208
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Epistola
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf120228
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Epistole
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf116647
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Historia augusta Henrici 7 Caesaris
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Di8jEeG3KpUC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Venice edition
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Priapeia
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf128992
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Quaestio
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf129496
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino (1261 - 1323)
TITLE Somnium
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf130233
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mussato, Albertino: see Giovanni del Virgilio
AUTHOR Musschenbroek, Piet Van
TITLE De aeris praesentia in humoribus animalibus
URL https://archive.org/details/disputationumana4174hall (go to p. 561)
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Physiology
NOTES Dpr of the 1749 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Musschenbroek, Piet Van
TITLE Tentamina experimentorum naturalium captorum
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1289779
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Natural history (?)
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leiden edition0
AUTHOR Mussel, Jacob
TITLE Lessus Pomeranicus piis quondam at nunc beatis manibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=NHFN6E1YPp0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Mussel, Jacob
TITLE Skiagraphia, De Spirituum Familiarium Natura, Ingenio, Ministerio, & tragico tandem eventu eorum, qui familiariter illis utuntur
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00006619-4
SUBJECT Demonology
NOTES Dpr of the 1623 Basel edition
AUTHOR Musurus, Marcus
TITLE Carmen admirandum in Platonem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=flD60utPkT4C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the Amsterdam edition
AUTHOR Musurus, Marcus
TITLE Preface to his 1515 Venice edition of Pausanias
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=395&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
SUBJE Philology
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 311f.
AUTHOR Musurus, Marcus
TITLE Templum erat in Sesto
URL http://www.literature.at/webinterface/library/ALO-BOOK_V01?objid=15641&page=267&zoom=3&ocr=
SITE Austrian Literature Online
NOTES Dpr of Beriah Botfield, Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures (London, 1861) pp. 183f.
AUTHOR Musurus, Marcus: see Bernardus Junta
AUTHOR Mut, Vincente
TITLE Cometarum anni MDCLXV : enarratio physico-mathematica
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=B19734177
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 (?) Palma de Mallorca edition
AUTHOR Mut, Vincente
TITLE Brevis Descriptio Artificiosi Cujusdam Horologii Astronomico-Geographici
URL http://digital.slub-dresden.de/ppn273266497
SITE Säschische Landesbibliothek Staats- u. UniversitätsbibliothekDresden
SUBJECT Scientific insttruments
NOTES Dpr of the 1673 Nuremberg edition
AUTHOR Mut, Vincente
TITLE De sole alfonsino restituto, simul et de diametris
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/formulario_inicio_libros.asp?ref=B19733240
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1649 Palma de Mallorca edition
AUTHOR Mut, Vincente
TITLE Observationes motuum caelestium cum adnotationibus astronomicis, et meridianorum differentiis ab eclypsibus deductis
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19733288
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1666 Palma de Mallorca edition
AUTHOR Mutio, Savinio
TITLE Dialogus contra duas hic transcriptas epistolas nuper editas in Prodromum Francisci Leverae in quo eiusdem Prodromi doctrina, & usus uberrime confirmatur
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=5UhRAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Astronomy
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Rome edition
AUTHOR Mutius, Ulrich
TITLE Ad omnes qui christum, seu regnum Dei, ex animo quaerunt
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/94204
SITE Universitätsbibliothek Basel
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1522 Basel edition
AUTHOR Muttoni Visconti, Cristoforo
TITLE Pro Vniversitate Textorum auri, argenti, & serici contra Vniversitatem Mercatorum auri, argenti, & serici
URL http://www.historia.unimi.it/scripts/diglib/diglib3.asp?cod=21249
SITE Instituto di Storia del Diritto Medievale e Moderno
NOTES Dpr of the 1750 Freiberg edition
AUTHOR Mützel, Wilhelm Julius Carl
TITLE De emendatione Theogoniae Hesiodeae libri tres
URL http://www.archive.org/details/deemendationeth00mtgoog
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1833 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mützel, Wilhelm Julius Carl
TITLE De translationum, quae vocantur, apud Curtium usu
URL http://www.archive.org/details/4770926
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Philology
NOTES Dpr of the 1842 Berlin edition
AUTHOR Muxellanus, Dynus: see Charles du Moulin
AUTHOR Muys, Jan
TITLE Podalirus redivus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=2vUGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Muys, Jan
TITLE Podalirus redivus
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=vQVmAAAAcAAJ
SITEGoogle Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Muys, Jan
TITLE Praxis chirurgica rationalis, seu Observationes chirurgicae secundum solida verae philosophiae fundamenta resolutae :decas prima
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1683 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Muys, Jan
TITLE Praxis medico-chirurgia rationalis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=60dkAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1686 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Muzio, Macario
TITLE Carmen
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf657870
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Muzio, Macario
TITLE De triumpho Christi
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00002498/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1509 Strassburg edition (1514 Ravenna edition here, a dpr of the 1514 Strassburg edition is available here, undated Erfuhrt edition here)
AUTHOR Muzio, Girolamo (1496 - 1575)
TITLE De Romana ecclesia tractatus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=EGJVAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1563 Pisa edition
AUTHOR Muzio, Girolamo (1496 - 1575)
TITLE Isagogicon
URL http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq/poetiditalia/contesto.jsp?ordinata=pf657870
SITE Poeti d’ Italia in Lingua Latina
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mycillus, Jacobus
TITLE Apelles Aegyptius
URL https://www2.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/micy1/te08.html
NOTES Dpr of the 1564 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Mycillus, Jacobus
TITLE Psalmi aliquot in versus coniecti
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+365{|}2615{}TDI00029.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
NOTES Dpr of the 1529 Hagenau edition
AUTHOR Mycillus, Jacobus: see Petrus Lotichius Secundus
AUTHOR Myconius, Friedrich
TITLE XVI selectiones veraeque theologiae clarorum virorum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032230/images
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1593 Smalkald edition
AUTHOR Myconius, Friedrich: see Anton Probus
AUTHOR Myconius, Oswald
TITLE Ad sacerdotes Helvetiae, qui Tigurinis male loquu[n]tur suasoria, ut male loqui desinant
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00027537/images/
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1524 Smalkald edition (1524 Zurich edition here)
AUTHOR Myconius, Oswald
TITLE Commentarii in Henrici Loriti Glareani Descriptionem Helvetiae
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9m9ZAAAAYAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Topography
NOTES Dpr of the 1735 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Myconius, Oswald
TITLE In evangelium Marci
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=NCJ26xwQI7MC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1538 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mydorge, Claude (1585 - 1647)
TITLE Prodromi Catoptricorvm Et Dioptricorvm: Sive Conicorvm Operis Ad Abdita Radii Reflexi Et Refracti mysteria praevij & facem praeferentis Libri Quatuor Priores.
URL http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/14-1-geom-2f/start.htm
SUBJECT Geometry, optics
NOTES Dpr of the 1639 Paris edition
AUTHOR Mylaeus, Christopherus
TITLE Theatrum universitatis rerum
URL http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00005536-3
SUBJECT Encyclopedic learning
NOTES Dpr of the 1557 Basel edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Abraham
TITLE Lingua Belgica
URL http://anet.ua.ac.be/wiki/hortus/Mylius
SITE Hortus Linguarum
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Downloadable PDF of the 1612 Leiden edition available on this page
AUTHOR Mylius, Andreas
TITLE Memoriae Ill. Principis D. Ioan. Alberti Ducis Megapol. elegia
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00037710/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1576 Rostock edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Andreas
TITLE De tetragrammato
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=1AjY-ibJHsIC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1636 Königsburg edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Andreas: see here
AUTHOR Mylius, Andreas Christoph
TITLE De medicamentis selectioribus
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=9R9bAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1713 Halle edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Anton (d. 1655)
TITLE Piissimis Manibus Johannis Himmelii
URL http://www.gbv.de/du/services/gLink/vd17/23:274895S_001,800,600
NOTES Dpr of the 1642 Jena edition
AUTHORS Mylius, Arnoldus et al.
TITLE De rebus Hispanicis, Lusitanicis, Aragonicis, Indicis et Aethiopicis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yrFJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1602 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Arnoldus
TITLE Principum et regum Polonorum Imagines ad vivum expressae. Quibus adjectae sunt breves singulorum historiae et res praeclare gestae
URL http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=31065&dirids=4u
SITE Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
SUBJECT Biography, iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Cologne edition; DjVu format (browser plug-in available here) (also available here)
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE An is qui alimenta vivo praestitit, ad hunc sepeliendum sit obligatus
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032753/images//
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Wittenberg edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De citatione vasalli
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=daAmeWx08IEC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De dispositionis vasalli inter liberos recte facienda
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=b1D1_TqBg10C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 174o Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De felonia ante praestitum fidelitatis iuramentum commissa
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DqxSAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1741 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De fictione quasi contractuum in iure Germanico otiosa
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=zcFIAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1739 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De poena indignantionis eiusque effectu
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Q_ULeL8_t98C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 174 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De remedio l. ii c. de Resc. Vendit.
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=yZBZAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 174o Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE De remissione mercedis propter sterilitatem in praediis
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_GnlPR9NS78C
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 174o Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Ernst Heinrich
TITLE Memoriam Bornianam
URL https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=1LWWrm1YHogC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1736 edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Georg
TITLE Themata de spasmo
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=eLyUeIYYsA8C
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1587 Tübingen edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Georgius: see here
AUTHOR Mylius, Gottlieb Friedrich
TITLE Memorabilia Saxoniae subterraneae
URLvol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=v8eQtY6Fa6gC
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=mX1OvCZUIrkC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Natural history, paleontology
NOTES Dpr of the 1720 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gottlieb Friedrich
TITLE Museum, Sive Catalogus Rerum Naturalium & Fossilium tam exoticarum quam domesticarum
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014432/images/
SUBJECT Natural history, paleontology
NOTES Dpr of the 1709 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich
TITLE De obligatione philosophi ad religionem
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=KBKCQZsWvS8C
SUBJECT Philosophy, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich
TITLE Mutationes clericorum superiorum
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=i-FSAAAAcAAJ
SUBJECT Law, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich von
TITLE De dispositionis vasalli inter liberos recte facienda
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DSpWAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich von
TITLE De Poena Inficiationis
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00030572/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1725 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich von
TITLE De dispositionis vasalli inter liberos recte facienda
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DSpWAAAAcAAJ
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig
AUTHOR Mylius, Gustav Heinrich von
TITLE Notarius peccans in instrumento publico conficiendo
SITE Google Books
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=79O0geGD-aEC
NOTES Dpr of the 1740 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Anatomia auri
URL http://alfama.sim.ucm.es/dioscorides/consulta_libro.asp?ref=B19536070
SITE Biblioteca Universidad Complutense
NOTES Dpr of the 1628 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Antidotarium medico-chymicum
URL vol. 1 https://books.google.com/books?id=wm9AAAAAcAAJ
vol. 2 https://books.google.com/books?id=YgEWlNMitugC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Basilica chymica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=41Zt1Mg0cf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacologyy
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Basilica philosophica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=41Zt1Mg0cf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine?
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Basilica medica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=41Zt1Mg0cf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE De animalibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Tnx79nVIZ6sC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Zoology?
NOTES Dpr of the 1620 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Istrochymicus sive de praeparatione et compositione medicamentorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Tl59kge-N4gC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Opus medico-chymicum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=41Zt1Mg0cf0C
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Medicine, pharmacologyy?
NOTES Dpr of the 1618 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Daniel
TITLE Pharmacopoea spagyrica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2HNgAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1629 Frankfurt edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann (d. 1575)
TITLE Oratio de vita et morte illustrissimi celsissimique principis Georgii Hassiae Landgravii
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%2229{|}1140+a{}TDI00019.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1596 Frankfurt a. M. edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann (d. 1575)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_12.html
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Actuarius peccans circa in qiusitionem generalem
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=4VRJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1737 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Aequitatem legem Romanarum circa periculum rei venditae
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c3bqtUgvZOoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1727 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Annum iuridicum eiusque effectus generales
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=uh5gAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1682 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De iuramento minorationis
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Ulj_ISln_LwC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1685 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De iure vicinorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=Z6tJAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1684 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE De praetore peregrino
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=itBFAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Historia legatorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c_YC7ZomorgC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Opuscla academica
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=DQhbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Quae Iustiniano imp. in prooemio institutionum supposita
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=c3bqtUgvZOoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Selectae fori conclusiones
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=TbpGAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Theopilus sive de Graecarum iuris instutionum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HghbAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1761 Leiden edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Vindiciarvm Theophili Specimen Ad Prooem. L. I. Tit. I. Et Partem Tit. II.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0004/bsb00043289/images/
NOTES Dpr of the 1731 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Vindiciarvm Theophili Praeparatio Qva Historia Ipsivs Et Paraphraseos Exponitvr
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-188414
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
NOTES Dpr of the 1730 Leipzig edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Johann Heinrich
TITLE Bibliotheca anonymorum et pseudonymorum detectorum
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qTZEAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Library Science
NOTES Dpr of the 1703 Hamburg edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Chronologia scriptorum Philippi Melanchthonis
URL http://luther.hki.uni-koeln.de/luther-cgi/kleioc/0010KlLuther/exec/druckseite/%22Kn+A+225{|}1346{}TDI00137.jpg%22
SITE Lutherstiftung
SUBJECT Library science
NOTES Dpr of the 1582 Görlitz edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Epicedion reverendiss. ac illustrissimi principis et domini
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=RAYBvb5Va6EC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1556 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Epicedion Wolfgangi Comitis a Salm Patev.
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00023787/images/
NOTES Dpr of an undated Vienna edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Hortus philosophicus consitus in studio
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00032807/images
SUBJECT Philosophy
NOTES Dpr of the 1597 Gorlitz edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Lessus mem. aevit. poro passione Christi conceptus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HtRdAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1613 Prague edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Oratio in funere...Francisci Emerici Oppaviani
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=BeA8AAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Rhetoric
NOTES Dpr of the 1560 Vienna edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Principum et regum Polonorum imagines ad vivum expressae
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0002/bsb00029521/images/
SUBJECT Iconography
NOTES Dpr of the 1594 Cologne edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Selections from Gruter's Delitiae poetarum Germanorum
URL http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camena/del4/books/deliciae4_13.html
NOTES Html format
AUTHOR Mylius, Martin (1542 - 1611)
TITLE Testimonia d. Martini Lutheri de socio laborum et periculorum Philippo Melanchthone
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=qfRp00w1YWUC
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1580 edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Matthaeus
TITLE De actionibus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=HYZHAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1624 Strassburg edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Michael Martin
TITLE Germaniae quatuor circa Rhenum circulorum...brevis conspectus
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=2RYM-4KZwsoC
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1738 Leipzig-Gorlich edition
AUTHOR Mylius, Wilhelm
TITLE De glandulis
URL https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=QmREAAAAcAAJ
SITE Google Books
NOTES Dpr of the 1747 Göttingen edition
AUTHOR Myller, Konrad
TITLE Theses physicae miscellaneae speciatim de thermoscopio botanico
URL http://www.e-rara.ch/bau_1/content/titleinfo/1209952
SITE Universitätabibliothek Basel
NOTES Dpr of the 1755 Zurich edition
AUTHOR Myllius, Martin
TITLE Passio Christi metrice
URL http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0001/bsb00014013/images
NOTES Dpr of the 1517 edition
AUTHOR Mylne, Alexander (1474-1548)
TITLE Vitae Dunkeldensis ecclesiae episcoporum
URL http://www.archive.org/details/vitaedvnkeldens101mylnuoft
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Biography, religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1823 - 31 Edinburgh edition
AUTHOR Mymerus, Franciszek
TITLE Dictionarius trium linguarum
URL http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:1-102495
SITE ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
SUBJECT Language studies
NOTES Dpr of the 1558 Königsberg edition
AUTHOR Mynsicht, Adrian von
TITLE Testamentum Hadrianum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ttexto/ttexto/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=ttestamentum+hadrianeum+quo+suam+aureo+philosophorum+lapide+sententiam+adeoque+vltimae+voluntatis+suae+dispositionem+sapientia&1,1,,007862,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mynsicht, Adrian von
TITLE Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum
URL http://bibliotecaforal.bizkaia.net/search/ttexto/ttexto/-2,0,0,B/l962&FF=ttestamentum+hadrianeum+quo+suam+aureo+philosophorum+lapide+sententiam+adeoque+vltimae+voluntatis+suae+dispositionem+sapientia&1,1,,007862,-1
SITE Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1664 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Mynster, Jakob Peter (1775-1854)
TITLE Annalium Paulinorum adumbratio
URL http://www.archive.org/details/MN41481ucmf_0
SITE Internet Archive
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1845 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Mynster, Jakob Peter (1775-1854)
TITLE De ultimis annis muneris apostolici a Paulo gesti
URL https://books.google.com/books?id=tnJQAQAAMAAJ
SITE Google Books
SUBJECT Religion
NOTES Dpr of the 1815 Copenhagen edition
AUTHOR Myrepsus, Nicolaus
TITLE Nicolai Myrepsi Alexandrini medicamentorum opus... a Leonharto Fuschio professore publico è Graeco in Latinum recens conversus
URL http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-054522
SITE Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France
SUBJECT Pharmacology
NOTES Dpr of the 1549 Lyon edition
AUTHOR Myrin, Claes Gustaf
URL http://waller.ub.uu.se/object.xsql?DBID=15811
SITE Uppsala University Library
SUBJECT Biography
NOTES Dpr of Waller Manuscript Collection MS. se-02165
AUTHOR Myrsilus: see Giovanni Nanni
A - Al | Am - Az | Ba | Be - Bi | Bj - Bo | Br - Bz | Ca - Ce | Ch - Cz | D | E | F | G - Gi | Gl - Gy | Ha - He | Hi - Hy | I | J | K | L - Lh | Li - Ly | Ma | Me | Mi - My | N | O | Pa - Pi | Pl - Py | Q | Ra - Re | Rh - Rz | Sa - Se | Sf - Sz | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z | Anon. A D | Anon. E - P | Anon. Q - Z | Welcome Page